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Posts posted by Caldric

  1. Now the fanboys who will be playing with themselves in a few days come in. Hell Ilum had 5 people on.


    Guess what we did. The Imp blew it up I repaired, I blew his **** up he repaired and we finished the missions in as small a time as possible.

  2. I am asking each of you to take a step back from this game. Take a moment to accurately and critically examine this game. From either a PVE standpoint or PVP standpoint.


    Ask yourself why are you still playing? Is the reason you have nothing better to do? Is the reason there are no other games out? These are not good reasons to pay to play this game.


    In my humble opinion, which carries no true significance, as a whole this game is completely underwhelming for a MMO. It is clear to me, and many others, that this game is a single player game with a small sprinkling of multiplayer content.


    As a player I have played for 1 month, since its release. I have leveled 2 50's. Overall the game is pathetic. Even the single player experience is pretty bad given most of the quest are absurd grind fest. I really tried to enjoy it...


    PVE Raiding is boring and dull. The raids (Normal/Hardmode) are easy and can be done in level 1 PVP gear thus removing the need to do hardmode flashpoints whatsoever. The content is pathetic only offering different difficulties rather than options.


    PVP is a train wreck. The list could go on and on, literally the worst pvp content in any MMO to date. Troll all you want, the lack of responsiveness, the lack of content, the lackluster attitude about fixing problems is indisputable. Random pvp gear rewards where you can literally get the same token 6 times in a row...enough said.


    Yet for many of you, your subscription is still up. The only way to get the changes/game we deserve is to stand together as one voice. Not criticizing each other as "fan boys" or "trolls" but to hit them where it makes a difference, in their wallet. Everyone should end their subscriptions to show Bioware/EA that we as a community of players are not going to settle for this half-*** game.


    For comparison's sake, it is also my opinion that this game is not better than WoW overall. This is due in large part to Bioware's deliberate choice not implement the innovations that made players love WoW for years and years. The suggestions that players made which were implemented into WoW should have been the first things implemented into this game. For example: dual spec, rated Bg's, etc.


    This is my call to action. End your subscriptions, do not reward Bioware for this travesty.


    They don't get it they want something to be what it is not. The game is busted.

  3. To build on this, every game I have ever played bar some indie titles that everyone loves, has overwhelming negativity on it's forums. Because there will always be negatives and these will be picked and plucked to death, often in a passive aggressive or openly trollish manner.


    No this game is bad. 7 prople I know who bought it don't play any more and that has been for over a week or more. The silent majority just accept they got ripped off and leave. Some of us stay around to say so.

  4. Have to agree. I expect all major game systems are going to be completely overhauled...gear, crafting, operations,class balance...etc. I think most systems were underdeveloped, underpolished, and undertested.


    Yep and at that point most people have moved on unfortunately they will give a finished game in a year and realize management sucks and should have thought about 5 year plan instead of 1 month plan.

  5. This game has many problems.


    1. Balance, force users and endless CC makes the game suck, especially fighting against the Imps. They have way too much power. Totally unbalanced game play.


    2. 2 factions don't work.


    3. The game is a single player MMO with online interaction not sure why I even need to log on.


    4. All missions are the same from 1 to 50


    5. Faction balance is wrong, mirrors do not work, a good idea in someone's mind but when they made 3 different classes FOTM and **** warzones they didn't look beyond their nose with any kind of intelligence.



    6. Balance balance balance, you failed at balance. You made the game suck for 30% of your players named Republic.


    Look at your "matrix" as you call them and tell anyone with honesty you didn't fail with balance. Half the time at level 50 I can't even get out of the spawn on Voidstar.


    Your game is broken, low beta game and retarded. I am sick of it as much as I tried to love it, it just sucks.


    Delete this one too. Doesn't matter what I say this game is doomed and if you didn't notice the dead servers yet you will soon. That is our payback for ripping us off.

  6. L50 Valor Rank 44 Sentinel here, loving it. You're doing it wrong... and your pic is of an imperial implying you're complaining about... yourself?


    Well my pick of an imperial is so *********** important right? Really? I picked whatever the hell was there what does that have to do with anything? No way was I playing bounty hunter with 1 million kids.

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