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Posts posted by sumuji

  1. Or you could buy currency from farmers with real money and buy the gear with it. Since this can be done in any game then every game is Pay to Win! Nobody cares because most people won't fork over that much money for some pixels with stats. There will always be people that pay to get ahead in any game whether the game helps them along or not. The conclusion is don't worry about what other people do. It's not like some clueless person is suddenly going to get a recurring spot in ops and have no idea how to play their class just because they bought their mods the lazy way.
  2. If you're new why would you have regrets?


    The game isn't closing down. It had a first year that was rough like most do. I think things have steadied out if not gotten more players returning or checking it out for the first time. Servers are still full of people so it's no problem.


    As far as guild goes, yes I'm sure guilds would gladly take you. You just need to ask on the server you play on. Ask in chat while on the fleet and you'll get an invite in no time at all.

  3. I think the problem with most guilds is they're to laid back when it comes to recruiting people. I remember when you wanted to join a guild you filled out an application and waitied for a interview to get an idea of the kind of person you are. Nowdays guilds just run something through fleet chat and accept anyone that responds. Then they wonder why losr players all the time. It takes constant work to keep a guild together and you also need to recuit people that actually enjoy the game.
  4. Have you listed any 30 mods on the gtn?


    I have.


    They don't sell.


    Probably has a lot to do with the newness and the fact people are asking 1,000,000 credits or more for each mod. There's probably not a lot of people that can drop down 30-40mil credits to outfir their char in 30. If they did have that kind of money they'd most likely be running ops anyway and getting chances for free. Once again pointing to the fact Bioware likes to cuddle raiders.

  5. Your fooling yourself if you think raiders are going to get "filthy rich" crafting grade 30 stuff. Who is going to pay a million credits for a mod when Elite comms and BM gear come from flashpoints?


    At one point, I was optimistic about the fact that BM was all lettered-mods and endurance-heavy enhancements. I figured if I learned the Arkanian versions, then I could craft those. And you know what? They don't sell.


    The good players (the ones that want Artful 30 and Initiative 30 instead of Artful 30A and Proficient 30) are running operations and don't need to buy them. The ones that don't run ops (potential customers!) tend to not know any better and just grind Elite comms.


    I'm guessing you learned some grade 27 schematics before 2.0 dropped and were able to sit on your ship, buy 4 molecs for 600k, and sell an Artful 27 for 850k. Click-click-click credits!


    Lay-Z-money crafting is gone, and if you want to actually make credits, you have to work a little. Sell grade 9 mats, learn crystals, consumables, even grade 28 stuff moves pretty quickly.


    I do wish MMGs were more readily available. But that less about trying to make bank, and more about gearing up alts, off-specs and raid teams.


    Well, no, I've never had easy credits. The only time I've made a good sum of credits was selling cartel packs. Pre-2.0 it was Molecular Stablizers(before th sharp drop towards the end) and other things that amounted to the same thing we have now, components that are only really aquired in operations. Raiders selling off stuff to make fistfulls of credits. Nothing has changed and yes people will fork over tons of credits just to get 30 mods whether its a marginal upgrade. Once again people that don't run ops are left undermarking each other over materials,aug kits, consumables..etc. The end. All we really need is some way to aquire exotics without running ops are buying off the GTN. Purchased with special currency that will require you to work for but in the end you'll be able to craft the stuff you've learned.

  6. Yeah just doing a google search that pointed me here. After getting pissed off finally REing some stuff and getting a schematic only to see one of the compnents is pretty much from operations only. And cost 600-700k on the GTN. The price of the end result mod that I'd like to create and sell.


    Getting tired of Bioware cuddling raiders when it comes to crafting. They're already gettign a chance at the best PvE gear in the game but do they really need to make them filthy rich too so they can add a bazillion more money sinks to the game? At the very least this component should be bought with coms on a venfor like Isotope-5. I took the chance REing stuff to learn so I feel like I should be able to make this thing without having to run operations. With 2.0 once again you'll have people that run operations having more credits than they know what to do with while everyone else has to fight for scraps.

  7. Gear is less forgiving unless you're the tank. Don't worry you'll get a random where the tank is still in lvl 50 gear worse or maybe DPS too so you take too long to kill stuff. Or people that made it 55 levels but still don't know play their AC properly. I'm about 2/3 wins, 1/3 losses where we just didn't have the umph to make it all the way.


