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Posts posted by Shmeg

  1. Same issue! Just got a new gaming laptop ( Asus GL753V) and game runs beautifully, except for the occasional diagonal blurry line. Glad it's not just me and glad it doesn't seem to be a hardware issue. I'll have to try out the fullscreen fix. I believe I remember having to go windowed in order to fix a resolution issue though.


    Thanks for posting this thread! It makes me feel better about the issue.

  2. I know it's not an rp server, but all of my toons, strongholds, credits are on this server. I'd rather not start all over from scratch, and it'd be a nice option for others on this server who have grown tired of endgame runs and grinding and wanna try something new.


    I've already got three people who are on board with the idea. Would anyone else be interested? We were gonna start the guild Imp side. Or if you know of any guild on Jedi Covenant that does at least some light rping, please share that info!

  3. It's not an RP server but it's where I have all my characters, content, banks, etc. So, i'm hoping someone on Jedi Covenant has an RP story based guild (not an ERP), or would be interested in starting an RP guild on that server.


    I played swtor for years, and left 6 months ago from burn out. Watched the new expansion trailer, and came back. I realized what I had loved most about swtor from the beginning was the epic story, not the end game content and grinding.

  4. Title says it all. I'm a big fan of the dance emotes in game and I would be overjoyed if we got the Elaine Benes dance from Seinfeld. I was very happy to see the chicken dances from Arrested Development in game.


    *Completely separate suggestion....more customization options. It's time to update those hairstyles (elsa braid please) and get some new scars and faces. Customization is one of the greatest things about MMOs. You can do it! I believe in you Devs!


    Thank you.

  5. Hey all! This video is about the Power Rangers of Jedi Covenant. If you're on our sever, you'll find these three awesome ppl roaming around, bringing joy to the citizens of the republic fleet :) Check out the video!


  6. This bug is buggin' me!


    Besides that, just park your jedi knight for a while guys. Try another character. I'm sure BW is trying its best to get everything fixed up. I can't imagine creating and running a huge MMO like this. As long as it doesn't take months and months, I can be patient :)

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