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Posts posted by cjlcw

  1. Over the last week I frequently loose my connection to the server. It will take almost 5 to 10 minutes to reconnect because the game can't find the server list. Sometimes it will close the game because it took too long. After that, there are tinea where i can't even get the launcher to work unless i restart my pc; that has become more frequent within the last day. During this time the internet connection on my PC is really good. Does anyone have an idea of what could be going on?
  2. The lack of being effective with a lightsaver is for gameplay purposes. If the class was just as good with a lightsaber as with the force, then the class woukd be unbalanced. Canonically, the Inquisitor would also be able to use a lughtsaber well. Based off of cutscents and force powers, the class seems to fit with lore. Also, some Sith do stop using their lighrsaver, believing that their skills with the force are good enough.


    I will say that with my sorcerer, I do find my lightsaber to be useful when my enemy becomes low on health and when i want to save force points. I use it fairly often even at 60 against standard mobs.

  3. I wouldn't say the agent doesn't care for the Empire.

    Even if you end up independent, you can make your agent very loyal to the Empire. At the very least the agent is a political character. Joining Jadus can have the idea of working for his vision of the Empire and a deserter would be either loyal to the Republic, or willing to work for peace between the two.

  4. In my head canon they'll all be captured at the same time and imprisoned. The Eternal Empire will launch attack on all of them, knowing that they're holding the factions together. My Warrior or Inquisitor will probably be the Outlander. The other characters are spread out during the rescue mission and remain captured. I'm going to find a way to explain Kira being around with Lana during the beginning of the rescue, but leaves as soon as they start freeing a Sith Lord. She chases after the knight and frees him. They work together against the Eternal Empire in different ways from the Outlander and also try to secure the galaxy because it will have been a Sith Lord who saves them (I'm going to find a way to explain Kira's possible appearance in the expansion). Over time they free the other Republic heroes and Cipher 9 (him and the Jedi attempted an escape early on). They all begin working together. That isn't a great explanation, but it's something off the top of my head.
  5. Since its boiled down to SW or JK witch one has the better story.


    That's a hard question. They're both in my top three stories. Id rank them from Agent, Warrior, then Knight; but at this stage it depends what you're looking for. The Sith Warrior is one of my favorite Sith stories in Star Wars as a whole. It's really well done and has all of the aspects you'd expect in such a story. It has grwat cast of characters throughout. The Jedi Knight is the typical Star Wars hero, but the writers did a good job on this story. They capture the tone of a Jedi Knight perfectly and your second companion is my favorite in the entire game. The rest of the characters do fill very typical archatypes for a Star Wars story, but they are fun. do think the warrior has the better story, but honestly not by any significant amount.

  6. Thanks for the reply. It was really helpful. It's good to know about Oricon; I have a difficult time finding time for operations. I will make sure to play SOR on all of my characters. I don't think I'll be able to go back to the ilum flashpoints or the mid level Revan ones, but I guess that should be okay at this point
  7. So on all of my characters I played through most of the main story (class story, Makeb, Rishi, Yavin, Ziost). I can't remember if I did all of the solo quests on Ilum and I think I skipped the Flashpointsame on most of my characters. In addition, I skipped the Dread Master story and probably the early Revan stuff after I played it the first time. Should this have a detrimental effect on my experience with the expansion?
  8. Thanks for the replies. It's good to know my imperial character is ready. I Oricon is a good idea for my Republic character -- I forgot about that planet's rewards for questing. To get above 156 will I have to resign my self to a long repetitive process, or is there an easier way? Even though she's ready, I'd like to get my Sith Marauder to the next set of gear.
  9. I know I've asked similar questions before, I'm sorry for that -- it's a result of not having much time for this game. So would gear with a 156 rating suffice for these flashpoints on story mode? What about 128 (I haven yet to gear my Republic main any further)? I have no intention of playing hard mode.


    Also, what are the fastest ways to gear my characters?



  10. What's the gear requirement to play this flashpoint? I'm still stuck with my 156 set; I just don't have much time to advance quickly. At the same time I want to experience the story in this one and the two know flashpoints (Tython and Korribam) that will come out in April. So am I likely geared enough?I know I couldn't do hard mode, but I don't intend to.



  11. It really is. There's nothing we can do.


    I have a lot of issues with TCW, mostly in the area of pointless retcons (Asajj Ventress is now half-Zabrak and not a Rattataki at all? What?! Why?!) but one area where I actually give it plenty of credit is in showing that programming for kids doesn't have to be "dumbed down" and can actually tackle serious subject matter.


