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Posts posted by Darth_Bond

  1. Some backstory; We're a small pub-side guild. 9/10 on hardmode, 7 or 8 online at most. 8 means we're working on Revan, 7 means we're running alts through SM for set bonuses. We typically 7 man these alt runs, since in our experience, pugs can be rough. Saves us some hassle, but it isn't a very neighborly attitude.


    Today we talked, and decided to try something different. One option was to charge for gear runs, and while we haven't discarded that idea, what we ultimately decided to do was this; Take a random pug, with limited or no achievements, run them through both SM ops, and get them both the achievements and a set of gear, with no strings attached. Aside from a couple DC's during Revan where we had to stall on the second floor, and then again during the machine core while our pug reconnected, everything went great. He got his achievements and gear. We got his thanks. I have no issue with those that charge for gear runs, but thats not really what we were going for here. As one of my more eloquent guildies put it,


    “Charging for a run doesn't change the status quo. Many groups do that, and all power to them. Giving someone the opportunity to clear content for the first time with a competent group without wanting something in return totally goes against how every other group operates and might just be the selfless kind of acts the endgame pve community needs to grow. Yea it's cheesy and might feel lame, but I'd rather say I'm contributing to solving the problem than sitting on my cheevos and geared toons looking down at everyone else.“


    I want to accomplish a couple of things here; First of all, I want a better community. Friendlier, more tolerant, more accepting of new players. Secondly, I want more people to experience the wonderful content we know as operations, so that Bioware sees value in expending resources to create more of this type of content.


    So here's what I want to see; If you're a story-first solo player who wants to experience operations for the first time, or a returning player with no idea what's going on with this tier, shoot me a PM, we'll see what we can do for you. On the flip side, if you're in an established guild with a group that farms SM in your sleep, and feel like you might want to give a little back, reply, and let's see if we can't hook you up with someone who needs a bit of help.


    What is your guilds name? Im a returning player, and would like to get back into the OPS scene, with no clue how to begin, i have a commando healer at 60 and a gunslinger who is almost 60

  2. Iv heard from several people that if i have to choose between a sniper or a mara, id be way better off as a sniper, mostly because rdps is the preferred option for ops dps, and melee take more dmg and sniper is king of rdps atm. Is this a myth or fact? I am a returning player.



  3. Hey guys, Commando healer,(with gunslinger dps toon almost 60) LF an active endgame guild, im a returning player to swtor, and a good healer. Ideally the guild im looking for will not raid on sundays and would start after 9:30pm EST on weekdays



  4. nope, it always happens when i get knocked back on a tanking toon, ill get knocked back...and ill just stand there, stuck floating in mid air while everything else around me is happening normal as usual, people are moving about, fighting, casting spells/heals....


    im CERTAIN its not from my end and its def not lag

  5. Is it just me or has bioware basically given up on bugs since f2p?


    some annoying ones iv been running into, this one in particular bothers me the most



    im tanking...fp..or just out in the regular world....ill get knocked back....and it will lag, and basically get me stuck in the air and it'll be as if im being knocked back while stuck in the same place, the character still behaves as though hes being knocked back....i cant use any abilities and if im tanking and this happens, i lose a cruical 3 or 4 secs when i should be building threat not stuck floating in mid air....ffs bioware fix this!

  6. I keep hearing people blaber on and on about the great low cd defensive cooldowns that sin tanks have, where are these magical cooldowns that make us viable and special? Iv only seen one, dark ward, i looked at all the spells sins get till 50, there are no more....the rest are just the same as the cooldowns jugs and vanguards get...same timers...same cooldowns....and i mean the defensive cooldowns, wither doesnt count, its just a threat generator...
  7. So i have 50s on both pub and imp...iv noticed some differences in the mindset and character of the players on both sides, and decided to post them here



    iv noticed that on imp people are more eager to do content, and they get things done more often, theyre more driven i found, iv done a lot more endgame content on my imp toons, where as on pub people are more laid back, more friendly



    on imp if you make a mistake in an op your more likely to get chewed out 'ZOMG YOU F***** YOU MESSED UP!"


    whereas on pub its not like that, theyre laid back, cool, friendly and sometimes even funnier than their imp counter parts, if you make a mistake its not a big deal, people are more than happy to explain fights....




    the problem is i discovered this a little late and i have 50s on both imp and pub...


    all my friends are on pub side....iv tried to make friends on imp side for a while now...it doesnt seem to work....



    ofcourse there is a plus side on imp, i get to do a lot more content, esp higher end content....but no friends...its all very impersonal.....




    bioware has put everything but their mother on sale in f2p....faction change would generate some serious cash for bioware, which means more content for you guys...everyone wins....(25$ a pop in wow per character)

  8. because with f2p bioware has put everything but their mothers on sale, so why not let people who switched factions faction change their toons? Its only more money for bioware, for the devs, for more content in the long run, i have a few toons on imp side, level 50 and a few on pub, 50, i like pubs more i have friends there, but i cant faction change my toons from imp over and use them, so theyre essentially a waste of space....
  9. I stopped playing for 2 weeks, i come back to find my alt altered....i could have SWORN my smuggler alt had a mustache on him...i made him look exactly like ron burgandy, heck i even named him whalesvajayjay


    i come back, AND NO MUSTACHE?!?!


    what the hell bioware

  10. nm, it was just bugged, my friends had looted it, and i couldnt loot it, but i somehow had the parts in my mission inventory...2 of the same item...weird...instead of going into my regular inventory like other parts in that legacy case..
  11. 1. Final Fantasy XI

    2. Old Eve Online (Before it became Capital Ships Online)

    3. Star Trek Online

    4. Secret World

    5. Final Fantasy XIV: Realm Reborn ... Hopefully (please don't suck)



    8. SWTOR




    Really? Star trek online?


    its pure garbage, i tried it, enjoyed it, but the exploration missions were pure garbage, only reason i stopped playing, unless your telling me that and the game changed drastically over the past...i dunno 2 years? i wont be coming back anytime soon

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