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Posts posted by LasherC

  1. Doesn't WoW also report "accounts" and not *active* accounts?


    No, that doesn't make sense. If they did, numbers would never go down, and the number would be way higher than 10m. I wouldn't be surprised if swtor had about half of that in total accounts before f2p.


    Maybe there's some weirdness with the numbers going on in Asia, since apparently they have a different payment model, but I've seen no proof of that.

  2. While I agree that perhaps there should be more effort put into directing players towards the conversations, I strongly disagree with forcing them to do the instance without group finder the first time. Some people may not care about the conversations at all, and a certain playstyle should not be forced upon them if there is no effect on other players.
  3. Or maybe you should run with like minded people and stay out of the ques. THere are plenty of guilds that are dedicated to "read this then we run it"

    Who said you're a majority ? Maybe you should stay of the queues. Or, the common sense thing to do, discuss it after the group is formed.


    But reading your post, yeah, I can see what type of player you are. You're that type, even with an experienced team, with every member who's ran it over and over, and with one bad pull, you rage quit.


    I do no such thing, not even remotely close. But please, go ahead and jump to conclusions.


    People put in effort by showing up[...]


    Showing up isn't effort, not in group finder where you don't have a schedule to keep, you just press the find group button whenever it strikes your fancy.


    When I play a FP with someone who hasn't run one, I stop and say "Okay, this is what we do next" it's not that hard, really.

    So do I, WHEN the player tells me that he doesn't know what to do. If they don't, we wipe because of him and he's still not willing to listen or put in any effort, you can bet your *** I'm not gonna be happy about it.


    As for your repair bill, you're going to have one anyways. You telling me you freaked out about your repair bill as you leveled up?


    First of all, I don't freak out. Second of all, if I have a repair bill because of something that is my fault, that's my problem. If I have a repair bill because of someone else, that's entirely different.


    I Why the hell would I go to a website and read something when there are knowledgable people IN THE GAME who could (If they weren't so full of themselves) pass the information on to me?


    So, basically, you're saying " Why do something myself, when I can have someone else do it for me ? " . Yeah, nice attitude ...

  4. Why would he want to "look up" something? What if it's his first time playing and he doesn't want to ruin what little shred of story there is to be found in these Flashpoints? And who are you to dictate his play-style.


    And who is he to waste MY time, and the time of all the other players in the group ? Playing your way is fine, as long as you don't negatively affect the people you are grouped with.


    This entire different generation, they seem to forgot about the excitement of not knowing what comes next. Looking up the game and reading the strategies ruins the game for some people.

    I don't want to watch a FP being ran, I want to run it.


    Then run it with like-minded people, or a group of friends/guildies that understands your situation and wants to support you.


    What? Something happens, people die, expensive repair bill? Then go run some simple things and get the creds back. :p


    So, I should waste even MORE of my time, because you can't be arsed to put any effort into it, or because you think that your playstyle is somehow more important than the playstyle of everyone else in the group ? Yeah, how about no.


    Not everyone is going to use their game time, either, to pore over material for a FP as though it were a final exam.


    You're exaggerating. It won't take more than a few minutes, and the things you have to memorize are generally pretty simple.

  5. Yes, SC2/CoD has multiplayer, but then again, SWTOR has PvP, which is basically the same thing, just apply strategies that will make sure your race (or class in SWTOR) will beat other races (classes), adapt to what they do, and repeat that ad nauseum.

    Granted. However, in the case of SWTOR, and other MMOs, pvp is a smaller part of the game compared to mp in sc2, cod or cs:go. Hell, in cs:go and cod multiplayer IS the game ( I seriously question anyone that buys cod for the singleplayer, it's awful ), and in the case of sc2 it's probably more than 50 % of the game.


    Not sure, I didn't find HotS gameplay any less crappier than RotHC. Just spam Zerglings, hydralisks and roaches with debilitating upgrade to win (I did beat almost everything with that combo), or just lolsmash smaller armies with Kerrigan. However, it is possible we do not have the same deifinition of word "crappy".

    I think that's the case, yes.


    And as for SWTOR being basically WoW, I could just as easily argument that WoW is just like Everquest and games that came before it. The model is good, players are used to it, and any other game that tried to deviate from it usually failed pretty hard.

    I used WoW because it's the most known, however, if you want to go even earlier than that, it only helps my argument, since my point is that it's old and outdated.


