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Posts posted by evilsrequiem

  1. I will echo the notion that it shouldn't be a credit sink. It should be points systems that is based your legacy level.


    But more than anything it should contain something useful

    A starship mailbox.. Waste

    A starship repair droird... Waste

    A Starship FTN terminal.. waste

    The ability to have your companion sell trash faster.. Waste

    An XP bonus for subordinate characters.. Waste

    Shorter cool down on the Quick Transport and emergency fleet pass... Really is that something anyone would work for?


    The Class Unlocks are mostly useless, the shared primary buff is good, but the shared "heoric" ability is useless.


    But what would you like to see from it in the future?

  2. OK I can live with that but I just have the alarm bells ringing that some people will then start putting this in as a requirement for certain fights. Maybe it won't happen and I worry unnecessarily, as my exposure to many MMO's is limited.


    Well yeah, obviously bosses would not really be affected by this system, since everyone would go for that. But raids have a variety of enemies, and since it permanent and you can't respec it, it would make having to have a certain build in this Alternate advancement useless.

  3. The problem with using Legacy to impact raiding by amending damage etc is that Bioware will have to factor that in to their operations so making people with less legacy more unlikely to be able to enter operations, imagine the QQ over that. Also as high level dailies is the easiest way to increase legacy basing unlocks on legacy levels only will probably not increase the use of alts.


    Some of the legacy seems to be similar to the WoW guild perks so I would suggest that Bioware look there for a few ideas, some have already been given in this thread. I actually like the idea of personal perks so you do not limit the ability of smaller guilds to function correctly, something that plagued WoW once they introduced Guild perks.


    On the point of costs, to be honest credits are so easy to get in this game if you look at a gold (WoW) to credit (SWTOR) conversion these perks are not really expensive.


    What I would like to see is raid dropped schematics available for high levels of legacy which would allow raiders to gear up their alts quicker, at a steep cost of course.

    It doesn't have to affect raiding. Just make life a bit more easier. Its for those to work towards to have an easier life. but its also fair, like you only do a bit more damage to an enemy of a certain type, rather than all enemies, and it will be like that forever. So humanoid, machine, beast, etc. Kind of like AoC alternate advancement which is great.

  4. The "new MMO" excuse didnt fly at release and it doesnt fly now. The industry standards should be in place, things like LFG, respeccing, cosmetic outfitting, all of those perky things that exist in any "up to date" game. Without them, the game is behind the curve. These things didnt exist when a lot of the games were released so saying that "WoW didnt have that when it came out" is irrelevant. It has these things NOW and so does any game worth its salt. This game released with out a lot of the things that are just the norm for any game these days and it being new doesnt excuse it.


    On topic, the legacy system is lacking and too big of a time sink, especially when they TOLD us that it would require legacy OR credits to buy the perks then released it requiring both. Bitter much? Yes I am. The legacy system is my biggest let down in the game. I still enjoy playing it and will as long as I still have a class to level cap, but once I have them all capped I am done here. I refuse to lay out hours of my life grinding content in a game for the ridiculous amount of creds it would take to get the perks Id like to have. Kudos to those of you who have done so, I wont.


    What would make me happy? ALL of them being legacy wide. Anything less and Im not participating. I dont own a single perk other than the ones that auto unlock (race etc) and I never will.





    I like to think of my self as an MMO player, I play a lot, and test out all the new ones each day. Which of these newly released MMO's released with a group finder exactly?

  5. Another cool thing for the legacy system is a way to implement a padawan and master role type system, where you can add a newbie as your padawan which would give them simple bonuses, and even more so when they are paying together, like added exp, damage, health, attack speed, stuff like that.
  6. The legacy system that we got with 1.2 is what made a lot of my friends go back to their previous game or to a new game. It was the deciding factor for me and the wife to can our subs. We still have game time until the next month, however I only logged in a few times. 1.3 was a joke, with the cost of the unlocks and all. It just put a more useless grind into place.


