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Posts posted by Lugaidh

  1. Yup. I've got nothing against the idea of bombers or even many of the aspects of ion cannon. The problem is that they're just not balanced right now for what they can do. Scouts and Distortion Field are looking much more balanced at the moment, so hopefully they can do the same soon for the others.


    Oh and just a tip, switching to reinforced armor helps a good bit against the bomber's mines/drones. It helps but unfortunately it's still the 'avoid the drone-field/minefield game.

  2. Bingo.


    Which is why even I have to look at folks wailing about this ship OP or that ship OP or nerf Gunnys/Scouts/Bombers/AuntSassy and shake my head. The really good pilots, at least on Ebon Hawk, are so talented at what they do, it doesn't matter how OP my Ion Rail is...they still manage to slip out from under my sights and even come back around and nail me.


    If my ship was really that OP, be it Scout, Strike, Gunny or Bomber, I shouldn't be getting killed in it. People hate my Gunship, but the really good pilots know just what to do to make me uncomfortable.


    If they can do it to my Gunship, they can do it to a Bomber. All it takes is a little bit of time, and learning where to squeeze.

    Is that you Rhint??




    Anyway, my issue isn't that they're op. It's cuz they've turned gsf into a hide-and-seek or even a smash a grab game.


    You chase someone, do some damage and then fly back to the mass of drones and/or mines that the bomber has laid. Now it's a prod-fest. We goad each other until we get the enemy in or out of the drone/mine field (depending on which team you're on.


    I still top the leader boards but that's not why I play. I play for the hair-raising, ride by the seat of your pants action. It's devolved into a hit and fade sneakfest which is my problem with the bombers.

  3. Domination matches have become rather annoying lately. When one team takes a satellite, it ends up guarded by 2 or even 3 bombers, at which point the other team is *not* taking it back. If a couple gunships get thrown in the defensive mix, it's even worse. That means the matches are decided in the opening minute or two. Whoever grabs two satellites and gets bombers under them first, wins. Come-from-behind victories have become incredibly rare. Even if your team is winning, it's incredibly boring because there's nothing for Scouts/Strikes to really do.



    I just got out of a losing match where I put up over 50k damage. Guess how many kills I got? Two. Yeah, two kills and two or three assists out of 50k damage, because I spent the entire match assaulting satellites guarded by *minimum* of two bombers.

    Well said! That's exactly what I've been talking about when I've spoken about how bombers have fundamentally changed the dynamic of GSF and not for the better.

  4. Let's compair the 2.


    1) Scouts hugging satellites. Boy they are fast and slick and those Burst lasers that they have to aim carefully hit hard. If you go to remove one you can expect a heck of a dog fight. It would be super fast paced epic battle as skill goes against skill in a twisting turning (don't hit the node) feat of maneuverability and fire power. If that's not your game you could snipe them with a GS. Now I ask you. Is that a bad thing in a space fighter game?


    2) Bombers hugging satellites. as soon as there team clears one for them they put in real slow. They don't need fast engines as that would require skill and those that choose bombers would likely just run into something if they where fast. Once they get there they drop 6 mines or a bunch of drones and hide. there shields can withstand GS hits so they quickly hide on a different side if a GS shoots at them. Anything else that comes in gets blown up on there mines or by there drones. They pop more out quite often and hide again. Less skill is required with bombers than operating an aimbot hack on some other games. No they are just there not contributing, not fighting, not aiming or even shooting blasters most of the time. They are just there and by being there they deny the space or the satellite to the opposing force. Let me ask you again, is this something that is good for a space fighter game?


    Scouts can be annoying like a stubbed toe. The way they used Bombers to fix the problem is amputating the leg.

    AMEN BROTHA!! Now THAT ^^ is exactly what I'm saying! I have no problem at all with the devs putting in a counter to scouts, but put in a ship that takes actual skill to pilot. People have complained ad nauseum about gunships. I've never had a problem with the concept. They hit hard as hell but I've flown one and they are damn paper and slow as hell to boot, so it takes real skill to properly pilot one. Just ask anyone who's gone up against Delphi on the Ebon Hawk server. They will tell you there is a VAST difference in going up against a seasoned gunship pilot as opposed to roger rookie that thinks that just hopping into a gunship gives you the ability to own anyone in the warzone.


    The gunship in and of itself presents no real challenge to a good scout or fighter pilot but if you put someone like Delphi in that ship and you better respect who you are up against. I'm glad Delphi is out there because he/she is the worthy adversary. I truly enjoy the challenge of going against a truly mustered pilot.


    Bombers on the other hand take no real skill to pilot. The drones and mines do all the work for you.


    Step 1: fly to a sat that's already been cleared out for you.


