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Posts posted by DakataTan

  1. I was referring to the eps increase and lack of healers relative to pre patch, but yes there is more movement also, the healer thing isnt so good but the other 2 are.
  2. Last night I did the new warzone, it was 4v8. Soon it was me versus 8. Kinda hard to do anything when you are stunned 8x in a row. I never quit, I didnt get any medals so I didnt recieve any comms for my effort. How is that fair to me? Is that balanced? The current system while it punishes afkers it also punish those like me that do try and dont quit.


    they do need to get on this asap, at no time should the number of players from each side exceed each other in the actual combat section of the zone. doing everything possible to ensure at least even numbers would go along way in soothing those upset with the changes i feel, as well as make sense.


    i dont advocate quitting at all, but you had perfectly acceptable grounds to bail on a complete waste of time.


    The problem is even getting 3 medals isnt easy when you are in a pug and getting steamrolled by premades all wearing BM or more.



    Pug players start off 8 v 8 against premade.

    Premades kill off a few players, so now it's 5 v 8.

    Those 3 zone back in only to face 8 players and of course die.

    The other 5 zone back in to face 8 players again and die.


    or you could of spoken in ops, gathered your team and attempted to coral the sheep onto a single target and at least got a kill shot out of it.


    if 8 cant kill 1 then yes you are ****ed, but theres always options. comming in small waves over and over is just begging to get farmed.

  3. thanks for bringing this up, its been the giant blue elephant in the room for some time now, thankfully due to your insight and bravery, its now out and can be dealt with, grab your self a beer, you earned it.



    or read the *********** forum titles. either way.

  4. man, can i just say that i respect your moral courageousness for standing up for the little guy and getting this corporate, er pvp exploit brought to light.


    to take a moral stand by your side id like to add to this truth telling.


    i almost am afraid to unleash the infernal demon that is this arcane knowledge...



    you dont have to sit still in pvp and can actually...move around and not get beaten or shot to death.



    i know, were supposed to be playing tower defence here but if you can bring your self down to that level your chances will improve.


    dont do it of course, report it.

  5. play sneaky if your having focus issues, hold back and let the fight get under way before getting involved and always have an escape route planned. mobility is insanely important now


    its alot more fast paced now than before, its a positive change imo, but does take some getting used to.

  6. why would you invest 900 comms in a weapon you will out level in a day or 2?


    save your comms, use the pve stuff and save for the next tier.



    14 is like basically a fresh character, it dont need no bells and whistles.


    this is a non issue, although i will say the price seems high, but it can be easily ignored so who cares.

  7. Same **** different game. Casuals see ppl out preform them and conclude its only because of insane time and grind investments, rather han playing efficiently with their time and achieving more.



    Casuals, u can't live with em but with out Em your market economy sinks, as does ur kill count.


    I think that all force users should be at least lvl 60 not 75 like u suggested, mainly to be fair but in the StarWars Lore the Jedi and Sith are superior over all other humans and aliens.


    but dude dont hold your breath that this will happen, i doubt they change it.


    Yeah, let's keep it real with a mere 10 level gap, gotta keep **** fair yo.

  9. 3 matches stood out last night for me, all 3 losses.


    1st: only got in for second half of void where the other side had got all the way through and we failed tO breach first door. 40 comms


    Second close new wz, lost by 8%, 62 comms.


    Third civil war, lost again closely, got 11 odd medals and high dmg, 75 comms.


    It really is possible to turn any match into profit, ppl should at least try.

  10. Most of the threads talking about this class will usually bring up our weakness at one v ones.


    Theres obviously tons of variables in these comparissons (gear, skill, group build up etc) but I dont agree with the premise.


    I find I can do good in one v ones and wanted to have a hopefully constructive thread about this part of pvp.


    so how do you find it, what do you do and obviously what spec?


    Im 29 madness 12 lightning and in mostly recruit gear with some champion pieces.


    often ill be up on the gantry above centre in huttball and end up in a 1v1 at the sides with a flanker. Or off to the side in void, near span points in civil etc.


    between ccs and dmg i can delay them in their assault and burn them down without taking too bad damage. sure there melee jumpers but again, with ccs i usually am able to get a distance and start my rotations on the move and if i cant get away then do what i can to control them untill i can distance. most death obviously happen in close when i get cut up by a melee but generally i find myself able to survive (war hero, all abilities ready jumpers aside)


    i see other sorcs just standing there trying to tank and getting whipped and its largely thanks to madness that i can keep mobile obviously. none of this is rocket science and i see people talk about the same things, but then with the negative.


    now weve obviously gotta keep it in context, even gear level and skill level, perfect world so to speak, cus obviously fully geared opponents obviously tear me a new one, but against roughly similar or slightly better i find im able to compete.


    so anyway, anyone wanna post their experiences?

  11. You are aware of the difference between a game and real life, are you? You don't punish people in a game, nit if you want them to keep playing.


    If you want everyone to bail from the game, and not just from warzones, keep ranting about punishments.


    If you want everyone to pvp, make it worth their while, win or lose.


    Analogy, look it up.


    Ok which of the following do we not agree with?


    Winners should get considerably more than losers

    People should be discouraged from quitting

    Losers should have the ability to earn rewards despite losing


    The first and last are in place, the second needs implementing.


    Rewarding only a small portion of PVP participants at the expense of a whole lot of 'normal' gamers is just killing the game intentionally.



    u mean 50%?


    There's always a winning side. It's almost like they are encouraging, wait for it, you to win. Madness!


    This ain't 2nd grade where u get a trophy for turning up.

  13. I thought they cured botters with the 3 medal or no reward rule?


    Yup we've only got half the controls we need, strict penalties should of come hand in hand with desertion penalties, everyone would of got over their newb outrage at the same time and the results would start to come through, but hey half arsed it as per usual.

  14. Do you guys seriously have to do everything exactly like how WoW did it? Even the stupid stuff? I give it a month before there's a deserter debuff implemented to cut down on people ditching a match the second it takes a down turn for their team. A deserter debuff will of course lead to massive AFKing, botting, etc. just like in WoW.


    I beg you to come up with a better solution... nah I DARE you. :D


    We need a deserter penalty and here's how to do it.


    U q up for a wz. Bio dispatches reps to each players house. The agent then allows u to enter the game. Should u quit for no good reason the rep will beat u to death, but will b able to make a judgement call on ur circumstances.


    Gives a fair way out if u have to leave, punishes quitters and gives all those recently fired at ea a job, everyone's a winner.




    Or a flat 1 hour penalty, I'm easy either way.

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