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Posts posted by mitchsts

  1. I have to agree.


    The lack of story/returning companions and trying to grind 3 more characters to 300 gc for the 100% bonus is why I don't play as often as I used to :(

    im also starting to burn out. i cant believe bioware is making the same mistake soe did with swg, being stubborn about their stupid ideas and forcing people to deal with it until its too late and everyone quits. what a shame.
  2. the reaction to the gear grind is the same reaction my friends had when they found out about it, for the few i got to come back and try the game again. i had to not tell them about how bad the grind was or they probably wouldn't have tried, when they found out how bad it really is, it was part of the reason why none of them are still around.


    i feel like if you have to leave out major parts of a game just so it doesn't sound bad when your talking people into trying it, something is wrong.

  3. Glad you are posting this in PVP forum as PVP was the reason they got nerfed and it was obvious they needed the nerf, mainly when you compare the spec performance with other nerfs to specs.
    sins were the last ones that needed a nerf. whenever im on a healer i never worry about a sin, i can completely ignore almost all of them. i don't remember the last time i was killed by one. after the nerf i don't know why anyone would ever go into another warzone on a sin.
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