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Posts posted by Koalachan

  1. it's called communication...


    he's a PAYING customer...


    it is now his responsibility to check the forums now, too?


    *EDIT* that's why i'm pissed...


    i gotta wake up early everday now in oredr to just CHECK if it's time to xfer...and i want to keep my names, so in order to do that, it is a must to be overly vigilant on the forums...


    which is BS.


    the communication, yet again, is schizer.


    if you came up with original unique names, you wouldn't have to worry about losing your names. And as a paying customer to McDonald's, I don't expect them to send me an e-mail everytime their menu changes.

  2. That isn't good enough. Send me an automated email when it's time to move I don't spend my time refreshing homepages.


    But then I have to sit there and keep refreshing my e-mail. Seems like a lot of work.

  3. I don't understand that, why should I be responsible to check websites ? Why isn't it the providers responsibility to inform me ?


    They do inform you, on the website. If a product has a recall they're not going door to door to let you know, they post it on their website.

  4. Eventually they would bring in the wrecking ball and evict you just like the little old lady in the old twilight zone episode. She didn't leave and decided to delete her character instead at the suggestion of Robert Redford (death). A cool episode.


    Eventually you'll be the last person on the server and you'll finally have time to read all the books in the Sith Library.

  5. There's not enough extras at max level to keep people interested. There were/are mmos that have things to do at max level other than raid, pvp, and do dailies. Many people get tired of that quickly.


    If they make the space missions more fun and relevant I think that would be an outstanding side thing to do. I'm curious about the secret space project they've been whispering about and hope that it will be something worth the game by itself.

  6. Yes, it's obvious that they should have launched the game around April-June 2012 instead of December 2011 but I'm pretty sure that EA wanted Bioware to release the game in 2011.


    A lot of things were shown in the E3 video. Things like a new flashpoint, operation, space mission, specie (Cathar), planet (Makeb), level increase (50 to 55) and abilities.


    I think it should of been the opposite. They shouldn't of had closed beta for so long, instead actually moving it to an open beta that they would of only need a couple months for, then they could of relesed the game a couple years ago, and had more time to develop these things after release, as a few years ago people weren't demanding them at release.

  7. This is exactly the type of post I referred to last time.


    Please, do not post if you are not willing to simply think. It really creates a bad community when there are nonsensical posters running around.


    I am willing to think. I already have my entire guild organzied and waiting and ready to see if we are going to be an origin server or target server, so that as soon as we know we all do what we need to do and our only limiting factor is how fast BW can transfer us. We have our officer staff always on Mumble anyway, and our website is always monitored, so that even if someone can't log into the game we can always be reached. Sounds like your guild is FUBAR.

  8. Starter PvP gear isn't hard to get, just go buy it. Takes like one day of dailies to get enough money, which you obviously already did. Outside of that, it's all about group content and you're trying to avoid that. This isn't the game for you, go buy a single player one at Gamestop.
  9. How are we supposed to communicate who to talk to on the new server to gain entrance to the reformed guild?


    /guildchat "Who do I whisper to get invited there?"

    /replyingchat "The GM, Duh."


    Also, you don't have vent/mumble/teamspeak/anything? Bad guild.

  10. If it had only launched with these features ... I just hope the E3 video isn't all fluff.


    See, it's a catch-22. Some people left because they didn't include certain things. They didn't include those certain things because before launch people were telling them not to include them or they would leave.


    I simply view them as things not needed during launch, but it would of been nice if they were already in development so we didn't have to wait so long for certain things.

  11. It's because people still had the plague on toons after they logged in from the last mini-patch. They continued to spread the virus, as it still works as before. The players are keeping it going is all.


    Actually, you can still be infected from rakghouls in FPs and on Taris, so it's not just from people who still had it.


    However, it is still in the game because they said it would still be in the game. There is also still the vaccine in the game. It's just a part of the game. They also said (or so I keep hearing but have yet to see an actual quote) that they are considering adding a vendor on fleet for the dna.

  12. touche. I had a feeling that it was wrong when I posted that. :p


    Fair enough. I mostly remember it because of MMO-champ. Lots of talking about the QA, but they mostly focused on the whole server-transfer bit.

  13. By all means feel free to enlighten us.


    A pre-determined event, which had been (by their own admission) in development for sometime isn't a game update.


    Therefore there's has only been two, mostly subpar, game updates in five months. Meanwhile Rift (for example) has released seven major updates in one year.


    I'm pretty sure Rift determines their updates in advance too, they don't just randomly throw things on the servers and say "enjoy," but than, I don't play rift.

  14. I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


    As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



    I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


    Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


    You complain about a new Ops, Fp, and WZ as being "fluff" and that you want more content, yet 1.3 primary focus is fluff, group finder and more legacy stuff...

  15. coming in 1.3. Search is your friend


    Lovarboy: Will we get dual spec with Game Update 1.3?


    Daniel: Unfortunately, no. Game Update 1.3 is being kept a bit leaner to get the Group Finder and the next stage of Legacy in the game as fast as possible. After that we’ll be returning to some bigger updates and we’re hoping dual spec makes it for the next one.


    From Friday's QA. Search is my friend, and maybe the OP's, but apparently not yours.

  16. well.. pubs cant get any of those abilities unless they lvl up imps to the appropriate lvl


    The OP is asking why the imps legacy abilities are the classes "Iconic abilities".... and repubs get some random ability that is low lvl and lame.


    Kicking someone in the groin is pretty iconic for the smuggler.....

  17. Every pet do this. I'm used to it (CE pet), and I don't notice it anymore. It's the final part of the pet summoning animation, I suppose we summon the pet when we log in, and are "stuck" in the final animation part for some reason. A very small bug, since we can move freely.

    This, or your character is kneeling because you are just awesome, and he can't have a life without you.


    Pretty much like this guy said. It's been happening to me for so long, I thought that's how you were supposed to log in. I come in kneeling, as soon as I move I am back up on my feet.

  18. My point is that would someone want a 1% bonus to a PvP specific stat or a greater bonus to endurance, critical or power which is applicable both in PvP and in PvE? Given the rarity of these crystals it seems foolish to waste it on a bonus that is both weaker in its bonus and gives utterly no advantage in PvE compared to the others.


    There are a lot of people that only pvp. They would want the expertise crystal for sure.

    There are a lot of people that only pve. They would want the power crystal, unless they're a tank than they would probably the endurance crystal.


    There are some people that pvp and pve. They usually will have two sets of gear and would want the appropriate crystal in the appropriate gear.

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