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Posts posted by Hambunctious

  1. It will be Flashpoints with trash mobs you can throw AOE at...


    Well... for everyone but agents, and smugglers who now have an aoe that only drops nerf footballs, and might cause a minor bruise, at most.

  2. Healers are not always in a group. Sometimes, they just run with their companion and do missions solo. That is a viable option.


    And for those Operatives, this change has made OS fairly useless. I generate enough aggro with healing - using an AOE that doesn't kill trash mobs is not of any use to me. I don't need more reason for mobs that now have more hit points to all attack me. That's dumb - why would any healer want that? I am better of with me and my tank or DPS companion using other tactics that generate less aggro on me.


    This isn't about my DPS numbers getting cut, this is about an AOE actually making threat management more difficult than it is worth when using an ability. A level 48 ability, no less. After testing it, I actually find it is more advantageous to take down trash mobs one at a time than use OS, and further I find OS to only be something I pull out in boss fights when I am sure I won't generate enough aggro or need to take aggro off my companion for a bit anyway.


    They wanted it to still be a great AOE, and it is absolutely not for my operative. It is okay occasionally with single targets, though.


    Yay! Someone who has a brain, and can understand a point is so refreshing on these forums.

  3. My goodness, HEALER 'DPS' is cut in half? You mean to tell me that characters specced for HEALING are having trouble DEALING DAMAGE?


    My word, stop the presses, alert the media, GET THE PRESIDENT ON THE PHONE.


    OS was never meant to be an 'I win' button, even for healer-specced characters. If you're a healer and you don't have a tank/DPS companion geared enough to deal with mobs in the open world, then you're doing something wrong.


    One more example of you not knowing anything about the subject.


    A healing spec merc can aoe, but a op can't? Get off your high horse. OS was no more an I win button that any other AOE. It had a longer cooldown, and it took longer for all the damage to hit. Not to mention it's a level 48 ability, and everyone else has a hard hitting AOE much earlier.


    You're just not worth reading. All you bring is hyperbole, and fanboyisms. /ignore welcome to the club.

  4. 4K on a single target? Sounds right. The ability is for AoE, the fact you were using it in a single-target rotation meant BW hadn't tuned it properly. Its not broken it just isn't overpowered anymore.


    He didn't mean 4K dps, he meant 4k damage over 12s, and no it wasn't OP. It's not even worth using on anything at all now. Nothing, zero, nada, it's a waste of time to even cast, and has no usefulness to anyone in the game. If it was instant cast, maybe it would be a little useful, but as it now it's pointless.


    What they should have done, since it's actually stupid to call it orbital strike, or freighter flyby when you aren't out doors....is made it a probe droid of some sort that followed, and exploded missiles around a selected target's area.

  5. What a boring game it must have been. Glad I did not try to play it.


    Yeah, pre-cu SWG was boring. The skill system was okay, but just like every other mmo, there's always a few combat builds that were optimal, and most people played only those few.


    You can't believe anyone who says the NGE was a wowified. For the most part, the sandbox elements were still in game, but they eventually added NPC missions, and heroics. The PVE missions were greatly needed, and offered something besides afk skill grinding.


    A year after I went back to SWG, they changed the combat into something closer to pre-cu. The changes to class, and stats systems were whittled down, and levels added, but they were easier to balance. Not only that, but the handful of alpha builds were gone too. That's not to say the devs didn't make mistakes even with fewer classes. Just like this game goes through buff/nerf cycles, so did SWG.


    Overall, I enjoyed the NGE system. The pre-cu bored me into leaving SWG a couple of months after launch. The launch was not good at all.

  6. If they fixed the game it wouldn't be a twitched based fps. And since nobody ever asked for an fps and very clearly asked for a star wars flight game it would probably be much more successful.


    Simply locking the reticle and assigning controls to pitch yaw and roll while in joystick mode (something most other flight games do and have done for years) would work fine. Firing arc penalties are a moot point since with a joystick you cant use the arc, you can only hit what is under your reticle, if they really wanted to do something with accuracy theres several easy fixes, like maybe effecting accuracy with inertia or even easier just make it change the size of the reticle.


    But I still find it funny that half the anti joystick crowd say they don't want joysticks because they suck compared to a mouse, and the others including bioware don't want joysticks because they would own mouse players.


    That's exactly right! Fixing the controls to be more like XvT would in no way detract from KB/mouse usability, but would make the use of a flight stick a viable option. I miss my twisty handle for rolling into the tightest turns on ships with great pitch.


    If they wanted to fix accuracy, they would have hit boxes be as close to the model meshes as possible, lock blasters forward, and shorten the effective damage range to 2KM. Then there would be no need for mmo evasion powers, or stats, and hits would be more about skill.


    That's never going to happen, of course, and I won't touch it again unless they upgrade to something better than the previous tunnel shooter with free flight mode. It's missing way too much in the controls area for me to find appealing.

  7. White knights are typically shown off as antagonist most of the time, oddly enough because the color white typically symbolizes something entirely different, which I suppose is the point.


    Would you like a side of cranberry and stuffing? Damn now I'm hungry.


    That's true. I would have no problem with them at all if they refrained from veiled insults, condescension, and passive aggressive content intended to elicit escalated responses...IE pushing people's buttons with the express intent to get them moderated. At least those with a better than basic reading comprehension level can see that they're baiting.

  8. BINGO!.


    But I doubt Reno has the faculties to understand your comment. Wait ------ :). There we go, I Andryahlized it. I should be OK Now.


