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Posts posted by hellczar

  1. Once again, you have no idea about anything here. How can you make that assertion? Because you, in your vast experience as a game developer, have that listed in your plan of action?


    How do we know they are not using that particular server as the gauge for population size and therefore seek to max it out first? How do we know anything that would allow any of us to make such a random, uninformed statement as you have made?


    You can blame Bio-ware for that too. a lot of people feel left in the dark which leads to speculation. which was one reason why Turbine had success with LOTRO in the early years they had people like patience and clover who were Forum PR specialists and kept devs and players in line and informed at times :).


    The Fatman was used at one point as an example of servers that were healthy and in danger of overcrowding if people were allowed to transfer at will. Bio-ware while still an excellent game company has made some interesting choices a more experienced MMO company may not have made.

  2. As in origin servers not destination. They must have taken count of how many were on the server being xfered to fatman and seen that it wasnt a huge lot so fatman wouldnt suffer and the people being xfered got the best without hitting server cap.


    The Fatman shouldn't have been on the first round of transfers regardless of origin or destination. So many other servers that were truly hurting that could have used any type of boost.

  3. Uh oh, they just lost 15 bucks. Whatever shall they do? :rolleyes:


    For every vocal person there are many more quiet people with the same opinion. So if they keep making all these bad choices they'll be losing a lot more than just one persons 15$. :eek:


    Honestly I'm disappointed with how this is all being handled. Best case scenario i was hoping they handled it like how TRION handled RIFT which was very easy and user friendly for the players and gave the players choices in what they wanted to do.

  4. I am completely confused i don't see my server on any of the lists destination or origin servers. When I go to server transfer section of my account i don't see any options to move characters. My server has been dead less than 30 on imp fleet at prime and less than 20 on pub fleet at prime time.


    So am i missing something? am i needlessly worrying about not seeing my server listed?

  5. i was in a nice 5 Vs 4 match this morning that ended at about the same time the first turret in Alderaan was capped since it took about 30 seconds to get there and cap because of flight times ....;):p god bless Bio-ware they need it :D
  6. well I have fun leveling up through PVP or through PVE. I would rather do the one that would benefit my character more though. Since custom war hero gear seems nice I might try that route although I know it would take ages.


    is the orange gear better than the purple? or just same stats but more elitist?


    If you crit the Orange gear it can have an augment slot. So if you have the time and a crafter who can craft them OR the money to buy a crafted version looking at 1 to 2 million for a set . they are superior to the regular set for that extra slot.

  7. I thought you were going to "say you know the game is broken when ...."


    you log into a match and the first thing you see is "Defeat". How should it even be possible that Bio-ware lets people join a match with less than 10 seconds or so in the match. By the time the load screen was done the Game was over and apparently i was in a match somebody bailed on in the last seconds of.

  8. You mean a bug that happens once in maybe every 50 war zones.


    They fixed a lot of the old bugs and exploits. I could name about a dozen places you could leap through the world or get stuck, but they're all fixed now.


    Let's use your number of 50 as a starting point. I know i can get in as many as 50 matches some days. SO only once a day is acceptable amount of times happening for a bug? That boss didn't drop loot for you well it only happened to you once today so it's ok.......:rolleyes:


    It's a problem that has been around a long time and continues to be a problem . Saying they fixed dozens of other bugs is not an excuse for not fixing this one.

  9. Had it happen as recently as last night was on my Sniper got knocked down and killed before the stun ended and spawned back at the start area pinned on my back and not able to do anything because i was still stunned. The /Stuck command doesn't work, it uses the cd but no actual change happen, so you either leave the WZ or wait til it kicks you :( Frustrating either way you do it.


    Had it also happen on my bounty hunter got Stunned and stuck in the spawn area when i respawned. It's happened a handfull of times across all my characters Makes the PvP system even more frustrating some days.

  10. Novare coast is by far the worst of the pvp matches, the map supports a total zergfest.


    the only thing novare coast has going for it is the potential for major comebacks. I've seen flip flops down to the wire on that map. Novare coast is by far the most Dynamic of all the matches as it can have turn overs pretty fast . I've seen novare maps go from 100% vs 30% to squeaker wins/ losses by a few points. In Huttball if the other team is 4 or 5 up it's highly unlikely the other team will even it up or win . Same with alderaan a massive lead by one team is extremely hard to beat . The way they have Coast set up , small map with 2 out of 3 objectives needed and only one team gets points at a time can make up for bad starts easier than some of the other maps imo.


    Not my favorite map but not as one sided as some of other maps can be either.

  11. I have the same oppinion of Alderaan as you do of Voidstar. Void Star however is my favorite PvP Map out there and the one i enjoy the most on all my characters.


    1) Voidstar

    2) Huttball

    3) Novare coast

    4) Alderaan civil war. (I have voiced my disdain in nearly identical words to your oppinion of Void)


    If i could vote one off the island it'd Be Alderaan. Funnest map for me tho is Voidstar. so part of the problem if you have the ability to only Que for Certain maps you'd extend ques as people have different preferences. It would make the problem for Que's on Low population servers even worse.

