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Posts posted by kreite

  1. My smuggler simply wants to have fun and go on adventures whenever and wherever he can, the more dangerous the job the better (credits are merely a fortunate by product).


    Though he is a bit of a softy when it comes to his crew.

  2. Well once a simple spelling mistake made in the heat of the moment lead me and my party to refer to all npc patrols from then on as aptrol (which meant that we would yell APTROL!!! whenever one came our way) it was very funny at the time and a swtor memory I will look back upon fondly.
  3. I was rping as a smuggler with a jedi knight from my guild (who to be fair is a very nice guy and always good in a fight) but when my smuggler asked what a jedi was doing on nar shaddar he simply replied with...


    "if I told you I'd have to kill you"


    Bothered of course by such a response I broke character and asked if that was really what a jedi would say.


    He told me he was "no ordinary jedi"


    We stopped the rp and never spoke of it again (which was rather rude now that I think about it)

  4. This is pretty embarrassing for me and I realize that it deviates slightly from the original purpose of this thread but I have a confession to a godmode incident that I myself am guilty of, looking back on it now I hope nobody else remembers, I just need to get it off my chest.


    My character (if you could call him a character) started out screaming and exploding a cliff with his epic force powers because he was having a flashback about his family's death (how wonderfully modest and original right?)


    From there he proceeded to bloody his knuckles on the inside of a cave in anger at being discovered by the other roleplayers (and ignoring the immense amount of pain that sort of thing would cause because apparently he was just that tough) he was then visited by a force ghost who gave him some cliched speech about how he was destined for greatness or some rubbish like that (it only gets more painful from here)


    He was then rescued by some fellow jedi rpers (most humble thing that ever bloody happened to him) and after he recuperated in the medical bay he returned to the cave because he apparently saw ancient runes that nobody else happened to notice (including the jedi council, what the hell!) he found a crystal, took it, and from there I tried to take the whole thread into my own hands. What followed was a ridiculous story about some random sith life preservation crap that I was so ashamed of when I read through it later that I quit the rp and posted a formal apology ooc to all others involved.


    By this point in time I have completely redone the character and can only hope he won't cause me as much shame this time.


    Ok all done, please proceed with the rest of your stories and don't mind me I'll just keep lurking.

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