    LOL, that is a perfect imitation of her. It questions someone's intelligence, and uses a smiley face to keep the mods distracted from the insult that would have had any other poster's comment removed. :)

  9. Not kidding... WH/EWH gear had its native EXP removed. It gets full bolster on MAIN/EXP/END. Full 66 purples get a bolster EXP nerf. The only exception is WH/EWH relics, but they have a high power rating which somewhat nullifies the EXP nerf.


    Just so I am accurate, I just played a shelved character wearing a mixture of EWH/BM, and purple 66s. She had 1676 EXP as she was while in a WZ. Swapping out 2 pieces of 66s with 1 WH, and 1 BM (gloves, and boots) should have raised my EXP, but it didn't. It actually didn't change with just the gloves, but the boots alone dropped my EXP by exactly 50 for some reason.


    Six pieces of gear were 66s, 1 EWH head, and 1 EWH double saber. Artifact crafted ear/implants, EWH boundless relic, and BM boundless relic. Oh, and blue 66 wrists.


    Though the boots I swapped had 66 armor, and mod, while the enhancement was a old WH 61. The boots I swapped into were straight BM 58s (which lowered my EXP by 50). The gloves had 66 armor/mod, but a blue 66 enhancement, and I swapped into straight 61 WH.


    I can't quantify any damage differences, because the old pvp gear was stock survivor, and not stalker. However, it is interesting that boots with 66 armor/mod, and 61 ENH raised my EXP by 50 over the BM boots. That's a significant number. I don't think there was a 50 point difference per mod between old WH, and BM, but there may have been.

  10. What does it matter if people are joining in pve gear? They're better off wearing full 66s+ than sporting the old WH stuff.


    Most of my characters spent their badges prior to the Makeb expansion. I had to go through the whole process again at 55 wearing pve gear. At least they get a bolster now with around 1500 expertise, and you can't blame the people who didn't pvp before 55 to cap their badges. There's no rule that says you have to do that, and maybe they didn't want to pvp while leveling. The same old boring WZs might be less fun to do than questing, and running FPs. Which is what I did on my tenth to thirteenth characters.

  11. The decline of subs is worrying, but they are not saying their revenues from the The Old Republic are down, just their revenue from subscriptions.


    I think another poster said this already, but really the revenue from the cartel market is what is going to determine the long-term stability of this game.


    - Arcada


    Chicken, or the egg. Active players will determine that, but they go hand-in-hand.

  12. My concerns were not about profit, because they have clearly made the profit they needed within the first few months when we had 2 million subs. And they wouldn't release new content if SWTOR wasn't profitable.


    My concern is active players. I know plenty of active Preferred players are there, but (judging from my ex-guild alone), we had roughly 90% of our level 55 active players in Subscriber status. I literally know only 1 Active Preferred player who buys wz passes and Ops passes constantly to join us in endgame. The rest all either log on once or twice a week, or don't participate in anything except alts levelling, until they they leave the game entirely.


    That's the only reason I care about sub numbers. Profit, I know EA is making it.


    I'm with you on the active players. There's a tipping point at which active player loss could snowball into dramatic profit loss. I'd say they still need to keep enough players happy to make it worthwhile for everyone. Which they failed to do at launch.

  13. They are, by law, required to provide profit numbers. Misleading the share holders by claiming a 1cent profit as 'profitable' would result in quite a few people spending many years in jail.


    We know they said the game could be profitable under the sub structure with 500K subs. That would have to be the base line. $7,500,000 per month, or $90 million a year (which seems awfully high to make a profit). A large portion of that $66 mil number would go well towards that, with cash shop purchases covering the rest.


    At some point they will have paid off the production costs, if they haven't already.


    You would think that the income requirements to make a profit would drop in the coming years. The only question after that is how much profit will they consider as acceptable.


    There are no guarantees that they can maintain the 2013 numbers for several more years, and with fewer people cycling through over time, it's not likely.

  14. $66 million? That's about 350k subscribers right? So the numbers declined almost 150k since May of last year? :(


    That 66 mil included POGO subs, and depending on the percentage of total sub income from that service would drop the 350k swtor subs even lower. A little, or a lot, only they know.


    Since we don't know the debt accumulated by swtor, nor do we know how accurate SuperData's info is on "extra income", then we don't even know if the game is profitable.


    People can assume anything, and make arguments to support anything.

  15. If they relaunched the game as it was when it shut down; I would not even bother going back.


    LOL that's so absurd. What we had at the end of SWG was 1000X better than when it started. There's something wrong with you pre-cu people. I hated it. The game was freaking boring, and there was nothing to do except run mission terminal garbage, and grind skills. They lost more subs BEFORE the NGE made it to test server than they lost after the NGE. Much like what happened to swtor who lost 1.3 million subs after the first 3 months of release. Most people didn't want to play the trash that was the pre-cu, and i was one of them who left out of sheer boredom after the first couple months. I guarantee you there's more people out there who claim to have played pre-cu, and loved it, than the total number who ever played it at all. Better yet, there are more people out there who claim to have been Teras Kasi masters than played the game.


    If someone hadn't talked me into trying SWG again 4 years later, I never would have known how much it improved. Skill systems, and the reduction of classes aside, there was a lot more to do. There were a couple of things I wished they'd kept, but it wasn't game breaking for me.


    All I know is that when I went back there were several servers still showing full at times, and the population didn't drop off all that badly until the announcement that is was shutting down. After that is when it went downhill fast. Who could blame people for leaving after that? What's the point of investing more time in characters that were going to be taken away in a few months?

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