  12. Moddable belts and bracers are no longer that hard to get since you can buy them both from the legacy vendor and you got a belt from doing the Rhakghoul event dailies. So It's easy to get fully moddable gear at early levels now. Also it pays to make friends with others and i often make deals or give friends alt gear and they do the same.


    Even before 1.15 it wasn't that hard i had 2 50's one of them i leveled purely thru pvp and class quests.

  13. He's not ranting he made another rediculous post of "I'm leaving for X"



    4. Probably a lot more then care about what you say, considering he has one of the only multigame MMO news shows that is shown on the internet and TV.


    G4 has been a joke of Station for years and the programs even worse for longer.

  14. At release, PVP gear was better and easier to obtain then PVE gear at the same level up until 50. At the same time, high end PVE gear was much better for PVP then high end PVP gear. This directly contracts the stated design goals.


    The pre 50 gear was Horribly spaced at launch. Armor was only available at levels 20/40 had primarily PvE stats and no PvP stats. Unless you stripped and ripped weapon mods , which was a costly and time consuming task, you got almost no expertise pre 50. Essentialy there was no PvP gear pre 50 just gear you could buy with PvP tokens.

  15. So you protect your game time by ruining other peopl3s game time? Awesome, sounds like a psychologically stable person to me.


    I did queue up because I wanted to play how I wanted to play. Sometimes I can't always get a pre-made as my guildies get home later than me.


    You're right, 50% of the matches probably lose, so if I want to do my daily, that's 6 matches by that logic, if I play them ALL it's an hour and a half of straight time, not including queue up time, if I pick and choose I can get it done in probably 50 minutes. I save myself forty minutes to do other stuff, do you understand?


    Point is people quitting, doesn't hurt you at all, at worst you lose, well you were going to lose anyway, at best you quit yourself and save time. What's amazing is you're trying to control other peoples play time and play styles.


    You do understand that if BW sets up a 2 hour penalty rule, all that's going to do is make queues that much longer because people will still quit, and then just do PVE dailies and queue back up. So there, you're hurting yourself. If you create an insane penalty, all that's going to do is stop people from joining at all. You are effectively cutting off your nose to spite your face, but you don't understand it.


    I will never carry you, and you shouldn't expect people too. Worry about your own play time and stop trying to micro manage mine to improve yours.


    But you would gladly ruin other peoples game time by leaving a match? Pot Kettle black.


    So your way of playing is more important than my way of playing? I want to be able to que up in a random match and Play a full match without others leaving but apparently that's not a valid way to play.


    Stop Trying to Justify your rude behaviour and make it seem like the right thing to do by running away from tough matches.


    This is supposed to be a war and they have a word for soldiers who leave battle....Deserters if you go desert or go AWOL you should get a "mark" that designates that.

  16. No you cant ;)

    You cant get valor ranks, war hero or battlemaster.

    But that doesnt matter, you can still get everything except rakata etc..... Just takes a little longer...


    Post 1.2 Valor ranks are pointless and worthless and have no current bearing on game or stats really.

  17. His problem is that fact that he lv his char just by doing PVP..how on earth you did that i dont know..so now his burnt out..and now at lv 50 probs getting his *** handed to him as well...isnt helping :)


    Leveled one of my characters thru WZ's wasn't an issue. Had full centurion in 3 days with a couple of champion pieces. another 100 or so matches after he hits 50 Valoor rank he'd be Battlemaster.

    If he can't handle it he probably shouldn't play MMO's.

  18. The balcony is also accesable from the start area, you dont jump down, instead you turn left or right to a long hallway.


    This is in no way cheating, hacking, or exploiting and you just got annoyed by some jealous kids holding a grudge against you.


    If I were you I'd laugh it off, you have nothing to be worried about.

    The balconys do count as an AFK zone, after some time the countdown starts (90 seconds) , but that's nothing to be worried about.


    I must say well played, and don't worry, bioware intended to have these points available to players, its just that in the 10-49 bracket mostly dumb people play, and they don't know all the aspects of the warzone maps so they instantly think HACK HACK HACK.


    they are and they aren't rest zones . they are shoddily coded and there are portions of that area that will unintentionally remove and/or reset the timer. you can stay on the ledges the whole game and not get booted out the whole time because of that.

  19. Champion, centurion, and Battlemaster Tokens will be removed with 1.2 .


    The current way to get these is in Champion and battlemaster bags which you can get from quest rewards. you can also buy the champ bags for 200 WZ coms /200 Merc coms

  20. I'd like to see this option but for the same reason I would have liked to see it in LOTRO when I played that for years. I would have liked to done more of the quests at level instead of constantly out leveling an area. For the PvP aspect i wouldn't have a problem with it either if somebody wants to twink more power to them, not my thing but hey whatever.
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