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Posts posted by Tiriensoul

  1. I'm looking for a server with healthy pop, i live in sweden so it's Eu servers i'm looking after.

    I do mostly PvP, the server doesn't have to be jam packed or anything. Just a healthy pop.


    I mean Opvp doesn't happen so often, does it matter for me if it's a Pve or PvP server? I will be focusing mainly on Warfronts... The server i am on now is kinda dead, it was one of the last servers BW added shortly after release.


    Any suggestions and information is welcomed!

  2. Casuals rule, if you don't have them you don't have a game.

    Well you might have a game.. But the subs go way down without casuals. Infact, it's thx to casuals we see games today.


    They made the right decision, without a doubt. When this comes i will play alot more... And my friends might actually return.

  3. Personally I see more people quitting when they bring out cross server/ranked warzones. I can already see a lot of premade teams getting stomped because they are so content with rolling over pugs all the time atm.


    More people quitting cause of cross server wz's? Yeah keep teeling yourself that.

  4. ^^This.^^


    Gotta love a "social point" system that requires you to be social with NPC's in cutscenes, not the people in your group. lol


    That's why I consider it a total joke.


    The joke is on you, because people do this and need to get a group for it, hence why it's called social points.

    You need to find a group for it, you need to ask or talk to the team if they can hurry it up, and start a conversation in the group. It promotes that people group up in order to get it...


    So.. the joke is really on you.

  5. EA doesn't care about quality, they care about getting paid. Hence why Madden has sucked for the last ten or so years. Hence why Crysis 2 was rushed, and why Crysis 3 will be rushed. Etc., etc.


    You act as if EA are the only ones that care about money.

    Atleast EA is giving developers some time to try and do something, anything new... While others *Cough* Acitvision does not.

    Even Vivendo who owns activision has said that they are disappointed in them, even tho Mw series has sold like crazy.


    Just because you hear something bad about EA doesn't mean its true, it's mainstream to hate EA now i see, feeling cool yet?

  6. What are you privy to SWTOR's exit surveys? I'm sure players leave for lots of reasons but I'm not sure that bugs in OPS is the highest. I am pretty sure there's a large percentage of players who would never spend 2-3+ hours to run an Operation. HM FPs are about the longest missions they will ever run.


    Oh btw way it's unsub as in subscription. I don't know what an unsup is.


    Unsup is the new "What's up doc"

  7. Well, lack of accessibility is what killed the game for casuals. Why would ANYONE that is casual choose this game over one that has one click to run dungeon or raid. And have that feature being cross-server for quicker queue times. Sad, but true.



    Why should i wait several hours before i can do a raid?

    Why do i always need to play with the same people, over and over again. I want to play with hundreds of different players (This is a mmorpg)

    Why do i need to stand in the fleet waiting for people to log on?


    Cross server LFG fixes alot of things for casuals. Too bad BW and EA doesn't care about income apperently.

    If they had this tool... Less people would have left. But they can still put it in and fix it.

  8. Most people don't read Patch notes, so it should be 2000/2000 in-game.

    That way everyone can see that there is a 2000 cap.....

    It's not that hard to put in, and BW should do it to simplify it.


    Stop defending something that they clearly missed....

  9. And you have 1.3 million subs, well done i must say. And this is 6 months in... Can't believe it's been that long.

    Well congrats, you deserve it. Never heard of a mmorpg having 1.3 million after 6 months, not even on release ever.

    Not even WoW had those numbers... So congrats again!



    Now get moving on 1.3!

  10. No, this game is not a stun fest. Some people think it is, but that is because they don't understand how stuns, CC in general, or the Resolve system work.


    Granted, BW should do a better job of providing information on CCs and Resolve in game, but the real problem right now is that players die far too quickly (TTK is too low). Since you can die before a stun wears off, the players who experience this annoying scenario incorrectly perceive the CC as being the culprit.




    I'm not sure how you can continue to post this factually incorrect statement and not be banned for outright trolling. Resolve works as intended. The Resolve Bar works as intended.


    It makes sense, because pre 1.2 it wasn't as bad as it is now. Atleast from what i can remember... Or like the other person said it might be the healing aswell. So it might not be the CC... But something just feels wrong.

  11. Unless you have a healer, resolve is pointless. By the time it kicks in (after multiple CCs from multiple players) to "save you" you're already dead; no it doesn't apply to snares.


    SWTOR is soooo Warhammer Online it's not even funny. WAR had some great ideas but the implementation was bad bad bad.


    I play Warhammer online daily, and i gotta say me and most of my friends that still play it thinks that SWTOR's CC is worse. I know.. It's crazy. But in SWTOR you can get chain locked, stunned, etc etc for a very long time.


    In warhammer online i don't think there is one CC that doesn't break on dmg, but in SWTOR you have CC that just doesnt break when someone hits you, that's the difference.

  12. warhammer has overpowered healing meant for world pvp and not warzones.

    This is the reason why warzones always end with one side being spawn camped. One side will continually get farmed while the other side will hardly die.


    So CC isn't a factor because healing can put a whole group into full HP in a couple of seconds.






    Area stun? The problem aren't stuns. The problem resides between the keyboard and your chair.


    Maybe you are right, maybe it isn't the CC maybe it is about the healing.

    What i would do to have the same healing control here as in Warhammer online... *drool*

    Will keep this in mind next time... And yeah when i think about it the healing here isn't even close to what it is in Wo.

    So maybe you did find the reason... :D

  13. Hutball + ppl who don't know what pass is = forum whine.


    If hutball was never implemented, nobody would have qq-ed about cc.... ever.



    It's not Hutball specific. It's about Crowd control.

    Stun.... while i was going for

    zap.... Damn i think i should go fo

    Imobilize.... Oh crap i need to

    Stun.... boooooorrrrr



    This is what it feels like. Imagine never be able to finish one sentence.. Fun times :p

  14. YAWN


    These nerf threads make me lol, you posters just illustrate your own playing ability.


    I have a Mara.. And uhm... I don't wanna admit it, because it's fun to kill anyone without doing much..

    But yeah, we are OP. But i do hope they don't nerf it until i atleast get full War hero :p

  15. Ive been playing several different mmorpgs out there, but let's take one, Warhammer online.

    Warhammer online have loads more CC than SWTOR.. But there is something about SWTOR's poorly implemented CC that makes you wanna quit almost every other Wz. What is it?`


    I've been trying to pin-point the problem but i can't. Why is it that SWTOR's CC is sooo much more annoying?

    Can anyone help me, is someone in the same boat?


    Logic says that Warhammer online that has tons of more CC should be more annoying, but it isn't.

    Is it because 99,9% of CC in WO breaks on dmg? I'm pretty sure this is it. But not 100%.


    Crowd control should break on damage, always. But how much CC abilities is there that doesn't break on dmg in SWTOR?

    Sometimes i swear to god it feels like it's the majority of the CC abilities.


    Do you find CC in Swtor more annoying than your last mmorpg? If so, why?

  16. no, cross server anything ruins communities in mmos


    bioware has said before that they would not do cross server anything, i would be disappointed if they go back on that


    Please do explain how it hurts communities, would love to hear this ^^.

    Most gaming nerds are weak and insecure, they say what they have heard, but they can't explain why it's bad. Just because some weak gaming nerd said it's bad, doesn't mean you all have to follow suit.


    Be yourself, stop following mainstream. But please do make 1 arguement against cross server...

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