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Posts posted by Ginnai

  1. I know I'm bumping an old thread here, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew that I'm still around and still working on the parser (when I have the time). I appreciate all of the feedback that I get and I do my best to respond and discuss future options and capabilities. On that note, I know it's been over a month since my last update and I wanted to let everyone know that I pushed out a new version today. Version includes a human readable live combat log for those who want to be able to examine the details of their combat quickly and easily while playing.


    As always, my latest release notes are on my web site for those who are curious. I also wanted to say thank you again to all of the MOX parser users out there and I hope that the tool is still serving its purpose.

  2. We've been using this parser for a little over a week now, and I'm curious as to why people being too far away are not counted in the parse. If it's reading the combat log and then syncing them then why does for example:


    On the Toth and Zorn fight, only one of our groups dps is showing up in the parse. I cant see anything from the group on the other mob.


    Shouldn't distance and even zone you're in be irrelevant?


    Are you all synced to the same raid key? Are you all running the latest version of the parser? Proximity should have no effect on the tool. However, you do need to be in combat to see numbers. For example, if you're hanging around outside the instance and people are fighting inside, you won't see their numbers. It could be other general network problems as well (which would be tougher to diagnose). The people who aren't showing up, are they getting updates and seeing the same numbers as everyone else?

  3. YES.


    The popout window alone takes up 10% of processor according to my task manager. It's rediculous.


    Are you guys using the latest version of the parser? There were some pretty significant performance issues that I addressed in version That being said, the parser is relatively processor intensive so its not surprising if its taking up small chunk of your CPU power while its active. I've contemplated some other performance improvements, but haven't made any yet. I know there is still some room for improvement there though. Either way, it shouldn't be so bad that its causing your game to run poorly, that is certainly not the average user experience.

  4. I noticed this thread in dev tracker and just wanted to clarify a couple of things.


    1) MOX Parser is not doing anything malicious and it is not doing anything to violate SWTOR's terms of service. It is purely accessing a text file, it just happens to be a text file created by the game.


    2) There are several thousand people using MOX Parser everyday and I'm pretty sure you would hear a lot of complaining if Bioware started banning that many people everyday for it.


    3) If for some reason you were banned in error, unfortunately all you can do is attempt to go through customer service (as previously mentioned in this thread). If anyone really was banned for the reason of using MOX Parser and you can provide a ticket from a CSR as to why, please send it to my email (on the web site). If it's anything I can help with, I will try.

  5. I've been comparing a lot of fights to ACT and I'm getting very different results. Here's an example:


    raid key: v_r_19169

    I put the log into ACT for the fights...



    To be honest, the numbers I was getting by doing the calculations manually are closer to the ACT meters numbers than yours. Would you like me to upload the log for you to check out, or is this a known issue?


    So, there are definitely slight differences in the duration. On the Bonethrasher fight, for example, its a difference of 6 seconds. There's a couple possibilities for this discrepency:


    1) Right now, I'm using the raid leader's duration to calculate those DPS figures on the web site. If for some reason, your leader's state was off (his character was dead, he was lagging, etc.) then you can see slight differences from the duration in your log.


    2) They are calculating the end of combat differently than I am. If there is some residual damage at the end of the fight, I may be adding that into the total duration (a lingering DOT for example). Exiting combat can be inconsistant across 4/8/16 players.


    Those things being said, there are some things I could attempt to do to fix this. I could try averaging the duration across multiple people to maybe get it more accurate. Or I could not add to the duration when dealing/receiving damage after combat is completed (this is possible, but I don't know if that's what is going on here). In general, the dps I'm showing is meant to be a relative comparison (within that fight), but I understand it has value if it can be accurately compared between fights. I'm definitely keeping this stuff in mind for now though.

  6. After yesterday's test the Cloaking Screen bug is still not fixed it seems.

    At the last boss in Denova, and all the other bosses, when using Cloaking screen as a Operative, your dmg gets reset to 0, since you briefly leave combat.


    Is there any way to get an update on this?


    Could you please email me your log and I will take a look at it? This issue is a pain and I really want it fixed.

  7. Don't you think if BW was banning accounts for using a particular parsing program that violated the EULA, BW would remove the thread that provided a link to download that program?

    ^ This


    I'm being very careful not to do anything that would violate any of the games terms and this is the first I've heard of this "incident". If for some reason this really is true, please tell this person to feel free to give me the exact details of what my program violated.

  8. I wish that there was a drop down list for previous combats for the whole raid.

    When you kill Z&T the other guy comes out, and it wipes it clean. Unless you're watching specifically at that moment, you don't see the raid wide meters.


