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Posts posted by Miyaka

  1. What I enjoyed:

    1. The event was a surprise. I loved having to figure out what was going on, and where. I did enjoy letting others know what I had found out, if they asked. I liked helping out other players. The end date being a mystery for a while was very nice as well.


    2. I appreciate that BioWare thinks that we as players are smart enough to figure things out on our own. I LOVE that this wasn't on a PTR for months...there was no guide out for 2 weeks before the event. It was EXCITING and interesting to feel like you are actually discovering something.


    3. The fact that dailies came out as the event went along, and everything wasn't released at once.


    4. The rewards were interesting.


    5. You could farm it. I know that's probably not the best feature in the world for some..but I loved it. I am VERY impatient. I want things NOW. Yes, I am aware that it's a bratty thing to say. But I like that I am able to control when I get something. I HATE gated content. It serves no other purpose than stretching thin content further than it should be stretched. Plus, it gives one more level of participation for those who don't really want to do the event...but like credits. They profit off impatience.


    Suggestions Going Forward:


    1. Star Wars Holidays. Not our RL holidays. That isn't very appealing, and it's over done. But I'd like to celebrate some in game holidays that would be important to the universe....or even specific planets.


    2. Perhaps involve a space chase in some kind of event? I think that would be interesting.


    3. HK-47 He needs to be in some kind of event. LOVE HIM!

  2. Sneezing on someone as a way of saying "I'm forcing you to fight me now" on a PvE server (not a PvP server) is pretty off-putting to a good portion of people, as this was something in the past they had to fix with AoEs and stealthed players causing other players to get flagged for PvP unwillingly. Also, using your own logic, because Bioware didn't come right out and say "yeah, exploding on or being exploded on by a flagged player marks you for PvP, as intended" then it's clearly not working as it should, because they have made no mention of the plague flagging other players for PvP combat.


    You were provided options to not participate. Via the vaccine or via simply running away. Exploding people are rooted in place, they can't chase you.


    If it were broken, they could have simply hot fixed it during regular down time. The fact that it was not fixed tells me...that yes...it worked as it should have.

    Again, just because you didn't like it...didn't mean it was unintended.

  3. Somehow, I knew that the event ending wouldn't stop the complaining.

    IF BioWare saw a problem...they could have addressed it at anytime while the event was live. IF there were real issues, they could have hot fixed it.

    Neither of these things happened.

    I'm sure they saw all 12 versions of this thread. I'm sure they know that a handful of people were unhappy.

    But they did not address it or fix a thing.

    Why is that?

    Because the event was working AS INTENDED.


    Just because YOU are unhappy, doesn't mean something is broken or being abused.

  4. You know, the people that are being griefed are right. We shouldn't ignore their pleas for help. They deserve better than this. How dare BW and other players effect their gameplay without their consent. I think BW should move quickly on this and solve the problem for good. I have an idea on how they can accomplish this. A Grief Free server or servers to be more accurate. They will be a PvE (Safe Mode) version. The following features will be included:


    - Single Faction only. This would completely eliminate any possible griefing from a player from the opposing faction. There will be two PvE (Safe Mode) servers for this reason. One for the imperials and one for Republic players.


    - Whisper Firewall. When a player attempts to whisper you a pop-up alert will notify you and ask if you want to accept this communication or ignore it.


    - Phase Escape. Even being on a single faction server won't keep players from stalking you and stealing kills. Phase Escape allows you to go into a different phase with a click of a button.


    - Altered State Alarm. Anytime a debuff is unwantedly applied to your character, an alarm will sound followed by a pop-up window asking whether you want to participate in this Environmental application or not.


    - Proximity Aggro Field. Pulling mobs by accident can be very frustrating and in most cases unfair. Your character will have an adjustable visible aggro field which will help you avoid these surprising encounters. And even if a mob is still pulled by accident, a pop-up window will notify you of the impending attack and give you the option to flee.


    Anyway, it's a work in progress but I think some people here will be thrilled with this type of server. The PvE servers we have right now are just too hardcore for some.


    I would also suggest....

    Grayscale Player: Some colors are simply unattractive and offensive to other players. So, at the click of a button all other player armor colors are removed, so as not to offend the player's eyes.


    Modesty Button: Some players cannot handle the slightest hint of naked flesh, either in armor or in the underclothes all characters are equipped with. This button will put all players in full body coverings, much like long johns.

  5. I'll be glad when the 24th hits. Last night my wife and I were playing on Tatooine where our next story quests were and were literally chased around Anchorhead after getting off our ships by three people trying to infect our characters because they were screaming in general TWO NON INFECTED WITHOUT VACCINE and the only recourse we had was to find the cantina and log. I absolutely love a game that encourages griefing of this level on a pve server. :rolleyes:


    I truly hope the next time they do a world event it has absolutely no mechanism that encourages griefing and having your character be affected by something you choose not to participate in.




    1. You can't be mounted and explode.

    2. You can't be moving and explode. It is literally impossible. You are rooted in place a few seconds beforehand.

    3. They can't have possibly known you didn't have vaccines in your bag, even if you had no buff.

  6. I'll start jotting down the names of everyone on fleet. Clearly they must all have been exposed to the Rakghoul virus. My, my.. the Dark Council would be downright pleased to hear of this measure.