    Step 2: drop your mines and drones and hide.


    Step 3: PROFIT!!


    Explain to me where piloting skill comes into play..

  5. Ok but now its

    1- Everyone is bribed into flying Bombers or Gunships.

    2- All Star fighters are encouraged to be Deployable Turrets. Mines and gunships will protect from anything other than gunships.

    3 - Large hull values means Gunships are even more valuable and necessary.

    4- slow speeds enhance the chance to hit with Railguns and gives drones more dps time! This makes gunships more valuable. Ion railguns slow them even further.... Actually its slows everything in the area!

    5- The gunships that carry proton torpedoes now make sense.


    Did i mention how awesome gunships were?

    AGREED!! ^^

    I was just in a match about 10 minutes ago and I was in a match against an eight-man team. FOUR of those ships were bombers. For one bomber, even one that is hardly upgraded I might add, to come in and hold a satellite all by himself against four attackers is ridiculous.


    Oh, and let's not forget the 'hiding the drone inside your ship' bs. If it wasn't bad enough the devs have made it so one can actually fly inside turrets. Now one can actually fly up to a ally drone/mine and it's virtually INSIDE their ship, because that is super realistic.


    I mainly fly a scout but I have a fully loaded gunship as well. I got fed up with the drones and mines one match that I got my gs out to take them out. I fired repeatedly at them with my reticle dead on and did no damage whatsoever. If I can one shot a defense turret with my fully loaded slug railgun a puny mine or drone should not have zero damage when I shoot at it.

  6. Thanks a padload Bioware for completely ruining GSF. Starfighting in the Star Wars setting is, by definition, fast-paced, on the edge dogfighting. Now half the people putt putt along in their tank slugs and dogfighting has become a thing of the past. GSF gave me, for the first time in a very long time, a type of pvp that I can truly enjoy. I was completely hooked. Now you devs have ruined that for us GSF lovers. Flying around killing an endless chain of drones and mines that you can't even target with a gunship much less kill with a fighter or scout without being killed yourself is NOT starfighting!!


    Now if someone like myself who NEVER gets on the forums takes to time to post then you know LOADS of other people are extremely dissatisfied with what GSF has become since you've added those flying tank turds.


    People have griped in the past about gunships but they actually have very balanced strengths and weaknesses and fit in the GSF landscape quite well. If you're skilled enough gunships are not invincible. To be a successful gunship pilot one has to actually have skills. To be a successful bomber pilot, on the other hand, all one has to do is get a moderate amount of points into their ship and be able to mash the right and left mouse buttons repeatedly.


    I liked GSF so much that I had pilots on both side of the factions. I have an imp pilot and a pub pilot on two different servers. Most folks on the Ebon Hawk and Jedi Covenant servers know or have heard of Baelyn-tiel. So anyone who knows me or knows of me, knows that I play a LOT of GSF and had always defended it against people criticized it because they couldn't master it in two days. Now any Roger Rookie can rack up the kills and assists just by flying a bomber. I tried out the bomber and I was getting in the top five on the lists with NOT ONE SINGLE POINT put into ship upgrades. That is ludicrous! Moreover, flying a bomber is slow-paced and boring.


    I'm pretty much ready to quit GSF altogether. It's not because I think bombers are invincible. It is because they've turned starfighting into a drone/mine clean up match. That's not the GSF I have come to love to play.


    I really got into GSF because I've maxed-leveled pretty much all of my characters. I'm actually thinking about cancelling my subscription that I've had since beta.


    Thanks devs for ruining a brilliant stroke in pvp.


    - Baelyn-tiel, former GSF junky

  7. Y'know, I didnt complain so much about these ships at first, but the fact is that in both deathmatch and domination now the majority of teams I'm going up against are half bombers/half gunships, with no more than a single scout or strike fighter, and all they do is drop a minefield and sit in it while picking you off from range.


    These ships are fine on their own, but the force multiplier when you have multiple bombers and gunships even partially communicating with one another makes flying other ship classes absolutely pointless.


    Also, lately in deathmatch modes I keep getting hit with some kind of effect that prevents me from firing my weapons or using any abilities on my tray - anyone know what the hell this is? It's a complete disabling effect on my ship that lasts typically 5-10 seconds, but it's more than enough to be a death sentence.

    You got hit by ion mines. They sap your ships energy.

  8. they killed you in two shots and slowed you down at the same time cuz they used their ion cannon first. it does massive damage to your shields. then they finished you off with the slug rail gun. the best defensive against that is a good offence. seek out gunships at the start of the match. pro tip: hit them from behind. it works every time. they LITERALLY have tunnel vision when they're firing the rail guns.
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