    I agree this can be frustrating and happens because you're taken briefly out of combat between Z&T and the handler. Due to the nature of how the raid data is compiled, I don't plan on having a dropdown in the tool for past raid fights, that is the purpose of the web site. I know the archived fights on the site have had a lot of issues, but I've been working a lot on it and we ran an 8 man raid last night and for the first time it actually recorded every pull correctly for the whole night. So, I'm finally starting to feel better about this. (I'm sure its not perfect though)

  9. I'm sorry to hear that people are having problems with anti-virus applications. I assure you there is nothing malicious in my application. I've ran my files through the scanner at https://www.virustotal.com/ and nothing is being flagged by any of the vendors on there. If you wish to continue using the tool, there should be a way to mark the files as safe to prevent them from being quarantined and allow them to run. There are 2 executables that are involved. The first is RunParser.exe that you get from downloading the zip file off of my site. When RunParser.exe runs for the first time, one of the files it will download is MOXDesktopParser.exe. Both of these should be marked as safe if you are having problems. I apologize to those who are having problems and I wish I knew why my files are being flagged.
  10. I was curious what the version update included. I noticed I saw no version history for it ^^.


    Sorry I didn't post an item for it (I did now on the site), but was a quick follow up fix to the overflow crash bug.


    Also, I just pushed out which has a fair amount of changes and new things. Here's a summary of the changes:


    • Added a new tab for damage absorbed (under the personal tab)

    • Added mitigation data to the personal damage taken section (hits, misses, dodges, etc.)

    • Added another fix for in-combat revives

    • Added scroll bars to the main client panes

    • Fixed a bug that could cause the entire application to freeze

    • Improved the performance of the client

    • Improved the rendering of the client (and pop outs)


    Note: Damage absorbed and mitigation data will not been seen on the web archive yet (still working on this).

  11. How to parse for Overhealing: ...


    I appreciate you posting this and I am aware of this. In most cases it could be decently accurate, but certainly not in all. Tracking modifications to threat can be difficult (or impossible). For example, the threat reduction from talents. I have no way of seeing this and it is different on each class and there's the possilbity that you didn't put any points into it at all. Other threat reducing things can be tracked (although it may be more difficult). For example, being shielded by a tank. These are other modifiers that I would have to track and even then, it may not be completely accurate.


    Personally, I would rather its just added to the logging so that there is no question about it. I know its an important stat to healers, but if its going to be very time consuming to implement and not necessarily accurate, I am not inclined to work on it. There are other issues that could be more easily tackled that will provide value. If anything, you should petition Bioware to add it properly to the logs (along with healing from shields). Healing is probably the most poorly logged statistic in general right now.

  12. Thanks for this everyone works well its great however since yesterday I've had one problem with it.

    When the fight is finished, say last boss of a fp or ops for example, the meter will keep running like I'm still in combat and the dps will keep dropping and dropping to random amounts like 343.

    Anyone else getting this?


    This will hopefully be less of a problem with the latest version, the last item was related to that:


    "Made an adjustment to how end time and duration are calculated on failed attempts ("wipes")"


    Also, for now i have been counting time while dead since I am tracking total time of the encounter (in the event of being revived mid-fight). I could attempt to track time alive more accurately, but that could produce other bad results. For example, I apply a bunch of DOTs and die, I will be dealing damage, but not alive. For these reasons, I'm not a big fan of DPS, its a very point-in-time type of statistic. I've considering re-writing my calculated DPS to be more variable and not just an average for the entire duration of a fight. Both can provide different insights. For now, I hope that sheds some light on the subject.



    Also, on an different note, I had a fix failed scenario with the bad int32 crash during my deeper testing. I fixed it and pushed another update this evening ( I apologize to anyone on that is still getting that problem.

  13. Thanks again to everyone for the feedback, suggestions, bug reports, etc. I know there are a lot of feature requests/improvements out there and I want to get to them, but stabilizing the tool and my infrastructure are top priorities. With the said, I feel like things are working rather well at this point. I just rolled out a new version today (v Here's a summary of the latest changes:


    • Fixed a crash involving the raid healing popout

    • Fixed the overflow/bad Int32 crash

    • Fixed a parsing error involving incomplete time stamps

    • Jedi Shadows should no longer have their stats reset when using Force Cloak during combat

    • Made a fix to in combat revives

    • Made an adjustment to how end time and duration are calculated on failed attempts ("wipes")


    Known Issues:

    • Scoundrels are still having their stats reset when vanishing during combat, I need one to please send me an email with a sample scoundrel log so I can get this taken care of



    Like I said earlier in the post, I feel like things are getting much more stable/accurate. There are some specific things I'd like people to keep an eye on:


    Vanishing mid-combat should be fixed for shadows, operatives, and assassins. If you are one of those classes and are still having problems (under the latest version), please email me a log sample.