    Yeah, the lvl 55 HM's can be rough for PUG'n and it will be for some time to come. You'll get some groups at some point that won't be able to finish. That's guranteed if you use the random group finder


    Sounce- I play tanks and healers in 55 HM's

  8. I think it's just the element that are running HM's right now. They're the progressionist elitiest types for the most part. The kind that think they're the shizzle cause they run ops and had the resources to gear up fast. I don't think you're average player type are queing up that much yet. Probably still leveling or trying to gear up enough.
  9. It is rather hard for a PUG lots of times, Peopel are used to facerolling it in a guild group already knowing the place. In a radom PUG you're likely to get people that have never done it before and screw up boss mechanics, which of course the place is a little more complicated than the other lvl 50 HM's regardless of what they nerfed. Although I think it needs to kinda stay where it is. It would be a nice intro into the difficult stuff they'll find in lvl 55 HM where the bosses are more than tank and spank and interrupts. As people gear up and familiarize themselves with it it will be more forgiving.
  10. Yeah I'd say it's good to throttle unhealthy playing style. You can't have everyone fully geared 3 weeks into the expansion. If you could race into all of that stuff then you wouldn't care much about running flashpoints anymore and that would be bad for the game. I don't even know waht to think that people are getting 200 so easily that they fill like they need to take a break until the reset. And complaining about it when they're already on pace to be fully geared in a month or so minus chances at drops or crafted mods.
  11. The mechanics are the same as normal mode they just hit harder. They were trying to burn the turret down one at a time but me standing there taking hits from the 2 turrets and the boss at the same time was too much for the healer to handle even when trying to keep some kind of defensive buff up. That was just my experience with that run and I had a feeling there was no way we would have been able to finsih it with the current group.


    I've since then finished my first HM a little while ago. This time it was Hammer Station and things went a little better than my first attempt at it so maybe it really does come down to the healer being able to keep up. I should be geared ok for a lvl 55 HM.


    I still think things are a bit too much though looking from the random group aspect. They can't really afford to wait around for months and months for people to get geared up with basic or elite just do to 4-man stuff. It's all a lot of people have to do if they're not into operations or living in warzones. I think wearing basic gear should be about as comfortable as wearing Tionese was with lvl 50 HM. But it feels more like you're half naked if you happen to be the tank with how insanely hard things hit. Needs to have like a 25% reduction to still make it challenging but not something that would wipe PUGS 10 times a run.

  12. 0-8 u mean 8 tries, 0 finished? I don't understand, because so far I finished every single FP I started and 95% of them were via groupfinder. I started in basic gear, now I have already couple of elite pieces. I remember only 1 group when we didn't do bonuss boss and that was clearly some healer/tank problem but there was never any danger of not finishing FP itself. Wipe here and there I take as normal thing.


    Yeah. I mean I'm not new I know my Sin tank backwards and they are in all 66 mods except for the implants, earpiece, wrist, implants....all BH still. The healer seemed competant too each time.


    Like my first one was Manalorian raiders. I think we wiped on the first boss one time then beat it the second only cause I kept the boss entertained and sprinting around. Then we go to the 4 people at a time fight. Wiped 4 times I think. Almost a 5th but the last two standing managed to kill the 4th barely. Then the last boss we couldn't find a way to beat him. Him plus the addition of the turrets banging on me was too much damage to keep up with. We didn't even make it past the first turret cluster much less get the boss down. Most kinda went down the same way except for Cad when the shackles were hitting everyone at once on the last boss which would be a bug.


    I mean I figure if the healer and tank know their class pretty well and are in mostly r66 gear you shouldn't be getting your face planted so easily.When people were doing the 50 HM's back in the day they used to be a little difficult. The stuff was certainy doable in Tionese and nothing even close to the dumptruck hitting stuff in the 55 HM's. If you can't reaonably PUG this stuff in basic gear then we have a big problem. I don't havbe to wonder why there's still a lot of 55's running lvl 50 HM still because 55 HM are a huuuuuuuuugggggggeeee headache and even more so in a random group.

  13. Yup the diffuclty is way too much. You shouldn't need op level gear to do a 4-man hardmode or run around with friends and voice coms.