    TCW makes a point to humanize the Clones, even when arguably the whole point of them was to be disposable cannon fodder, so that it matters when you see not just "faceless clone #43" getting shot down during the requisite "cool action scene" , but also see "Echo," the guy they've gotten to know over half a dozen episodes, die tragically in battle. They also have episodes like Heroes on Both Sides that specifically set out to show that war isn't as simple as "good guys" vs "bad guys", and episodes that were willing to challenge the status quo like with Ahsoka's decision towards the Jedi in The Wrong Jedi.


    For every goofy, "kid-friendly" episode like The Gungan General, you had legitimately exciting action episodes like Landing at Point Rain, creepy and even disturbing episodes like Monster, and interesting character pieces like The Deserter.


    Shows like The Clone Wars and Avatar: The Last Airbender are pretty impressive for how they've demonstrated that a show for children doesn't have to compromise telling a compelling story or engaging with complex issues and characters.


    I know, but I wish it was even darker. I really did enjoy certain episodes, but on a whole it doesn't fit with how I precieve the Clone Wars. My opinion may also be affected because of another thing I heard. Apparento the show was aiming at potrayong the Clones as programmed tocarry out order 66; like they had no free will in the matter. And then the retcons really spoil the show for me. Greivous was turned into the typical cartoon villain (wanted to be a hero but couldn't speak now he kills them), Darth Maul surviving, Obi-Wan and Satine, Barriss Offee, Assajj Ventress, Ahsoka, Anakin's knighting, and now this. Those things really spoil the show for me. Although, I do agree that they do a good job with the show and some of the episodes are truly great (I liked most of the ones I have watched) it's just I'm not a fan of the show on a whole.

  12. I don't have a source, but I read some things that indicate that this is not a typo. So from now on the Sith are not from Korriban, they're from Morriband. It is a replacement that only illustrates a lack of creativity, seriously it's Korriban minus the "k" and plus an "m" and "d." Also, it just plain sounds worse. I'm convinced that this is just a retcon for the lols. Although, I wonder why they didn't pick a more creative name.


    I really hope this doesn't kill TOR; it's one of my favorite prices of EU at the moment. I'm really tired of having things I love about the EU retconned by a kids' cartoon, it's really frustrating. And the replacement is never better.


    ...Beginning of off topic rant about Clone Wars ...


    How could covering the Clone Wars in a cart ton aimed for kids be a good idea any way. The actual subject matter is supposed to be dark. It's meant to be a series of brutal battles that kill off many Jedi and spread them very thin. From that point they are able to be slaughtered by their friends whom they fought with for years. The individual battles should be far more brutal than the Galactic Civil War. Instead of a small rebellion, you have two large armies. The battles should have massive casualties and be long, think Jabiim from the Republic comics. Also, the galaxy has been at peace for a thousand years. That would make the war a lot worse because no one has a comparable experiencd. The brutality needs to be apparent, otherwise you are not doing the war justice. You can't do that with this shows target audience. Sure you can show parts to it for that age and portray the war well (like the micro series), but not the majority of the conflict. The original multimedia project captured the right feel; the new show is just cheapening the conflict and destroying a large amount of great stories and characters.

  13. Thanks for the suggestions.I'll check some of those out. I currently have around half of Republic (the Quinlan Voss omnibus along with the Clone Wars TPB 1-8). Is the rest of the series just as good? Also my focus in on TPB and Omnibuses; I'm not a fan of buying single issues.
  14. This is a hard one because I can't see all of my characters meeting. If they did, it would likely focus on my warrior trying to locate my knight. The Jedi was raised in the Empire and he was childhood friends with the Warrior. The Sith viewed my Knight as the weeker and ordered the warrior to kill him. As the fight began to commence, my smuggle came in and rescued the Knight and brought him the to the Jedi. So the Warrior has a strong desire to kill the knight, especially after the events of act 3. I could see him asking the agent to locate him. During the events on Ilum my warrior and agent meet and they begin working closely together.


    Once the agent completes his takes, my Knight would prepare to go to where her the Warrior was located. Expecting a trap he'd probably bring the Consular along and my smuggler would demand to join them (he is close with my Knight). As they depart, the bounty hunter would follow because she wants to collect the Imperial bounty placed on the smuggler (it's 20 years old, from when he rescued the Knight from Kaas). Lastly the contact Havoc Squad to go ahead and scout out the location.


    Meanwhile, the warrior heads towards the location of their meeting. He brings the agent for support and Darth Nox joins them, just to be safe. So when all three Republic characters and three Imperial characters meet and a fight breaks out. Soon after the bounty hunter arrives and joins the fight. The Republic characters are thrown on the defensive and call my trooper for help. She leads Havoc squad towards the battle, but they are attacked by Jaesa and Xalek. So she departs alone and joins the fight. And it would probably end with the death of my Imperials.