    Sub is not required for full enjoyment RotHC (minus SaV), you can only pay once and then play, just like in any game with expansion pack

    Granted, but in that case we're talking about 20$, not 10$. Not to mention that the expansion still needs to be designed with subscribers in mind, since that's what Bioware seems to be aiming for, get as many ppl to subscribe as possible.


    However, to sum it up, yes, MMOs are different from non-MMOs, all I wanted to point out is that we got a huge load of content for 10 dollars, and that many other expansion packs often do not offer as much content for even higher prices.

    I agree with everything, except the " huge " part. Personally, I feel it was an appropriate amount of content. I don't feel like I got ripped off, but it doesn't feel like a great deal either.

  6. as for starcraft2 did not blizzard pull the 2 other factions from the original game just to sell it as an expansion or even separate full price game ?

    maybe I am not up to speed with this but from what I've heard that was one of the greatest customer ripoff's in the last year, even mass effect3 with its rushed ending and pulled out day1 dlc fades in that light. the only thing that comes near to that might be dragon age2 that was 2-3 areas copy&pasted so much that it hurt the eyes.


    They didn't pull anything, each campaign has almost as many missions as all 3 campaigns did in the original game.

  7. As an Empire player I feel very distraught over the Makeb expansion. You see, I saved Balmorra, Taris, Hoth and a whole bunch of other planets....now we are losing the war? What a waste of time...


    Balmorra was lost after you " saved " it, Taris is a dump with no value, and the whole point of the Empire being on Hoth was to tie up Republic resources, which may or may not actually make a considerable difference.

  8. Probably won't get one, seems the cartel market gets most of the extra attention


    I see no evidence of that. Quantity and quality of content prior to f2p switch is roughly the same as quantity/quality of content released after f2p switch.


    Also, as an interesting side note, Blizzard's Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm could be considered a full expansion (priced at 40+ USD, which seems to be the logic people here use), and the playtime was roughly the same as half of the content in RotHC (makeb main story, one round of staged weekly). And we waited almost three years for that.


    HotS IS a full expansion. The problem is that it doesn't make sense to compare one with the other. There's one set of expectations you have for a non-MMO and a different set for MMOs. MMOs have crappier ( for lack of a better word ) gameplay compared to other games ( especially SWTOR, which is basically WoW in terms of gameplay ), so you expect more of it. You also expect more of it because it's an MMO that you pay a sub for. Yes, the sub is still a factor when it comes to expansion content/pricing, because the content needs to keep you entertained until they can release more. You don't need to play a single-player game for months on end, and for multiplayer games like HotS MP or, say, CS:GO the fun and longevity isn't in the actual content, it's in the competition.

  9. It was relevant to the post I quoted. It's like 1 + 1 = 2. Not too complex to figure out in the context of my post. Thanks for your reply!


    Ok, let me rephrase that :

    What's your point ? Why does it matter that " hornball guys " want to see girl or girl ? Why did you post what you posted ? What did you add to the conversation ?

  10. How many times have you ever said those words to someone's face in real life? I'm guessing the number is small or you've learned how to take a punch. If it's not acceptable in a face to face conversation it's not acceptable online. Period.


    Yeah, that's not how things work. Even in face to face conversation, I'd say " stupid " is a pretty mild offense, moderate at best. On the internet, it's on the same level as " Hello ". Respond in kind or ignore it, asking them to stop won't accomplish anything.

  11. You can cancel your subscription all you want.. If you think you can handle all this better than them, then by all means step up to the place..

    That's a logical fallacy.


    It is your choice to leave.. But you would be doing so for really no reason.. They are human and make mistakes just like us.. They are least deserve the chance to fix problem.. 40 minutes of your life?? Did you know that the average person throughout their lifetime spends fives years waiting in lines, four years doing housework, eight months opening junk mail, six years eating, six months waiting at traffic lights, and one year looking for lost possessions. And you are worried about 40 minutes?? :)

    40 minutes after which he was still unable to play, and unless I misunderstood his post, he flat out hasn't been able to play at all. I'd be pissed too if my gametime wasted away while I was unable to log. Would I permanently quit because of this, and never come back even if they fixed it ? Probably not, but that's my choice, I could totally understand why someone else might not choose to trust again.


    If you're naive enough to give away your password and secret questions, most likely you're naive enough to give away your email password, which is what most email providers require. But since I take care of my one security all this is out of the picture.


