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Posts posted by Tracea

  1. Hi all

    I very much would like to complete this event. But being part of a small guild makes some of the goals a bit difficult. Im sick to death of literally spending all day in que, getting one pop, only to have the team disintegrate after the first fail.


    Man, HM ques werent way more active and a lot more firendly when I ran them on the regular.


    Im looking for a static Tank, and Dps to complete the Hard Modes on both Imp side and Pub side.

    Dont have the time or interest in a static DvL team, but willing to help as you can? Sold!

    Seriously. Ill take whatever help I can get.


    Contact- Xekrie (pubside), Tannlal( impside)

  2. :) Lots of games have a hide me option.

    This was a feature in the late great City of Heroes Game. And it came in handy for the times you just wanted to do your own thing and not be blasted by a billions tells. Or sneak into a PvP zone hit your objective and get out without your arch nemesis heading over to zone to grief you. Or you were secretly rearranging everything in your best friends Superbase :)

    And it would be nice if they offered it here as well. Nice, but not essential.

  3. Hello Guys

    I was wondering if there were any groups out there that raid together regularly. BUT are NOT in the same guild.

    I'm a member of a small RP guild. You know the drill I'm sure. RP comes first, never enough people on at one time to run a guild Flashpoint, let alone a full on raid.


    I LOVE my guild. We mesh really well. And Id like to say that we are more than gaming buddies, we are r/l friends. So of course, I wont leave them. But, I would also like to participate in raids. So Ive been seeking a raid group.


    I regularly ask people that are advertising for new raiders in Gen chat if they will consider taking an already guild-ed member into their raid group as a regular addition. Each and every time I get the same reply. "No." Or "We already take a few pugs with us. We are looking for a regular member." I try to explain that I will make myself available for raiding as long as I have advance notice. I'm more than willing to be a regular member the sole exception being, I wont share a guild tag. But it seems if I'm not willing to drop my guild and join theirs they are not the least bit interested.


    Which takes me back to my original question. Is there a raid group of happy misfits with room for one more? :) I'm easy to get along with. Don't take up much room. And I follow direction well. Anyone out there willing to give me a chance?

  4. And excellent idea! Well thought out too, definitely one for the I wish list. Aside from being a great rp tool.

    I don't know the first thing about programming. But if accounting for all of our alts individually was to much,

    Maybe BW could provide us with one legacy comp slot, and some sort of drop down option that let you configure you legacy companion to be your alt of choice? Has to be a record of what they look like and wear somewhere in game.


    Yep, excellent idea buddy!

  5. So as Im watching the cut scene that takes place after Im captured and turned during this mission in the Jedi class arc. The only thing going through my mind is....Why am I still wearing my Jedi gear? Wouldn't the Emperor have wanted as few things to remind the Jedi of their old life as possible? Where's my hella cool Sith robes dang it!


    My suggestion? At least add initiate Sith robs to the cut scene. (And if you're nice issue us a set of actual sith robes in our inventory. Im thinking stat-less white item here. More of a reminder of what happened than anything else.)


    Of course I make this suggestion with absolutely no understanding of how these things actually work. My program skills end at Dos and HTMlL. :) Still. I thought it would be worth a mention :)

  6. Ok.

    Im a clicker. As a clicker I am forever unlocking the ability lock while fighting. Its so very close to the first ability and in the heat of battle I sometimes click the area in the general vicinity of the power. So yeah, on occasion I click the lock and don't notice until Ive already started scrambling things in the hot bar about terribly.

    It would be help if the lock position were one of the things that we could change in the configuration panel. Perhaps give us the option on which side of out hot bat we want the lock? Being able to simply move it to the far right side would help immensely.

    Thank You for both your time and consideration on this matter :)

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