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Posts posted by aharris

  1. Having played a JK to high 30s and now having strictly soloed a JC to Balmorra, I can say that the two stories are definitely very different and would appeal to very different tastes. I've enjoyed them both with the JK being the most straightforward off-to-save-the-universe and the JC being more cerebral and subdued with a touch of mystery.


    The thing that annoyed me most about Act I was that I felt that they tipped their hand a little too much toward the end. I had the major pieces more or less put together by the time the "big reveal" part of the mystery came about. I would have appreciated some more surprise because if I could figure out what was going on, I'm sure everyone else knew by then, too. That's why I say they tipped their hand a little too much, too soon.


    Now as far as Act II goes, I'm enjoying the irony of my socially inept Jedi being given all these honors when I've been so strictly solo with her that I haven't even been able to complete the Social Points tutorial quest - I don't have enough social points! But here I am ... doing those things the game has you doing in Act II. :eek:


    But, I will say that I'm the type of person who has a wide range of tastes when it comes to my stories. Right now, the ones that I'm having the hardest time connecting to and getting into are the Imperial ones mainly because I have a time wanting to work to preserve a system of governance ruled by the Dark Council and the highly ranking Sith. Those people are just plain crazy. I ought to know; I've played some. ;)

  2. Guardian - Human

    Inquisitor - Human (twin to the Guardian)


    Agent - Human, she was Chiss, but since the Chiss are so insular as a species, it kept bothering me to think of how she was going to be successful undercover. So I defaulted back to human although Twi'lek would have also worked being nearly as numerous on both sides.


    Gunslinger - Human, I have plans for a Twi'lek scoundrel eventually


    Consular - Twi'lek, I played with Mirialan before settling on Twi'lek

    Inquisitor - Rattataki, They just look like they were made to be Inquisitors to me


    So, ok, I do have a lot of humans, but with the Legacy system being the way it is, I have a hard time justifying how the aliens wound up with the legacy name. Some are easier to justify than others. Twi'leks can easily be adopted, for example.

  3. I actually found Nar Shadaa to be less annoying for the reasons you list than the Justicar area of Coruscant. I was about ready to cry and tear my hair out by the time by the time we finally finished all our quests that kept sending clear to the very back corners of that area. Every time we'd think we were done, one quest chain or another would send us back to the very rear corner of the Justicar zone ... and we'd have to fight our way down there and back all over again.


    By comparison, Nar Shadaa was almost friendly.

  4. I had no trouble with him, but as a Guardian tank, I had already gotten pretty paranoid about doing anything and everything in my power to interrupt the enemy when he pulls out a red power bar. So, force kicks, stasis and push were my big buds. Until I saw this thread, I had no idea that anyone else had any trouble with him. He might have killed Kira, but I don't remember ... that's how memorable that fight was.
  5. Huh, granted I just finished chapter I, but I've not had any major issues with my Guardian tank. I can roll through things with or without my husband's commando to back her up. I just go slower without the commando is all. I can beat most things with very little trouble. Maybe that changes as I keep going up in levels, but I haven't seen much trouble yet.
  6. I'm the sort that gets frustrated by puzzles like this really easily. If I don't make it in the first four or five tries, I'm usually angry enough that I have to put it down and walk away, or in this case, go somewhere else and do something other than try to jump from point A to point B.


    I agree with the others who have said that they can't get their characters to jump when they tell them to jump. It's more than a little annoying to discover that rather than leaping across to the next pile of whatever, you're character is instead face-planting in to the wall because she apparently didn't get the memo to jump and ran straight off the edge.

  7. First off, to the poster who stated that there was no taboo to homosexuality or bi-sexuality in the DA2 universe. That's all well and good, but just because there's no prejudice against it doesn't mean that the actual numbers of homosexuals and bi-sexuals in the world has changed any. Throughout human society, the number of gays has remained pretty constant as a percentage of the population whether the societies in question have had taboos against homosexual behavior or not. So, the idea that just because there's no taboo against that sort of behavior means that everyone happens to swing both ways does not necessarily follow logically.


    Second, I remember reading on the DA2 forums that the characters were not designed bi-sexual so much as they intended to be more ambi-sexual meaning that they were intended to play out with the sexual orientation the player desired them to have. Meaning, if I played through as a straight female and flirted and romanced Anders, he was supposed to come off as a totally straight male. And, from convos I had on that forum, I know that there is at least one line that females who romanced him didn't get that males who romanced him did. For males, he mentioned that Karl was his "first." I don't recall him saying that to my female character although he did talk about how he and Karl were friends. Isabela, on the other hand, was openly bi.


    Now, IME, I've noticed that we straights have a much harder time with the idea of gay romances for the most part than gays have with the idea of straight romances. I'll chalk that up to gays being more flexible in their sexuality. Suffice it to say, it's not because I have a problem with gays; it is because I don't enjoy seeing gay erotica. For me, it's about as exciting as say watching my parents get it on would be. So, I don't want the option in my games, and sometimes, even seeing the possibility of the option is enough to set my mind wandering in that direction which can be a little off-putting.