    Make sure you get every single person who is infected on the fleet. Also, take screenshots to show their infection. This is clearly a huge problem that is mentally damaging people.

  7. Perhaps, but if I can react quickly enough, I plan to Report it on mine, and encourage others to do so with attached docs.


    Constantly reporting anyone who is involved in the event...even with screenshots of their supposed infraction can get you in trouble. You're wasting CSR time and resources when those reps could be helping people with actual issues or dealing with real infractions.


    BioWare has clearly had more than enough time to change their stance on this event or clarify what people should and should not be doing.

    They have not, because it is functioning as intended.


    Simply because you are insistent that there is a problem, does not make it so.

  8. I think the issue with horizontal expansion is that you can easily fall into serious ruts. And honestly, it's nice to have a reason to log into a high level character...IF you don't raid. It's nice to feel like your high level characters are getting more powerful, and getting into something harder.

    Take a look at City of Heroes.

    I played that for years. So far as I know they haven't raised the level cap, or if they have,...it's only been very recently.

    It's stale.

    I played a while recently with a new release and it's the same content I had done for years. Go into sewer...find things, kill them. Go into building, go through burnt out office, kill things.

    The new areas are nice, the new graphics are lovely.

    But it's the same old same old.


    While I AM all for new content as far as story goes and expanding some what horizontally, I think leaving the level cap alone is a mistake.

  9. Have you not read my posts? Please please please, go back and reread where I and some others have offered changes that would alleviate this sort of problem. The easiest of which that would also keep people from hording them would be to make them an exclusive item that you can only get one of. But it's not like Ive said that about 5 or 6 times already if not more.


    And this goes right back to what I said in my previous posting that people either are incapable of reading the entire post or refuse to read it. They see one thing and pay 0 attention to anything else in it. Thank you for proving my point on that.


    Sorry..I should have been more clear.

    What do you want BioWare to do about it...that will have one iota of impact?



    All the suggestions won't solve the problem.

    Randomizing the spawn timer won't work. People will just be camping longer.

    Making it BOP won't fix it. People will still be there just to take it away form someone else or to get it for themselves.


    This is simply the nature of a rare spawn world item. It is what it is.

    Other people want it just as you do, why are you more entitled to it?

  10. "Easy" fix. Anti-camp code.


    1. Spawn timer altered to randomly between 2 and 4 hours.

    2. Once the timer counts down, if there is somebody within 20 meters or line of site of it the timer will reset without it popping.

    3. Otherwise it will pop the next time somebody comes between 80 and 100 meters of it.


    No more camping. Swing by and check if it's up. If it's not? go do something else. Standing around will only prevent it. And just popping in from time to time in the spot will fail the "80-100" check and it won't pop then either.


    And do you know what will happen then?

    People will park themselves there with the sole intent of making it so the egg will NEVER pop.

    So then what?

  11. So, if they had another event where Imps where attacking the Pub fleet and visa versa, you'd be against that as well?


    Some people will perpetually see themselves as victims in any situation. Regardless of what BioWare does or does not do in the future, they will find a way to be the victim. Nothing is ever in their control, nor is it their responsibility to fix it. It's someone else's job to make it all right.

    It's just in some people's nature to do so.

    I think if nothing else...this thread proves it. Regardless of all possible solutions and explanations...some folks are sincerely dead set that they world is out to get them...and that someone owes them for their perceived hardships.


    So technically BW encouraged a violation of their own rules by putting this game mechanic in the game. :eek:




    Mechanics are NOT being misused. They are being used exactly as intended. It isn't harassment or griefing or anything other playing the game as BioWare intended.

    If the Fleet were truly a "safe zone" then there would be no way for players to get there while infected. The quest to infect people would only be valid on Tattooine.

    IF the mechanics were not working as intended...they would have hot fixed it....or made a statement in favor of what you few are going on about.


    They haven't "fixed" anything....because nothing is broken and nothing is being misused. Simply because you dislike something, doesn't make you a victim of some evil conspiracy to disrupt your game play.

    You just don't like it.

    And that's fine. You don't have to like it.

    But making statements that BioWare is encouraging griefing or harassment is stupendously silly.

  13. It would make it less likely, but not stop it. There would still be people doing it just for the sake of griefing others. The only way to "stop" it would be to make it exclusive, IE only able to aquire it once per character. That is the only way to truly alleviate the problem.


    That still wouldn't stop it.

    People would still be there camping it for themselves....or annoying others simply for the sake of being annoying without ever wanting or clicking on an egg.


    (The rest of this post is not directed at you personally...more at those complaining in general. And I am using YOU in the general term)


    Changing the spawn timer won't fix it, making it BOP won't fix it. Making it so only one character can ever click the egg won't fix it.

    Let's be really honest, some people are jerks. And some people want it for themselves with no jerk type motivation. Some people want to sell the egg, still doesn't make them jerks.