    Raid archiving is now working significantly better (at least it has been in my tests). If anyone is seeing any major problems with their archived fight data (e.g. missing fights completely, very bad/inaccurate numbers, etc.) please email me your raid key and I can look into it.


    If you get any crashes/errors please try to email me with any relevant data you can provide. People have been very helpful thus far in helping me identify specific problems very quickly (Thank you!)



    Feature requests are great and I'm doing my best to keep track of what's important and desired by a lot of people. Please be patient, I am reading your ideas and I do plan to continue to add and improve this. Thanks again for everyone's support.

  14. I pushed out an update earlier today (v The following items were fixed/changed:


    • Fixed the "index out of range" crash.

    • CC abilities that heal will no longer count towards healing done.

    • When using raid meters, your name will be highlighted.

    • Raid dps/hps can be seen by right-clicking the respective popout and selecting the toggle dps/hps option.

    • Being resurrected in combat should no longer reset your stats.

    • Vanishing during combat should no longer reset your stats.

    • Failed attempts (wipes) should now be archived.

    • Other minor archiving and performance updates.

  15. Thanks to everyone for using my tool and providing feedback, I am taking note of the suggestions here. There have been a couple comments about tracking shields/absorbtion. Right now, the log shows you when you absorb something, but not the person who cast the absorbing effect. So, in the event of a sorcerer shield, they can see they cast the shield, but they have no way of knowing when it activates. For now, I could show all damage you absorb (regardless of the source), but that's purely a limitation of the logfile. I'm not sure how they would fix this since right now absorbs are shown inline with damage entries, but it would require a change in the logging to track accurately. I might be able to come up with a workaround to track it correctly, but I'll admit that isn't on the top of my list. Thanks again for all the suggestions.
  16. We're having issues with the Archives deciding to


    a) Either cut off after a certain number of fights

    b) Numbers are REALLY weird--like a sorc doing 100 dps on a fight.


    Compiling and archiving fights is unfortunately rather difficult. It is probably the most complicated aspect of this tool. Admittedly, it isn't working 100% correctly at the moment. There are definitely some known issues I'm aware of:


    - Dying and/or vanishing mid-fight is still causing some problems.

    - Archiving is not working when the raid/group completely wipes.

    - Conflicting data is getting attributed to the wrong fights occasionally. (if a single raid member engages an enemy alone for example)


    As I mentioned in my previous post, performance is #1 for now, but fixing archiving is a major task still on my list. Hopefully, I'll be able to improve it wth more time and testing. Thanks for the feedback.

  17. May I suggest a few enhancements that would IMHO eventually make this tool indespensable to everyone? ...


    Thanks for the feedback, a lot of the ideas you mentioned are already on my mind. The last few days I've been pretty heavily focused on performance improvements to be able to handle an influx of new users now that 1.2 is live. For the near future, this is probably going to continue to be my focus. Keeping the tool up and running for everyone is my #1 priority, but I will probably sneak in some small fixes here and there. One point you mentioned specifically:


    - Please make the parser handle the logs offline. Right now it seems the only way is to send the files to the server, but offline would be better.


    So, the log files are parsed locally on your machine. When you run the tool in solo mode, you are not hitting my server for anything. Anytime you press "Start" instead of "Sync to Raid" it will parse and display the stats of your current (or most recent) log file. For now, there isn't a way to point to a specific file, but you could manipulate it for this effect. Simply create an empty directory (within the CombatLogs folder is fine), copy the file you want to parse into that empty folder, then point the tool at that new folder and hit Start. Since its the only file in that directory, it will parse that one. That work around may be useful to you for now, hope that helps. Thanks again for using my tool.

  18. I have run as admin.. but unless I know the ports the developer has used to connect to I cannot forward those.. I'm at a loss. We're trying to use this as a guild tonight for our first HM Denova attempts but this is proving futile. The whole guild can use it except me.. and I have no firewalls or anything.


    Not sure, but if its a port issue it uses ports 1024 to 5000



  19. MOX Raid / Solo Meters


    Hey Everyone,


    Patch 1.2 is now live and MOX raid meters are working. For those who don't know, MOX raid meters is a tool used to provide live damage/healing meters for both solo and group/raid play. If you're interested in trying out this tool, please go to my web site for more info and a link to download it.




    Thanks again to everyone for their support and testing on the PTS. I look forward to supporting this application and the community as best as I can. Please do keep in mind that this tool is still considered a work in progress, but if you do encounter any problems, feel free to contact me via the email address on my web site.


    ** Additional Note: Anyone who created a raid key prior to v0.9.5.0 (4/11/12) will need to create a new one to use raid syncing. **

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