    Bioware is essentially killing random groups from trying lvl 55 HM's and they don't need to sit around on their hands since thats a big part of the game. Regardless of people saying it's fine they're obviously not represnting someone using the random group finder or wearing Basic gear or equal gear at best. . There is no learning how to play. It's simply how hard things hit. They must have put a decimal point in the wrong place


    I'm 0-8 right now trying random HM's and I've spent more than a couple of hours trying each as a tank. Stuff just hits insanely hard, even trash which is stupid, and some boss fights are totally impossible without having some kind of advantage. The problem isn't understanding boss mechanics, it's just trying to remain standing upright. Need to lower the damage on everything by probably 1/3 and then it'll still be harder than lvl 50 HM's used to be but will be a little more on par. The only problem I'm having is how hard everything hits. There's nothing you can do about since you need to run the same HM's in order to get better gear in a reasoable time frame. Or buy it for 1,000,000 credits a mod :rolleyes:

  14. Nothing gathering-wise sells for quite as much as slicing crits. I don't get what the problem is. Money boxes are only really good for crits to get schematics that you can use or sell. Unlike the other gathering mission you guranteed to at least recoup some of your money. Most of the others you pay as much and just get raw material that you either need to make stuff or try your luck with the GTN and hope it's not flooded with the stuff. If lockboxes suck that much just run tech parts.
  15. Tiny problem with that. The mechanics are almost the same as in the sm fp, FPs that are meant for players between levels 15 and 30. As such saying that they require operation type tactics is silly at best, insulting to anyone that has ever done ops at worst.

    If you are not faced with the simplest of tank and spank fights you will always wipe, if you do not know the mechanics of it.



    As for poor rewards. The last time I checked, the last and bonus boss drop ops level gear.


    Yeah. they obviously did a little more than increase the HP and damage of those low level flashpoints when they converted them into lvl 55 HM. While it's not near the diffculty of a operation it did add some op like mechanics that weren't present in lvl 50 hardmodes.


    And if you run in PUGs regulary you can understand why people are saying there's a lot of wiping and such going on. I don't think it would ever become a genrerally known thing to do such in such in a particular boss fight. You still get a big influx of people new to lvl 50 FP even to this day. Add the fact that lvl 55 FP are new to a lot of even more people and you can kinda see why threads like this exist. The latter might be corrected over time but you'll still be faced with a constant barriage of people that don't know what to do in the new ones.

  16. OP: "2. Boss difficulty levels are set too high, perhaps they were set for pts when we all had full gear but no one does now, for example the wookie in cademimu spawns so many death trolls so fast it is near impossible to beat. the heat beam in hammer station cause so many wipes everyone quit. Both times i got que no we did not make it past the first boss."


    People like you are the reason why places like Lost Island got nerfed. I hated that. What's wrong with content that you can't breeze through?


    And to answer No. 2 here: Boss difficulty levels are set too high ... Wrong. The Wookie in Cademimu, the tank should be burning em down fast as they come up with the boss' flamethrower channel. Not hard. Secondly, the laser on Hammer Station, why is the healer not purging the debuff off of the tank? Why are people dying from that? The game isn't hard, it's the people who don't know the mechanics who make it hard.


    Because people aren't used to operation type tactics in a 4-man HM. There's nothing previously that required anything special other than the occasional interrupt. So yeah, for people that don't do operations there will be a learning curve. And I'm not enitrely sure it's neccessary for a 4-man either. It doesn't really hurt to add such things but you gotta remember most people totally PUG 4-mans.

  17. How the hell do you get fully geared plus accessories in a week? Or more so how do you get geared without playing a game for a living? Did you use the stack up quest exploit too to get to 55 instantly as well? Regardless you need to learn how to do stuff in moderation.
  18. It is rather stupid. Their email is slow. I get near instant emails on my ISP but it does take a good 5-10 mins to get the password from them. Copy/paste only to have it reject it. Refire up the launcher a few times before it will accept one of them. The whole thing is horrible. There's not a single secure athenification process I go through in life that makes me do stuff like this. Not even my bank which holds all of my money.


    Paying them money for a secuity key isn't the answer. I already pay them a monthly fee which should include services. Security should be their job but instead they want to dump it on the customer in some half-arse sort of way. The customer shouldn't be inconvenienced. That's business common sense.

  19. I'd say about a third of the people that play this game are morons. At least people that know very little about the game or it's mechanics, how to play their class, how other classes work, what they should be doing in a group based on their role, killl orders in a trash pull, boss fights....etc. Not because they're new either, just because they are chronically clueless. Chances are when you're PUG'n you're going to have at least one of these people in your group.


    My last HM PUG last night was a healer that seemed to try to do everything but heal. I, the tank, actually fell over dead a few times to some bosses in The False Emp that I've never died to in 1 year of playing this game. Simply because my health slowly chipped away until I was dead with. And yes, they were actually heal speced according to them. And also a few instances where they face pulled trash somehow.


    I'd have to say though. Running HM's in a group finder PUG on 4 50's almost daily I generally run into decent-good players. It's just that 1/3 that makes you want to /facepalm

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