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Posts posted by TREPE

  1. "(Really EA)" Only a novice with zero experience with BioWare would ever say that. EA has treated BioWare as its own video game studio and just accepting the $$$ that come their way. Much the way they did with Mythic, however very much the opposite of Mythic, BioWare has excelled with their products after the merger.


    Nevertheless, it is ignorant and childish to expect BioWare to ignore a potential lucrative deal, whether it is adding Niko Okarr to the Cartel Market or any other idea. I want them to make as much money as possible because it keeps EA happy and BioWare is better able to make ever better and more video games.


    See with more profit, they can hire more employees to speed up production or begin on a new project. Unlike governments, private companies base their decisions on money that is actually in their bank accounts instead of what "may happen with the product".


    The devs and producers are the ones "responsible" for SW:TOR. Tentatively trusting them to decide what to do with Nico Okarr, ok with am I. Maybe instead they will just keep him as a reward for future events as well.?. I think that may be the best of both worlds. Nico Okarr is current in their story, unlike HK and Treek who are either from KotOR or reminiscent of the original trilogies.


    More precisely, I would expect them to add a Gungan, Eridani, or Mira Luka companion to the Cartel Market before adding someone in the current story. It would be as if they offered Satele Shan as a romance-able companion on the Cartel Market. Versus keeping them as a reward they may add for specific unique actions in future galactic events they hold.


    As far as Mythic is concerned, they had been bought by EA with much the same understanding. The only reason that changed is because of how very much Mythic failed to deliver. It is also silly to expect EA to not do something to fix it.


    That said, E.A. has many Studios that make video games; they get a very much undeserved bad rep because of the failures any unique Studio under their umbrella. People erroneously think parent companies by default micromanage studios and companies in general, that they own.


    The only time EA probably visits BioWare offices is when there is a new money deal to be made such as beginning peliminary production of a new game. Such as Dragon Age 5, which probably will occur just before or just after DA IV is released... maybe before given that the franchise has been so lucrative. But a for a bran new franchise?


    Considering just how many HK's and Treeks i see on the fleet, every single day - to NOT put a companion as iconic to this game as one that appeared in the opening cinematic... that companion is a solid cash cow if ever i saw one.


    For Bioware (really EA) to NOT cash in on that... considering their track record and history... i would bet real money that he does end up on the Cartel Market at some point. Whether it is 6 weeks or 6 months later, it would be foolish to not cash in on a guaranteed seller.

  2. Some of what the OP wrote is exactly what I have been waiting for, I mean that literally. I have been keeping my subscription going for over a year now because I abundantly 'want' BioWare to add 1-50 content and most of all advance each planet's story. I am sure it is difficult... and that is what they are being paid for, to do what is difficult.


    Their answer seems to be to give the opportunity to advance a character just through their class missions. How anyone else responds is beyond me, however I myself will take a pass if BioWare persists with that being their answer.


    The developers said they wanted this game to be a "Story Book MMO" and they are failing with their 'expansions' at the moment. When an author writes a new book in a series, their fictional world 'changes'.


    I find it sad when Blizzard is doing a better job with helping me choose to be happy with Warcraft; than BioWare is with The Old Republic. It's as if all their content makers abandoned TOR to go make a new Dragon Age and Mass Effect game. While I am happy about the new games, it kinda leaves TOR in the lurch.

  3. Yes, a sith character being able to romance Satele would be all kinds of awesome.

    I think it's kinda funny that people seem to be answering as if THEY PERSONALLY would romance Satele Shan, and not their characters.


    My Jedi Knight wouldn't romance her as he's more of a paragon of the Lightside. He even refused Kira at first, but she won him over. He's certainly a one-relationship sort of character.


    But my Sith Warrior would romance her even though she's a Master of the Lightside. He believes in the passion and emotional side of love and lust, and has romanced every NPC he's come across.

  4. "•A brand new title “Revan’s Heir” coming to the Cartel Market for only 24 hours at the low price of 10 Cartel Coins! (July 15 2AM CT to July 16 2AM CT)"
    Mesa thinks you misunderstand how many generations can pass in THREE CENTURIES or more. Also how many children is normal for a family... more than what the lame stream media claims it is. So by this time there'd be a lot more than a thousand or some 'heirs' of Revan's blood.
  5. I have a trooper and I am in my ship looking at the cargo locker. There are a couple pictures on it.


    So I had an idea that I believe will be awesome; That is having pictures/postcards from people we have helped on planet, class, and side missions.


    For instance, the stripper in the Old Galactic Market of Coruscant and her ex-boyfriend. Depending on your choices you could get a couple of different pictures to slap up on the locker. and/or around the ship.

  6. I this problem with my Republic Trooper cybertech, Aniel'Mac'Tir, on Begeren Colony server. That is being unable to reverse engineer any grenade.

    As far as I am aware grenades aren't REable. Instead you get get V2 and V3 versions of the grenades as you level up. The V3 (from memory) are the Purple versions and are reusable. You definitely get these at 400, but I cant recall the level you get the Blue V2 ones. I believe they are staggered through the 300's ??
    the schematics of new 'versions' fails to even relate to the issue. That is like saying Biochems are unable to reverse engineer their 'stim packs' because they get a 'new version' fifty skill points later.


    The game itself suggests that Cyber-techs CAN reverse engineer grenades; Until trying to actually do it. So it would be awesome for BioWare actually enables this, otherwise it's just an intentional perpetuated falsehood.

  7. The Character Perk that gives our others in our toon-family HK-51 explicitly states that his equipment is supposed to scale to that toon's level. However, this fails to happen. He gets his starter lvl 50 armor which is great unless the toon is lower level. I submitted a ticket regarding this and a customer service guy 'Matthias':

    I do understand the issue caused by such a situation, this is why I have fully investigated the error you reported. I can confirm that in fact this is not a bug, and is working as designed. Therefore I would like to apologize for the confusion caused by this game mechanic.


    HK-51's gear is a level 50 gear, and as such you will unfortunately have to equip this companion as you have done with the others until you reach level 50. Once level 50 you will be able to give him back his level 50 gear.

    Therefore I suggest that the Character Perk's tooltip remove the blatantly false promise. As it is, customers are failing to receive what they are purchasing.
  8. All Hail HK! I love how hard he is in the Foundry... he's worse than Revan.

    Guess I'm alone in thinking that it's a waste of time to make such a video only to preview a single companion.

    I was more hoping for a preview of a lot more new features if they were going to make a vid like this, oh well.


    Disappointed, sadly.

    I am in agreement with your initial guess.
    who cares, I would rather see the game fixed......
    I care.
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