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Posts posted by Ezco

  1. i play an immortal spec jugg. i have no issues tanking in pvp, but it does become way easier once you get to the higher levels and more abilities are available to you. Then you learn to use the resolve bar and gg, because now you know when to use cc and use your cc breaker. i absolutely love tanking in pvp now especially the difference in game play going from 39-40 and cant wait to hit 50 to get all my skills and redo my button ui config for pvp.
  2. its really simple, if you don't like how it is setup then get to 50, i think its fair if some people took the time to do quest and pvp at same time to get to 50 to boast the abilities they have unlocked with gear...
  3. well i am currently lvl 33 in immortal spec and have found pve content easier then when i level my marauder to lvl 47 in the beta, feels good to not have to heal after every mob. Now as for pvp the farther i get into the tree the longer i last in battle. This is even more amazing as more and more healers are starting to show up in the WZ. i find my self outlasting and preventing a ton of damage to my allies in which case win a majority of the time. im glad i played marauder during beta because now for launch having a ton more fun with the juggernaut
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