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Posts posted by Marklarx

  1. Same issue, just resubbed from a while back before 7.0, stuck on this issue at 3/25 quests in my log: "You must have two available slots in your mission log! Please abandon sufficient missions and talk to Malgus again to proceed." Attempted to port out to Odessan, accepted some terminal quests per a suggestion on the net, went back in, got the same message at 6/25 missions. Abandoned the 3 I picked up, talked to Malgus again... no luck. Luckly the "Launch" option takes me right to where the end of the FP is so Malgus is right there holding his side, hoping it stays that way for when it's fixed so I don't have to re-run this. Also read online that the next stage is at the fleet Prison Level but that level was greyed out on the elevator so I could not go there directly. 

  2. except sides don't exist anymore. that's not speculation, that's fact.


    ^ this.

    Every endgame raid and expansion has dealt with a common threat. Sooooo PvE-wise, this game has no "sides."


    Everybody fights the same stuff. Climaxing in a nice rainbow of republic alongside sith for this last xpack.

    Oh yeah, and no matter how evil your Jedi Knight gets, he/she will never become Sith... so.... yeah...

    Aside from PvP and personal preference, the two factions in this game have been meaningless.

    Same with WoW or any other MMO with factions that literally serve no purpose other than to split the playerbase and provide a base reason for PvP. I have yet to see one where your starting faction actually has an effect on endgame. Rift figured that out and dealt with it.

  3. A major barrier in addition to what's been mentioned already was mentioned during development - the difficulty with making lightsabers deflect blaster bolts. This is why they were stuck with 4 sizes of human models, and why all "alien" races are painted humans. They had to keep the animations consistent. This is also why you will NOT see a non-humanized Jedi/Sith NPC with lightsabers that you can fight, because they won't deflect blaster fire properly. Instead they get vibro-whatevers.


    Sorry, you're stuck with humans or painted humans (bodies I mean, faces have different issues, and were mentioned previously) - whatever can be humanized and not require additional animations.


    Cathar could be do-able because they already have them humanized and Jorgan seems to look fine in all heavy armors. Maybe the mouths/eyes were different enough to require a separate sliding scale on the char creator, which would be a "major technological advancement."

  4. Instead of the soulless fleets.


    As Aric Jorgan says when you enter Coruscant: "We're in the beating heart of the Republic."


    Maybe he was listening to our echoing footsteps...


    Point is, Coruscant, as far as the game is concerned, is not even close to the "beating heart" of the Republic community. It's just a pit stop on the way to getting your ship.

  5. Runs out in August (6-mo Sub, I had high hopes): [2x lv50's, 2x lv44's, both sides]


    1. Too much, too soon.

    -From level 10, I was already a hero and saving the galaxy. I saved the galaxy over and over and over again until I became numb to it somewhere around lv30. The most elite soldiers of the Republic/Empire couldn't do it, but Kaliyo and I could! Riiiight. Too much, too soon. I didn't feel like I had to work for my reputation with the Republic/Empire. Make everybody the hero too soon, it becomes transparent and meaningless.


    2. Every planet the same.

    -"Welcome to X. We have issues. Will you save our planet?" Yeah, sure *yawn*, can I visit the cantina first? That long walk out the airlock for no reason wore me out. "You don't understand, you need to help NOW... our most elite soldiers have been decimated fighting a major threat! However, you and your companion seem to be better than them." Kaliyo and I proceed to fight group after group of nameless troopers and snipers, and somewhere along this mind-numbing slaughter the planet gets saved and I am a hero. Again... and again... and again. Every planet the same.


    3. I was running a pest control business, not fighting for the Republic/Empire

    -No matter where I went to quest, or what planet I was on, NPC's were exactly the same with zero variety. Group after bloody group of nameless troopers and snipers. Occasionally a droid... that was a trooper/sniper class. Oh yeah, sometimes they had vibroswords and were stealthed. As I gazed onto the landscape of every planet, I imagined myself with an Orkin logo on my armor. The Orkin man has arrived, I see that every square inch of landscape is infested with groups of nameless troopers and snipers! Never fear, my associate Kaliyo and I will exterminate these pests. Every planet, every quest, every zone... clear 5 billion groups of troopers and snipers and save the galaxy. Zero variety, zero fun. All the way to 50.

    -Hey Kaliyo, those Esh'ka sound freaky! Let's go get us some! "You and me agent!" Hey Kal... is it just me, or are these dudes just... groups of troopers and snipers again? Ah, but an alien is now holding the gatling gun, so it must be different...

    -New daily zone? Hey... check it out Kaliyo! More groups of troopers and snipers!

    -I never felt like I was fighting for a greater cause, just mindlessly exterminating pests.


    4. No "races."

    -That's right. We get to pick a human, or a painted human. Mirilian? Nope sorry, human painted green with squares on their faces. But hey, good start on the Twi'leks with the handlebars. Too bad their animations and everything else about them is human. Same height/weight, same animations, same look in armor, same voice actors. Admit it, we only got one "race" to choose from. Zero variety. No wonder there was so little talk about which "races" would be introduced into the game... they were still trying to figure out how many different ways they could paint the humans and hope people wouldn't really notice.


    5. No consequence.

    -Funny how Grand Master Shan, in all her infinite Force-sensing wisdom, didn't seem to give a flying womprat about my friend's veiny sith-corrupted face. She still gave him the same quests as me. Our choices meant nothing in this game, except to introduce a little fun into conversations. Ultimately, evil Jedi are still Jedi. 100% dark side, yet they still serve the Republic.

    -Quest choices also meant nothing. Whether you say "I'm a noble Jedi, I don't need a reward;" or "I don't work for free scumbag, I want a bonus;" or "I'm going to kill you," you get the same bloody reward for every quest. Sure, some of the outcomes are different for light/dark choices, but ultimately nothing changes except a few in-game mails.

    -Why introduce a morality system if nothing is ultimately affected?


    Plenty more, those are the top 5.

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