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Posts posted by OrmEmber

  1. You are completly correct. This is a new problem. With the new Voss story content they messed with the textures.

    I've been playing for years and always found Voss to be beautiful. The grass swaying in the breeze, The way the textures made it look like the sun shined through the trees. It was so pretty.

    But now the trees look flat by comparison and the grass, when in motion, looks grainy. Lots of tiny little pixels out of place.

    This is a recent change and I really hate it. I rarely post, but I loath this change. Voss went from pretty, to flat with grainy-ness.

    • Thanks 1
  2. You can mix 306 and 320 gear so long as you are paying attention. I am an Immortal Jugg. I saw a Jugg next to me in full 320 while I was 316. He had less survivability than me. And his absorb was appalling.


    The new Jugg gear is heavy on shield and subtracts on absorb.


    The 306 weapon is good enough I'd say.


    Basically you can go 320 (from the vendor in supplies) and replace ya Shield, Ear, Relics and Implants so long as you augment them with ya 286/300 augments.


    Armor is slightly different. You can replace the belt, bracers, trousers and gloves. However, the helm chest and boots will savage your absorb. Those 3 items are the ones to ignore.


    End result is my 316 rating tank is superior to a 320 rating tank by a large margin.


    My guess is you need to be full 324 before you are uniformally superior to 306. If you can't afford to swap augments then just dont bother. Poor C**** like me that solo are gonna be stuck on 326 anyways. You couldn't pay me NiM grind for gear. I might grind the legendary implants coz they have the tasty sets pieces on em..you know..the legendary **** they just wiped out.


    Gear grind is *****. Whole patch is *****. Ui makes ya eyes bleed. The story was..wait? There was a story? Oh yeah and every system in the game is broken in some way. Go read the first couples pages of the bug forum. The "known Issues" list dont cover half that ****.

  3. Seriously?! The 10th Anniversary is gonna be delayed by 2 months? So for the first time in a decade there will be NO new content in December? The one time of the year we all expect it? You release broken ***** every year but THIS year nono **** all those guys that subbed for a month.


    Not like you could have told us this 2 weeks ago. Right? The 10th Anniversary and you fail this hard... All we wanted was a decent expansion. Did trying to change all the *********** classes at once prove too much? Changing everything every bloody version didn't teach you anything at all, did it?!


    You are underfunded, and yet you always want to remake the game every time. We just want an expansion that lasts longer than an afternoon. I really don't understand.

  4. They are messing with so many systems that they don't fully understand. Be ready for the most bugs you have ever seen from an update. And I'm being realistic. This will be historic.


    I know some people will get sassy with me, but you wait till December and everything is broken for a month, and then it takes another 6+ months to fix all the classes they broke. What this game needs is a solid expac but what we will get it broken classes for half a year and a story that can be finished in an afternoon.


    I'm calling it.

  5. No, no no no no no!


    Lana is THE most loyal follower you can get. Vote her out of the story by all means, but don't vote her dead. So many companions have been made worthless because a few people cried. And it is ALWAYS the few people crying on the forum that ruin's the game for everyone else.


    Just coz you shout the loudest and cry the snottiest doesn't mean you speak for the rest of us. You don't!


    PVE got neutered because pvp people cry. The KOFE and KOET story was drastically reduced because a few people were impatient. I'm sick of my game being ruined for a handful of loudmouthed brats.


    I like Lana. I want her to stay. Stop speaking for me you grumpy little twits.

  6. While I'm playing I'm fine, but I have noticed that when I use the GTN sometimes I feel weird or my head hurts. Never occurred to me the FOV might be why.


    EDIT: Played for years so there are times I come here to forget feeling ill, and the game actually makes me feel worse. Never understood why. Maybe FOV is it. I usually just end up watching a film instead.

  7. So a few months ago the saga of "quick-play mode" started. I went away for 2 months and when I returned it had not been fixed. So since then I have deleted my bitraider folder before running the launcher every day. And that has worked, so I tolerated it.


    Since the patch on 15th of December even doing this no longer works. No work around works for me. I find this unacceptable. Not only did the developers NOT fix this issue, they have some how made it worse. And I know no fix is coming. They don't know how to fix it, or they would have already.


