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Posts posted by Arumat

  1. Assuming you weren't scrolled up to a previous game, wrong announcer (Huttball) in a Voidstar WZ. Was there audible along with it? Would have been funny to have them announce "that's how it's done!" when someone was kb'd off the bridge.


    yes, and above that you can also see where setele says to pull back from voidstar

  2. they have also said multiple times that they are going to add a hood up/hood down option for jedi. Hang in there. it's a comin.


    I have a feeling the hood down option is going to be the broken way it is now when you wear a helmet.


    What i mean by that is, the hood is removed rather than put down behind your back. The current hood removal looks horrible and makes you seem more like you are wearing a trench coat than a jedi robe.


    I am pretty sure hood down will be this cop out. >.>

  3. No, if you want to do an analogy, Babe Ruth would be like any of one us who plays an MMO. His baseball bat would be his toon. And if Babe Ruth was using a baseball bat that was bigger or heavier than the rest of us, then yes, you need to nerf that bat.

    Umm no, it was a perfect one.


    You are complaining about this ONE sentinel that is doing above par compared to your own mara's and other sents.


    Im sorry but its HIM that just figured it out.


    Atleast I get this assumtion by reading your very first post. and It infact sounds like you are talking about someone in specific.

  4. So, what do you propose? i mean, surely you have an alternative.


    Make it where you can't queue unless you have a full team? No.


    People just need to stop being ******* and quitting at first sign of defeat.

  5. And a Feral Druid plays nothing like a Resto Druid, what's your point?


    Right here your talking within specs,


    Healing commando plays nothing like a gunnery commando. That's through talents.


    You cant compare it with "a warrior doesn't play like a paladin, what's your point?"


    That actually would be like me saying in want my warrior to change to a paladin. They are both melee dps, both can tank, one can heal and the other cant. Similar to these games AC right? they must be a AC from "Fighter" or something.



    Anyways. The only thing that people like you will succeed in doing is just chosing your advance class at character selection. Which this I REALLY REALLY hope they do eventually, to stop post like these.

  6. Yep. I have to concur. I was doing Rakghoul event, and noticed that none of the surrounding targets were taking any damage from Sweep. After suspecting it, I watched every time and no damage...you can test this easily.


    Also...I've noticed on non-agroed mobs, certain initial attacks aren't doing any damage. A Saber Throw does nothing but generate agro. Subsequent attacks do damage though.


    edit: *aren't doing damage


    You do know the rakghouls that spawn absorb the first initial hit. This could also be whats causing your sweeps to appear falsely broken.


    My sweeps appear fine to me.

  7. then you give another tanking class a heal that has a long CD, does not do dmg, and COSTS FOCUS?


    Guardians do not have a heal. Focus Defense is NOT a heal. People need to stop calling it that. Its a small midigate ability that is incredibly underwhelming.


    Ignore the part that the skill says it heals for 3% hp. It basicly negates 3% of your hp from an attack. Your not getting + hp in the end.

  8. Level 50s have suffered from a lack of new missions, end game content and numerous bugs. Now, rated warzones were removed from the latest patch since they weren't ready.


    Leveling new characters means things are new and interesting.


    Sticking to a 50 means there is not much to do and contending with a lot of issues that have been/are being resolved that lower levels don't get.


    I've been 50 since early january with my highest alt at lvl 16, and I have yet to get 30 days free.


    According to what I know, everyone who got 30 days is a liar >.>.

  9. So I don't understand why I should even try to get War Hero gear? I'm a casual player, (usually 3 hours a night) I have a life, a career and I'm a Dad. I am 2 pieces short of battlemaster. So I didn't make it through the grind to even get it. (73 Valor) Now Bioware is introducing gear that costs 84K warzone credits to get? Currently that would be around 840 warzones = 15 minutes a warzone = 12600 minutes = 210 Hours or 7 days and that's if you had insta pops. Which I won't since my server is dead.


    On top of all of that. You know after the next major patch they'll make war hero gear practically free.


    I understand it should be hard to get the top tier gear. But doesn't this just feel like a Eastern Gaming Grindfest to anyone else?


    For a casual player, you done more math there than needed for a 3 hour player.


    Also, this change is for you and the others like you. Catering to the casuals.

  10. TLDR : Same faction WZ will be treated as a training simulation with appropriate cutscene describing it as such..


    Why try to justify it? In pvp aspect even if they tried to follow lore, pvp wouldn't make sense anyway period.


    Look at civil war. Our dropships aren't taking evasive maneuvers why? I'm sure it wouldn't hurt in lore aspect to pull away to a safer distance or wiggle a bit.


    Taking the voidstar more than once wouldn't make sense either.


    We fight the same faction because we can to make it quicker. This is just so were not stuck with huttball most of the time.


    In a game lore is a guideline, not a rule.

  11. This is not about RP... its about logic and common sense


    When you go to pvp, the main reason you do it is purely for player vs player interaction. The animation of their abilities, or graphics of armor is moot.


    I'm suddenly wondering why Luigi and Mario duked it out in Mario kart. Oh right, its a game. Just like this game.


    If same faction fights bug you, just pretend they are light side imperials, or dark side republics, just like you pretend to be the person in the center of your screen.


    Key words being "pretend". that's all games are anyway.


    Play the game for the sake of playing.


    There's your logic and common sense.

  12. This would solve most issues IMO - 15seconds of CC immunity. But it would have to effect ALL CC...the roots, the dizzy, the twirly thing, the knock down, the knock back, the confused, the frozen, the pulls.


    CC's are a joke in this game. Not being able to even move your character while you get pummeled is simply not fun.


    With a time window like that it would be a bad idea to try and cc a ball carrier near a goal line.


    15 seconds of immunity is just bad.



    On another note, holy **** you guys got way off topic with your bickering.

  13. Considering the "trinket" has a cooldown, you should get immunity from CC for X amount of time after you pop it. Say 15-20 seconds. There is no point to the "trinket" if I can use it and immediately get CC'd again for the full duration.


    well, the way I put it is exactly what you are saying, only at a much, MUCH less overpowering time.

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