    What you alone do is irrelevant. If statistics show that a large enough number of people are unhappy because they lost their accounts ( or are afraid that they may lose their accounts, and see that others are providing increased security ), and Bioware/EA are losing a large enough amount of money on providing support for restoring accounts, then they will try and prevent it.

    • I did not try to log in to the website (which would generate another OTP, leaving me to guess what email belongs to what log-in request, another technical flaw that shouldve been acocunted for!), so this is not the source of the OTPs being incorrect.


    That's weird. If I try and log on both the website and the game at the same time, I only get one password, which can be used in both places. Also, if I use the password on either the game or the website, I do not need to do it for the other.

  12. Are they stupid or are you just not a very good player?


    So there is an added challenge to some of the new content. L2P and stop whining really. It can be annoying, sure, but when you beat that content...and it gets easier as you learn.


    Having a quest arbitrarily reset on you entirely, simply because you died for a specific reason has nothing to do with with his skill at the game, or with how hard the content is or isn't. Having to kill mobs that you have already killed does not add challenge to the game, it only adds annoyance.


    Maybe you want to be able to buy quest completion from the cartel shop?


    Please keep your baseless assumptions to yourself, they add nothing to the conversation and you end up looking ... silly.

  13. First of all, Thank you Bioware for the reply. I have to say though, that I have a feeling there's something you're not telling us: why is it that difficult to simply remove this feature? No need to worry about making sure emails are sent on time, etc. Simply removing the one time password and bringing back the security questions shouldn't be that difficult, right?


    Because security questions don't really add that much protection. If we're talking about social engineering, if you're naive enough to give away your password, you're probably naive enough to give away your security questions as well. If we're talking about key logging, they will eventually ( probably sooner rather than later ) have the questions as well as your password. With an e-mail in the picture, it's harder for them. They have to deal with 2 passwords, and whatever additional protection your e-mail provider might have ( like SMS protect or smth ), and even the most naive of people would probably have alarm bells going off in their head if someone asked for their swtor password AND their e-mail password.

  14. There is a reason, it's content. The patch didn't include a FP but it did include those quests whereas in previous patches that only featured a FP there were no other long quest chains that are comparable to these. So while they are not a directly comparable in terms of the type of content they are when you look at the sum of all the content included it's fair say that the absence of one is made up for by the addition of the other.


    My beef with the particular part of your post that I quoted is that you said that the only new content type missing is a new warzone, and that you then arbitrarily used the new mission types to replace flashpoints for no good reason. Whether or not the missions compensate for the lack of new flashpoints or not is not my point.


    1.1 introduced a new FP


    1.1 also added heavily to Karagga's Palace.

  15. Don't get me wrong here I think the stuff they dropped was great and certainly worth the money, but.... was this a true expansion,... no. Did it feel like an expansion.......no. Did it feel like a payed for a large patch I should have got for free because Iam a subscriber..........yes.


    Based on the info we got before release, personally I am not surprised by this. For the longest time the only thing advertised with this expansion was the new planet. In the end, we got 1 planet, 1 op, 4 recycled fps, 2 new questing systems ( I guess we could call them that ) and other misc changes that aren't content.


    I just really feel like I am being nickel and dimed to death. Where is the love for the subs? Ya I know we get a 500 Cartel Coin allotment.......woooh hooo thats alot of coins......


    Play as a non-sub and let me know if you feel like subs are getting the shaft. They really aren't. Even preferred status players, who can potentially give more money to Bioware than subs, are still treated as second class citizens, and can't buy their way out of it without subscribing.


    You're exaggerating when you say you're being nickel and dimed. You pay your sub, you payed for the expansion ... and what else ? Where's the nickel and diming ? The cartel market has nothing of consequence that you NEED to buy.


    This patch added achievements which is comparable in scope to the legacy system[...]


    Achievements are not content. They're text that pops up on the screen when you play the game, or text on the screen that encourages you to do things in a contrived way to get more text to pop up on your screen.


    The only thing patch didn't include is a new WZ


    It didn't include any new flashpoints either. No, recycling 4 of them does not count. It wasn't ok when WoW did, it certainly isn't ok when SWTOR does it. At least Blizzard made considerable changes to some of theirs, and also had new ones alongside them ( with one exception ).


    [...]and it's pretty clear that this isn't even remotely in the same league as a standard "patch".


    I'm guessing that's why he said large patch.


    Overall, I am content with my purchase. I didn't get a great deal, but I don't feel like I got shafted either.

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