    World spawn items are always going to be desirable, and will always be competed over. One person (or more) will lose, one person will win. Simply because you are on the losing side doesn't mean the system is broken or "unfair".

    If someone is botting, please report them. It will make all of our lives much simpler.


    And camping it to make money is no less valid than camping it to collect. Just because one person wants it more...doesn't mean that egg if theirs by right.


    Just because you've been there camping it, doesn't mean it's yours. Is it frustrating when someone is rude? Sure. But they never took anything from you. They were just faster or heck..they even cheated. But until it's in your inventory...that egg isn't yours.

  14. Really wish jerky wasnt so hard to come by... :-( i did ALL my searching without it. I think there is like only one other person on my server looking for the tauntaun.


    I hear ya. I can't find anyone to make the dang stuff. Such is life though.

    Maybe I can tempt people into helping me kill something to get it.

  15. I'm not sure the idea of random has been fully understood in this thread.


    Penguin Zebra House!

    That's random. <3


    But...to the point of the thread....

    RNG is what keeps you participating in the event and keeps you spending tokens.

    It is what it is.

    Just because you don't get what you want, exactly when you want it....doesn't mean something has gone wrong. :)

  16. The hype will die down and they will be easier to get.


    Honestly, it's always been this way with rare items. If you want it, you have to really want to put in the time to get it. And Yes, deal with people who want it to sell. And there is nothing wrong with that, if it can be sold, people will make a buck off of it. Just because you want to use it for yourself, doesn't make that egg rightfully yours. Just because YOU are the collector doesn't mean you have the rights because you want it more. And Yes, I am a collector. I had nearly 190 pets in WoW before I quit. I know this hobby far too well.


    And it doesn't matter if they make it unique, BOP or whatever to stop people from selling it.

    People will still camp it, either for themselves or just to be jerks. That is the nature of people.


    So, you can either roll with it and try harder....or give up and demand that it be changed to meet your needs.

    If they are using a macro, you use a macro. If they spawning right before the egg, you stand there first.

    If you want to win, you have to play harder than they do.

  17. Making the vaccine free would still allow people to participate. Or are you suggesting that they want some people to participate, even if those people don't want to participate?


    Nope. Not at all what I am saying.

    I am saying by attaching a cost to the vaccine, it makes people consider if they want to participate or not.

    A free vaccine on every corner, and a "world event" that is limited to one zone, makes it seem like the devs don't want people to participate. Throwing free cures around in everyone's face makes them believe that the event isn't worth participating in, if they are so eager for everyone to get an unlimited free cure that lasts the entire duration of the event.


    It's like advertising a free meal.....and 4 people hand you tums and immodium before you get to the table. What would your impression be?

  18. they're cheaper than security guard death benefits.


    Not really.

    A one time minimal pay out for a death, versus research, development, testing, distribution and payment to every single employee involved in all steps of the process.

    Not to mention...if the strain mutates...you're back to square one.

  19. I'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE - to present an argument for why the vaccine shouldn't be free, beyond "I don't care so you shouldn't either".


    Because Governments, manufacturing companies, and free agents WOULD be doing everything in their power to make sure that they make a buck off this disease. That's why.

    Cures aren't cheap.

  20. So the fact the players stood there in general laughing and making comments about "another newb dead" about my dying does not lead itself to conclude they were griefing? Classic.


    The fact there is a quest to infect others is horrible and extremely lazy and ignorant programming. Having others players run around griefing others to complete a quest does not change the fact it is anything other than griefing. I was harassed and griefed and apparently so have quite a few other players.


    Debasing the programmers doesn't lend any credence to your imagined insult. Programming, even simple things, is not work for the lazy or the ignorant.

    And it's not the programmers who make up the quests. It's the developers who plan out events/quests. At least insult the right group of people, since you seem to be dead set that throwing around insults is the way to make your point and instill the change you want to see.


    You can keep calling it griefing if you like. It still does not make it so. You can insist you are a victim and insist it is so, and yet that still does not make it true.

    Those players (who I very much doubt said a word), were using the game mechanics as intended to do what the quest said they should do. Simply because they used "mean words" doesn't mean they are griefing you. They were enjoying the event.


    And why would they say anything after exploding? It's not like they could have possibly known that YOU would not want to be a part of the event. It's not like they could have known that you would have taken offense to the point that you are now here on the forums claiming to be a victim of harassment and griefing.

    I have yet to see anyone....a single person, say anything remotely close to what you claim was said.

  21. Let's recap:


    I am doing nothing to anyone except standing in a public area in a safe area.


    Other plays run up to grief myself and others and take advantage of the fact that with AH windows open you can't really see anything around you.


    I die as a result of their griefing and seflishness.


    Sounds like a clear cut case of griefing trying to hide in game mechanics to me.


    We can keep recapping, if you like.

    And I'll repeat....

    There is a quest to infect others.

    10 other people to be exact. You died because you didn't get a vaccine.


    They are NOT misusing in game mechanics. They are doing exactly what the quest tells them to do. A quest designed and implemented to be used exactly in the manner you described.

    You may not like it, but it isn't griefing or a misuse of mechanics.

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