  15. I like having the chapters separate with some connectivity here and there.


    My favorite storylines for the chapters are the ones that tell a complete (or mostly complete) story within a single chapter, ie you're introduced to your primary antagonist and then face them at the end of the chapter, then some amount of time passes between then and the next chapter.


    Early on they said the chapters were designed to be like TV seasons, but it is weird that in most cases Chapter 1 is usually it's own thing while Chapters 2 and 3 get blended together, especially as the class quests get fewer and further between.


    It always annoyed me when the villain of Chapter 2 would carry over into Chapter 3 as well. "I'm still dealing with this guy? Really?"


    I mostly agree. The problem is carrying over a conflict has to be done right to be engaging. So if the packing is bad or the conflict it self is poorly developed the story will fall flat. This does occur with some of the class stories. It isn't fun to fight a character you don't feel any emotions towards.And so when such a story is carried over to another act the player looses interest.


    My favorite two stories are also ones that don't really blend the final two acts. WethaI guess the agent has a character carry over, but everything is so different it hardly counts. And the Warrior is fighting completely different people in each of the acts, which does benifet it.


    I think the only classes that truly blend acts two and three are the inquisitor , Knight and smuggler, the first two do so to the greatest extent. This does cause the story to suffer for the inquisitor. I feel like the Knight pulls it off, by having a better structure for the storry progression. You learn more about the conflict by act 3 and so your motivation changes. Your defeat in the middle also carries a lot of whieght (I'm comlarirson to the Inquisitor) This increases the feelkng of intensity. So while the Knight does blend the acts, it has good pacing which compensates. With the smuggler you don't have a primary antagonist I'm act two, but you have two background antagonists. One becomes your primary enemy through act three but then you side with him to take down another one. Still your job is primarily the same throughout. Which does harm the story.

  16. I think the problem with the being told what to do is caused by the writer not hiding it as well. Like you said, the other classes are told what to do (you almost need it to carry on the story in this style of game), but they hide it better than the inquisitor, which makes this fact obvious. Come on the Inquisitior actually has to be told he or she isn't thinking by walking into the tombs. I see a similar problem with the repetition. All of the classes have it, but again it's hidden better. For example with the warrior you kill two spies, two people related to Jaesa, then a group of generals, an admiral, a Jedi Master, and then you're off to corellia. The thing is that the player doesn't fully feel this repetition. On the other hand, the inquisitor story makes it obvious that you're pretty much doing the same things.


    In regards the Thanaton: I don't actually think he was a bad idea, just poorly implemented. You shouldn't have come into conflict with him until act 3. You should have worked with him in act 2 and built up you power base in act 2. After that you could be the one who betrays him, instead of him coming after you. This would fit with the inquisitor being a plotter.


    Those reason cause me to not consider this class to be a true Sith experience. That goes to the warrior; which has all of the necessary elements. I'm surprised because I wes hesitant to play the class because I thought the character would be all about fighting.


    I don't think we can say that the whole story goes down hill from Taris. While the individual planets aren't great, there are some good scenes. I think the silencer captures the proper feeling of a power struggle. And getting an apprentice is cool. I like Corellia for all classes. Here actually fighting Thanaton is good. But then again it's not hard to top the rest of the story. Although, this is the first time where I actually felt like a Sith Lord.

  17. But the Empire is not the emperor. If the Imperial players found out they'd betray him and his followers but the dark council and Imperial infrastructure will still be intact. That is unless it's at The very end of the war. But that wouldn't make for a compelling end game. I think it would be better for it to happen in a flashpoint quite a while before the end of the war. I'd much rather have all of my characters die an off screen death than betray the Empire. I have actually head cannoned a death for most of my Imperial characters, so I'm quite comfortable with such a conclusion, I actually desire it as long as its after the game is done. Any way, I think Bioware has said that the letters the Warrior received are retconned and that the Knight killed the true emperor.


    I want to quickly define what I mean by a temperary or partial victory. What I mean is that they gain an advantage and control of the majority of the galaxy; this does not include the total eradication of the Republic or Jedi (that is impossible because they have to win the war). I ment to imply something more like when the reborn Palpatine took back Coruscant, but maybe lasting a little longer. That was a temperary victory because the core was recaptured and the New Republic was on the run. But the tide turned and ultimately the Empire was defeated. Or say for example that the Thrawn campaign was a success and the Empire won the Galactic Civil War. In such a scenario we could call the establishment of the New Republic a temporary/ partial victory for the Rebel Alliance. The thing is that wars can go back and forth and in a game where players are invested in both sides it's a must.