    I hope now that zoller decided to quit Friday; that some good changes start to happen, as of right now I don't see any changes that make me want to renew my sub.


    I'm sorry to hear your friends and you and your wife leaving. I will give you my two cents. Swtor, is a new MMO, it came out with quite a lot of hype and promises, that did eventually kill it for a lot of people. But it released with a lot more content than most MMO's do today. Compare the amount of content released in this game, to MMO's released before it. or at the same time. So that in itself was pretty great. Now, many people left because there wasn't enough this or enough that, but they love star wars and they actually enjoyed the game until they ran out of things to do or just so many issues that bothered them. They went back to their old games that had years of time to perfect themselves and add an extreme amount of content over the years. But why not stay and support a game you like the theme of? Keep giving the developers your thoughts and what changes you want, especially in a respectful manner, show them how passionate you are, and things will eventually go the communities way. Hell, Bioware do like there customers, look at how they are constantly working to improve this game and their others. If people leave every new game that comes out, without giving it the proper amount of time to bloom, MMO's will never go anywhere. Its like when GW 2 eventually releases, the mass majority of people aren't going to be happy because they will feel like their is not enough this or that or feel lied to or that things are not happening fast enough, and there will be an absence of players, but that doesn't help the game, it just hurts it. Obviously staying subscribed to something you're not enjoying doesn't work. But being very vocal about a theme or premise you do love and continuing to support it goes a long way.


    Sorry, that was more than 2 cents xD

  7. Well, so far, most people seem to be disappointed by the legacy system. Seeing it as a money sink. I can see where a lot of people are coming from. I personally believe it should have been a point system, where you insert points that you gain from legacy level 1 to 50. 50 points to allot to whatever you choose, so you have to think about what you want, and that way it also affects all your characters. I believe this would have been a better method, would have probably gotten more people to level up alts to gain legacy levels than to grind dailies, meaning people simply playing more, to get that extra level, which is much more addicting than grinding for that extra million in credit. But thats just my opinnion. I want to hear what you guys would like from the future of the legacy system.


    For me, I would like to see a proper legacy tree that affects all our characters. The idea I have for it is, you start off with the choice of two skills at the bottom, and you have to choose one, then you go up and you have the choice of four skills and you can only choose two, so on and so forth, and these skills affect things like lets say, 5% more damage to robotic enemies, or 5% less damage from explosive/aoe damage and what not, and the farther it goes up the more unique your choices get. And the choices you make have to be important since it affects all your classes, since they all share the same tree. Kinda making it like a DNA strand how everyone in a family shares traits and what not. Also, I think it should be sort of permanent so that people really think before they plunge forward, so to do this, give them access to one tier of the tree at a time, release the entire tree of course, but access to one tier a month? Allowing people to really really think before they make a decision.


    This is one of the things I thought would be really cool, kinda like an alternate advancement that affects not just one toon, but all. What you guys think? And please, post what you want from the future of the legacy system :) I would love to see all you guys opinions and hopes^^ Sorry for long walls of text xD

  8. Play Tera for 1 hour, that's all. You'll never accept anything less when it comes to combat mechanics. I urge everyone to do it.


    Yes, it's NOT sci-fi. I'm a huge sci-fan. However I enjoy MMOs more. As long as....they're entertaining. Combat in all current MMOs is the same, the exact same 5 or 6 animations. No thought is required.


    Wow is dated, it was good while it lasted. SWTOR failed on launch day due to greed, it's on it's last breath.


    Imagine a game where you have to AWAKE and pay attention or you'll die. No. SWTOR is a snoozefest.


    gotta disagree, tried it, it wasn't even able to keep me for an hour. I've never regretted downloading a beta more in my life...

  9. you mean like the online chats they did with Best Buy? Yeah they have done it before.


    Most developers don't do those because they aren't very productive. Can you name a developer that does regular web chats? no... ok then.


    exactly my point. Except I couldn't say it in a kind because of general lack of thinking by most certain people, which makes me mad. It does nothing, plain and simple.

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