    So, I agree that the best possibility would be to have the means to turn the switch off at character creation by telling the game at the outset what preference your character will have. Or, barring that, I would prefer the old-fashioned way of writing characters that have clearly defined sexual preferences. I understand that this limits all of us unless we're willing to play characters of different genders and orientations, but I'd rather the options be clearly written as gay, straight and bi instead of ambi-sexual. It bother me far less to have the awkward moment when my gay or bi crewmate hits on me to test the waters and we set things straight than it does to forever be seeing flirt options in my dialogue tree for a crewmate with whom that option would be inappropriate for me.


    Yes, WALL OF TEXT.


    No, there is no tl;dr version. Stop being lazy.

  8. In terms of rolling alts, if you do the same class, yes, you'll have the same storyline class quests. However, there are tons of side quests. Now, on the first couple or worlds, it's possible to hit all of those and not outlevel the place. But, once you start hitting places like Taris and Tatooine on the Republic side it starts getting a lot harder. I know I skipped a ton of stuff on Taris because by the time I got to it, I was already mid-level for the planet and just a level below the starting level for Tatooine.


    I had to choose which of the two worlds I was heading to next. It wouldn't surprise me at all to discover that I missed some stuff on Coruscant (I know for example that I didn't bother with the Heroic 4 because I didn't want to mess with putting a group together). I also haven't done Athiss, Cademimu or Madelorian Raiders yet even once and not for lack of desire. All of those would have added XP and I might have skipped Taris altogether.


    I know I left out a lot of stuff on Tatooine, too, because I want to get to Alderaan and stake a claim on a legacy name before all the good ones get taken.


    I guess my point is that there seems to me to be plenty of stuff I haven't done that one or another of my alts could experience along with their story quests.


    And I'm the type of person who enjoys a good story enough to play it multiple times, so unless BioWare really messes up a storyline quest, I don't see that playing alts of the same class is going to be a burden. Sure, I may not immediately run back to square one and break my neck to play another Jedi knight right away, but I'll bet I play another one at some point in the future.

  9. I'm wondering why I bothered picking a hairstyle and color with such care. I haven't been able to see my hair since I went to Coruscant. I've been through three planets since then. I can only imagine how hellish it must be to constantly wear that thing up on Tatooine. Is it some kind of vow Guardians must take that they will never, ever show their hair in public? Are we like some ultra-fundamental wing of the Jedi order? Please, please, BioWare, my Jedi wants to uncover her hair!
  10. I'm not going to claim to be an expert on RPing because I'm not. I will say that I roled on an RP server because first impressions are that the community there is most like what I was used to coming out of City of Heroes where I played for 5 years. And there, I played on the "unofficial" RP server, meaning the server where the RPers congregated. It wasn't ever officially labeled as such. Since the rules of the servers don't do anything to enforce RP, I'm going to say that the RP servers here are going to wind up a lot like Virtue was with a community that's very tolerant of RP and RPers in general and it's going to be much easier to find those things and people but that no one is going to expect everyone to run around being IC 24/7 or else.


    On Virtue, the hard core RPers (yes, they exist) tended to group amongst themselves and they didn't tend to advertise for random groupmates much, so it was pretty hard to wind up in an uncomfortable situation where you accidentally being OOC or IC at the wrong moment or in the wrong way was going to get awkward although it did occasionally happen. At the same time, if you felt like you wanted to play IC on a mission or two in a light manner, no one was generally going to get all bent out of shape about it, either. And, that's what I liked about Virtue. I never really developed much in the way of deep, long-running storylines for my characters, but they did all have definite personalities, and on some nights, I felt like acting out in chat in those personalities. And that's where being on an RP server is attractive to me. I can be my characters on those nights and no one looks at me funny or complains that I'm trying to RP.


    I would say that so long as you and your buddy are polite and respect that the server is designed to be a home for RP just like PvP servers are designed to be homes for PvP, then you should be fine. RP is meant to occur there and not at all out of place.


    And try not to name your characters things like OMGzilla or anything. :rolleyes:

  11. Hubby and I are Northland KC, KSU alums, CoH expats although he still checks in there from time to time. We're rolling on The Ebon Hawk (commmunity there seems most like what we're used to from CoH) for now although we may alt on Death Wind Corridor to role with some CoH buddies.


    Both long-time gamers of all kinds of games.

  12. Heya, Altoholic here:


    Lyndoari, Rattataki Sith Sorceror, lvl 12ish ((mostly by day, be patient it means I'm likely parenting a 14-month-old on my own :) ))


    Agrippina, human smuggler, level 6 ((run in duo with my husband's characters mostly by night))

  13. I'll do the best I can without exhaustively researching Star Wars lore to make a name that sounds like it could fit in the Star Wars Universe. That means my name might be jarring to a true junky, but at least it won't be a silly pun or somethin gripped off of canon (and if it winds up being that, it's not intentional).


    So, I have Cale and Lyndoari as of right now.

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