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Posts posted by Saltychip

  1. I've played wow on and off since 2006 but they have too much good stuff that outweighs the bad. Pet battles are cool to make some money selling pets having a fun mini game. Actually worth doing old content for achievements that mean something (LOL swtor) , you can get titles, mounts, etc. Fishing profession to make money. Theres just a lot more stuff to do in general in wow. (in b4 almost 10 yrs of content)


    The engine is better i think because movement isnt as restrictive. I feel like im on rails most of the time playing swtor because when I try to move fast I get huge fps lag and the tab targetting in swtor sucks poon.

  2. Just wanted to say I'm a founder and registeredmy account in 2010 after playing closed beta. The game is fun but there is NO endgame worth doing except dailies and being a zombie on the fleet. I wont really get into the annoying engine limitations or huge FPS issues, memory usage (even using memory cleaner)


    I just unsubbed and have 23 days of game time left which sucks. The IP of starwars kept me hooked for 2 months since I had just come back to the game but couldnt hold me for 3 months. During that time I got two 55s and several 10-20 alts.


    I'm off to go play wow again, reroll on a new server and start fresh. The graphics of wow suck but the engine is much better.



  3. agree to some support for F2P users who have made a purchase. If they didnt make a purchase just enable them access to the support forums or make a new forum called "new players" forum only for F2Ps to make posts so others can go in there and try to assist possibly.


    also you can toggle off the chat if you dont like seeing the Q_Q

  4. Well compare WoW arena to SWTOR arena. Which plays more fluidly?


    Swtor's engine just sucks for pvp its simple to see. Huttball is a great idea but pvp in general doesnt feel as fast twitch and reactive as wow pvp. Unless huge overhauls are done to fix this I think swtor should put primary focus into improving quality of life changes and adding pve with pvp as a minor secondary to please the try hards who grind to valor 100 for dat epeen flex :rak_03:


    Dont even get started about the bolster pvp buff, which gear is best to pvp with? Does it really matter you get boosted and buffed with expertise even in pve gear. I dont even think the devs know what their doing with pvp.

  5. I heard somewhere that almost 50% of the swtor population PVPs so if thats true bioware is obviously trying to milk it by making a pvp only expac :p by hyping you into subscribing so you can get it early and im sure there will be some cartel stuff to go with it somehow.
  6. go find datacrons you haven't got yet, look for random achievements/codex entries/lore objects


    why? You cant even share your time invested with that lol. No one would care or even notice. Might as well play KOTOR since thats basically single player advice in an MMORPG.

  7. problem I see is makeb had no villian to look forwards to fighting. ROTC was just a thrown together planet that had maybe 10-15 hours of story content. I've done it on a republic and imperial toon. It wasn't good enough to leave an impression on me.


    Dailies are endgame outside of OPs but no one wants to do them because their long and take forever to get groups going. If you have a good guild then thats legit and your set but most of us dont have that so for solo players you get to enjoy long que times for HM FPs (im a tank and been qued for 30 minutes no pop). Then when you do get in and wipe once everyone leaves.


    They added oricon planet which is nice but the missions to unlock the dailies are the same thing... what a troll. Lets do dailies so you can unlock dailies and do dailies while your going to do dailies. :rak_03:


    If there was some grand boss we were working up towards and had filler content in between to prepare for it might be different. Some Flashpoints, Couple of OPS, add some world bosses, daily hubs (cause thats really the only endgame we have), add some new crew skills or improve existing ones, enhance companion dialogue quest and expand general story is what I would expect from an expansion.


    I dunno bro the game is killing itself and just becoming a pool of F2P

  8. Its free so I cant expect too much but I am kinda sad theres no new planets or anything. Even if they didnt do any PvE Stuff it would be nice if they overhauled crew skills and fixed them up. If all there is going to be is 12v12 space pvp I dunno how I feel.


    Would be cool if there was a seconday level like Ground Character/ Space character level almost like Job classes. So you start as level 1 in space character with this new expac and if you complete everything you get higher space levels and that gives you unlocks to buy or earn for your ground character since it already states something similar on the page.


    but the biggest reason I see this as only a PvP expac is because most of the swtor population (around 50%+ ) play warzones or pvp actively. So bioware wants to entice them to subscribe as im sure many of them arent subbed. Especially the lower levels.

  9. Not enough players are qued lol. Maybe combine all the servers into two servers one for pve and one for pvp. Then you'll see 1000+ people on the fleet and lag into oblivion because the hero engine is like 1990s but at least you'll be able to get a group finder pop for operations :)
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