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Posts posted by Koolthulu

  1. I've never liked the idea of perma-stealth classes in any game, and I'm glad to see more games moving away from it. When I was leveling my assassin I never even had the ability on my bars. And I never had a situation where I really felt like I needed it. Why sneak past mobs when all it does is cost me XP/loot?
  2. Funny how what people call "Traditional Jedi Robes" are almost exactly the same as the clothes moisture farmers on Tatooine wear...



    ...and what Jedi hiding on Tatooine wear to blend in and not be recognized as being Jedi.


    Blame Lucas for that bit of brilliance. I always imagined the Jedi wearing something more like Luke's RotJ outfit to a fight, instead of the bathrobes.

  3. The KotOR fans most likely translate into fans of the story when playing this game, the story in this game is so spread apart by filler questlines that it becomes hard to enjoy the momentum of the story, at least I find it this way.


    "Quick you must stop the evil bad guy from destroying the planet! But first could you go pick up my dry cleaning and get some beers from the store?" Yeah, the side quests really do kill the story flow.


    Personally, if someone does make another SW RPG, I hope it is set way in the future. Set it a couple hundred years past the Legacy comics or something.

  4. It's boring. There's virtually zero sense of achievement to be gained from a Cartel Market purchase. Personally, I'll be grinding my way to Legacy Level 40 (I'm a meager 10) and one million credits requirement, not because I don't have the disposable income to buy her, but simply because it's more FUN!


    Then don't buy from the market. How does someone spending real money to get something make your game less fun? And guess what, your definition of fun may not be the same as someone else. So just stop worrying about what other people are doing and keep playing the game your way.


    And people please stop with the "Everyone is going to unsub" thing. First off, they aren't. And second, if BW was making that much off subs, they never would have went F2P in the first place. Subs are a drop in the bucket to what the market is making.


    Oh and can we please stop using the words "achievement" and "accomplishment" when talking about video games?

  5. One thing I really hate about the LS/DS choices, is that it is always a DS choice to make someone actually do their job. How is it a LS choice to let soldiers desert and leave their base undermanned so that their fellow soldiers have to work harder and are more vulnerable to attack? Or, "Oh no, don't send the elite highly decorated commando unit into the base, I'll go alone instead. You guys just stay here and play cards or something." Or, "Oh I know I'm supposed to be training you guys to defend yourselves, your families and your homes, but one of you may get a splinter during this fight. So you guys just sit here and I'll go alone." I know the player is supposed to be the "HERO" but some of the quests get a bit ridiculous. When I play a Republic character I really start to feel like they deserve to lose.


    Anyway, I stopped worrying about LS/DS after my first character. When I make a new character I come up with a basic idea of how they are going to act and that is what determines the choices I make.

  6. Idk, maybe a nice new legacy weapon, say a choice of them , a new pet, some more subscriber exclusive convenience rewards...many many things...


    And here come the people who don't realize there are other people who have different opinions, who may want something other than 500 cartel coins. Its very very difficult for people in this thread to grasp that concept.


    We grasp that concept. BW couldn't do any single thing that would have pleased everyone. This was probably the best compromise.


    When I make a new character the first thing I do is go to the mailbox and delete all the pets, fireworks and other items I have no use for. I appreciate BW giving them to me, but I have absolutely no use for them. For me at least, the coins can go toward something I will actually get some use out of.

  7. I've always been amazed that none of the F2P games I've played offered this. Does anyone know of one that does? Considering that there has always been a market for paid power leveling services, I would think companies would want that money for themselves.


    I'm the opposite though, I love leveling more than playing the same couple of instances over and over and over at cap. I'd pay for slower leveling.

  8. Your CPU is fine. As others have said it is about the best gaming CPU for the money. Play around with your driver settings. I was getting horrible fps with the Nvidia default settings. Here is a good place to start:




    I'm running with these settings plus 4x AA (set in drivers, not in game) and I get a pretty consistent 60fps (except on fleet with a lot of other players around).

  9. i suppose if you always had everything just handed to you, you probably don't understand what it's like to actually win something after you've worked hard and put in a lot of effort. there is a sense of pride and accomplishment that is typically worth the effort. bioware is making every goal in this game something that can be bought in the cartel market, perhaps with the exception of level 75 armor, mods, and enhancements, and thus turning the cartel market into a trophy shop instead of a cosmetic shop.


    Posting in a thread about playing video games being an "accomplishment". Man I wish I had thought of this stuff when my mom would get mad at me for spending so much time and money playing Pac-Man at the arcade.

  10. Level a new character (or at the very least get your other characters to 55). Just do the class story and enough planet quests to keep you at the required level. Can easily be done in about a month of light playing and should give you well over 10 legacy levels.
  11. also interested in when we are going to get the free name change....


    not sure what is so hard about mailing a bind on pickup name change item to every subscribed character; similar things have been done with expansion bonus items.


    They aren't doing it for each character though. They are only giving out one rename per account. Which wouldn't be a big deal if you could only have characters on one server. Just send a Bind on Legacy rename to one character and then you could mail it to whichever one you wanted to rename. But what about people with characters across multiple servers?


    Personally, I think just giving each sub 1K CC is the best way to go right now.


    And why is everyone getting so worked up about it anyway? It's a safe bet that the first 10 names you want are taken. If they had done a name purge on older inactive characters, then it might be something to get excited about.

  12. I have ran one character from each side through the story and to me it was one of the better planet stories on either side. But the lack of class story and the huge amount of enemies grouped close together really make me not want to go through it again on my other characters.


    Still for the price and all the other features it adds, I'm satisfied with the expansion.

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