    I'm shocked at how much they break with every patch. But do they stop changing things until they have worked out what they broke? No. They will then implement changes no one asked for or wanted and break 10 more things, and then only fix 4 of them.


    Tell me Bioware. What exactly are you doing? Are you really this incompetent, or do you just not care all the while people keep paying? I am sick of it. What do I subscribe for?


    [Windows 8.1 for what it's worth]

  8. Step 3: Do a dance and picture Dasty the Hutt bustin out a nasty move with you in an itsy bitsy teenie weenie, rainbow podka-dotted speedo that he (I) wore for the first time today.


    :rak_03: Eww, I'm referring to myself in the third Hutt.




    So I just had a vision of a hutt in a bikini. If I have trouble sleeping tonight I am blaming you.

  9. Patching the PTS first is a great idea and is actually kinda what a PTS is for. I'm guessing they do test things, but checking on half a dozen PCs just doesn't cut it. They have a brilliant resource in the PTS community. About time they made proper use of it instead of getting egg on their faces every time they patch the game. It's embarrassing now.
  10. They don't know how to integrate new features into the existing UI or UI editor. But someone said it has to go in. So it does.


    Unless BW want to come change my mind and explain why they seemingly ignore us every single time we say we don't like a UI element/banner and want to move it or turn it off. Maybe they are trolling us? More likely is they just don't know how.

  11. I'm just gonna quote myself from the thread in the bug section coz I'm lazy.


    Ah these things usually miss me, but I suppose it's my turn to get the thing that stops you playing.


    I downloaded and installed the patch just fine. Then logged into a couple characters and played for a while. Closed the client. I came back a few hours later and all my characters are greyed out and I got the quick play mode message.


    I honestly cannot fathom how you can play fine after the patch and then not at all after restarting the client. How does that even happen?


    Oh I'm oldskool and still using the bitraider client if that helps the devs. Never had an issue with it before and no, I aint downloading the whole game again because BW borked a patch. This is on them.

  12. Ah these things usually miss me, but I suppose it's my turn to get the thing that stops you playing.


    I downloaded and installed the patch just fine. Then logged into a couple characters and played for a while. Closed the client. I came back a few hours later and all my characters are greyed out and I got the quick play mode message.


    I honestly cannot fathom how you can play fine after the patch and then not at all after restarting the client. How does that even happen?


    Oh I'm oldskool and still using the bitraider client if that helps the devs. Never had an issue with it before and no, I aint downloading the whole game again because BW borked a patch. This is on them.

  13. Why are you so entitled? They changed a thing. Deal with it. So many, many things have changed over the years. That's just how things go. "Oh but i liked this more" And? People have been whining about skill changes for years.


    You think if it was easy they wouldn't do it?! You see everytime they change things they break them, right?


    The code aint simple or all the bugs would be fixed. They don't fix em because they would break 10 other things.

  14. I feel maybe I posted in the wrong thread. I don't actually deal with craftables or mats. I make my creds..elsewhere. I'm not sure if that makes my point less valid. But as a rule, I will still avoid those cheaping others by tiny amounts. It is lame. I'd call it cowardly, but that doesn't really translate. But that's how I feel.


    The market ultimately sets the price. What it is worth to them. If you don't like it then **** off. QQing does nothing but make you look like a greedy ****. Adapt or die. No one cares what it costs to make something, they care what it costs them to buy.

  15. Undercutting people by 1 credit is pathetic. All that says to me is you want all the moneies but are unwilling to actually lose anything and would rather steal a sale from someone else.. because some people blindly buy the cheapest thing going. I always avoid those sellers.


    If I buy something cheaper I do it from those that are actually willing to lose something to make the sale. Not to be a greedy guts. If you don't wanna lose anything then make your price the same as the people above you.


    If ya gonna undercut someone, do it like you mean it. 1 Credit..pfft that makes your sale worthless in my eyes. I will buy the more expensive item over yours because you are too greedy to actually lower the price meaningfully.

  16. You have made me need to log into this pustule of a forum. I ain't impressed.


    Game is telling me I am in quickplay mode. But there is no patch, and nor does it actually let me access my characters. It was fine before lunch. Who pressed a button they shouldn't have? Hmm?

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