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Posts posted by svalentine

  1. legally retarded people can be good at this game too! just need to roll jedi knight


    I actually challenge you to play Watchman or Combat spec on a high level. There are people who are very good at both of those classes and it's pretty easy to spot good ones from bad ones. (i.e. applying one stack of bleeds, waiting for cleanse then applying the rest.)


    Smash is super easy, but again there are still people who play it very well.


    Nonetheless, with bubble-stun only filling up like 1/8 of your resolve, this game is broken


    edit: I do remember using around 32 different abilities every single match as WM spec. Smash cut that down a bit, but like Vasyel said; nothing compares to VG and the limited abilities used (probably around 10-15)

  2. There once was a jedi named Crede,

    who spec'd into extra run speed,

    lost one single game,

    deguilded in shame,

    and said 'hey, got an ego to feed'


    Never actually lost a game with LD50. Solid attempt though; you could be the next Emily Dickinson.


    As for the tub: A little creepy (2 sabers 1 tub-esque) but still A+. Enjoy the sentinel, it's a fun class

  3. I'm just seeing whats out there for recruitment. my Name is Horsepower. I am just about full war hero geared(within next couple days) I been around since launch on and off and am looking at maybe moving to a quality pvp guild. I am only interested in a guild with ppl that know how to play and are solid pvpers. All i do in the game currently is pvp or lvl alts along with lowbie pvp. If any guilds are interested let me know. Before SWTOR i was a long time end game raider in wow(2-3 years) as in experience.

    First and foremost, love the name Horsepower - shows that you're a workhorse. Playing on and off makes me think that you're straight outta some fuçking Katy Perry music video, but; your dedication to PvP makes me know you're a tryhard (in a good way)


    wow end game experience means that you can tough it out against LD50 and show Surrena that you do live more than once.

    I am not positive on joining another guild but i am considering

    Once again, Katy Perry shìt

    Let the poundage begin

    I'm all about taking people to pound town


    With that said, <Crede's Cronies> is recruiting. send your resume and cover letter to me in-game. No pics please, unless you creepily have one of Katy Perry's tìts

  4. first thing i see is PJ-b sittin in general saying


    PJB doesn't really say things; it's more of a spewing of useless information and declarations of him being somewhat good (lol)


    As for LD50 queue dodging: I know they wouldn't do that.


    Topi and the guys are all for queuing with anyone who's online at the times they do ranked (which you can usually find listed on their site)

  5. Anyway I'm not going to get into an argument...the name of the thread is high numbers so that's what we are posting, no? :)


    I don't think you can ever compare a game where I have 52 kills and you have 5.. that doesn't make any sense

  6. regular WZs pop at all times, longest I've ever waited is around 5 or 10 minutes and that only happens at 6 in the morning. Otherwise, regs pop every minute or two


    rateds you can get a few every night. depends on who is queued, and how long they stay queued

  7. Mid turret took a long time to cap. They capped their first turret quicker than us. The funny thing is we totally realize they had 7 people and if all 8 were there, they may have won with mid never being capped since they capped first... but we enjoy the heck out of watching them be so defensive about the game. LD50 and Republic Gentlemen are the two top guilds on the server. We know they are good. They know we are good. They worry too much. If we would have lost, we would have said GG and moved on. they got mad because we didn't requeue... well we couldn't we only had 6 people. with the group comps (we had 4 commando dpsers) we'd got torched in huttball. The others would be decent games IMO. Anyway... I personally like getting them all worked up over nothing... they played well enough to keep it close when short 1. We also know they wouldn't pay up the credits. We probably wouldn't have either if the roles were reversed.


    the credits come specifically from me, and me only.. It would make no sense to pay out when the game isnt even fair. If you beat any RWZ that I'm in, 8v8, I will gladly give you the money. I mean, 7v8 with us missing 1 dps, maybe... but 1 heals, cmon, we all know that's a massive disadvantage


    I think the real thing we should be focused on are the bugs in this game.. too many times have people crashed to desktop in ranked.. also, in normal WZs there's a bug where one team will have 7, and the game will not re-fill the spot for the 8th because it still believes it is full

  8. LoL... you didn't almost beat us. 60 kills to 18 kills. Look at the damage difference. Devildog owned u


    hahaha i love how you're saying this when the score was 50-0 and we played the whole game with 1 healer.. I'd love to get free damage too, but unfortunately I had to run in there and disrupt the cap cause we only had 1 healer

  9. In Naascar, When you want to know who wins a season, you look at points. When you want to know who wins a race you look at the finish line. This isn't an entire expansion, this is one zone, the starting line was Wed, the first car over the finish line was LD50. No question. Now, when the expansion is over? We'll take a look at those points.




    This was quite possibly the worst analogy I have ever heard.


    Moreover the "world" rankings were started by a random guy in a random guild.. so saying his point system is the proper world first is ridiculous. Hell, I can make up a random point system as well: 50 points per first kill; 500 points for clearing the instance first. Do you see what I'm getting at??


    Grats to LD50 for Server 1st, US 1st, and world 9th


    awins awins awin, knawmeen?

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