    I know that the Empire will eventually be destroyed and that my main Sith will end up dead, but I don't want to spend the whole game losing. Not to say this isn't a fun position to be in; just not all the time. I want to play when the Empire is on top. And knowing that we won the first was and were on top during the Cold War isn't enough. I want to turn the tide eventually. Likewise I don't want my Republic main to be winning all of the time. I want to experience set backs and have points where all hope feels lost. Those moments are fun and make the ultimate Republic victory all the more rewarding. If you are winning all of the time the story will lack intensity. And if you are lossing all of the to.e it will feel pointless.


    An advantage of a partial Imperial victory is that it gives the Imperial player some sense of success, outside of of personal goals. We know that we will lose, but this would give the feeling that we put in a good effort. It will also make the Republic player feel more accomplishment since they came back from the brink of defeat. The last war doesn't count because the individual player didn't experience it.

  18. My first class was the Sith Inquisitor and I hated. By the time I got to Belsavis I was so bored I pit it on hold for a few months, while I player other classes. A lot of my complaints still stand. The story line is way to repitious and there is no attempt to hide it. Act two is basically bind ghosts so you can kill the With who is randomly trying to kill you. Okay so the game does give you a reason, but it's not a good one. This is especially true if you play a traditionalist like Thanaton, you'd think he'd want to keep you around with your power. Sith don't discard powerful allies. So after you gain your power you realize that it's too much for you control and is killing you. So then the forms two thrirds of act three is you trying to solve that problem. They really did need to add variety to this storyline and spend time devoloping Thanaton's character. I hardly cared about him. Not near like I did with Baras, Skavak, or Hunter. This makes the central conflict less appealing.


    Despite these things I'm finding my self enjoying the story. I've always liked the Prologue. Your trials on Korriban are compelling. You quickly grow to dislike Harken and want to show him that your powerful. You also do feel a rivalry with Fton. Dromund Mass is equally compelling . Taking part in Zash's plot to kill Sktotia is fun and helping her get away with it is also exciting.


    While act one is repetitious, it is fitting. With apprentices do what ever their master desires and hour's happens to want these artifacts. Any way most RPGs have a repetitive body, so it's not that big of deal. In addition the individual planet storylines are fun. Especially Nar Shadaa and Alderaan. I think stealing a Sith cult from a rival and using it to get what you want is fitting for an Inquisitor. I also think luring Nomad Organa to Alderaan is a fitting plot point. During this quest you find out that Zash is trying to betray you and you make preparations to beat her. True you only find this out because your ancestor tells you, but it's fun nonetheless.


    By then end of act one I grew to love my character, which makes the repetition bareable.


    Then on to act 2. I think Tasks is a fun planet. Working to corrupt Ashara makes for a compelling story. Sadly you can't actually turn her; which does make this into a highly dissapointing mission. I mean a With Lord should be able to corrupt a padawan and you already come close. But still it's fun while you think you are succeeding. Lastly, Quesh is fairly short like usual, but it is significant storywise. You obtain the key to Thanaton's meditation chamber and your apprentices die. You then go to Korriban to get a new one. I liked having the opportunity to do this and how it reflects when you were an acolyte.


    I have yet to do Both so I can't comment further. I don't remember it having anything spectacular though. I remember Belsavis and Voss being alright, but not something I'd look forward too. I did love Corellia when I first played it. Actually participating in the Kaggath is a good way to end the story. In addition I like all of the stuff with the Silencor project and the continuation of Korriban.

  19. How can Warrior's story fit LS better? You're working for the benefit of space Hitler, meanwhile in Inquisitor's story you're just trying to not let a crazy Sith kill you. The latter is a morally neutral premise, the former is not, no matter how you dress it up.


    Actually o find problems with both on light side. For the Inquisitior, your primary attack is lightning. This force power naturally draws on the dark side and corrupts its user. Force lightning is also addictive, being a purely dark side ability. So while the story could be done by a light side Sith, it doesn't work with the class design.


    You pointed out the main problem with the warrior. Also, we must consider that the warrior was raised by a prominent Sith family and was brought to Korriban early to preserve the purity parity of the Sith. Such a family would likely view a light side Sith as an embarrassment and the warrior would have been raised in a dark side culture. These are the reasons that light Sith are so rare. Their environment is extremely hostile to them. In addition, there is no way an academy oversear would view a lightsoder as powerful and the best choice to preserve the purity of the order. So while a light side warrior may be interesting, it doesn't work with the background information. And like you said: a light side Sith wouldn't put up with the missions the warrior has.

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