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Posts posted by Sinvx

  1. Like back at release? Now its well not fun. DCD spam, stupid amounts of sustain, roll away 2500 meteres and run away at 8726% movement speed.


    Lets not forget the glory days of hybrids.


    What exactly happened?

  2. So I purchased a token to get access to the Kotfe and it said to get the quest on your ship. I got to watch the trailer and indeed there were some quests I accepted but it took me to a Hutt cartel quest line and not the Kotfe chapters as I thought it would? I am totally confused now as I can't seem to find anywhere on how to start new content and what not.


    It tells me my level is downgraded from 60 to 56? and my XP bar is full but it won't ding to 61.. What the heck am I doing wrong?


    Lvl 56 thing is from planet level syning. If you went to Tythos/Korriban you would be level 12, ect ect.

  3. so as we all know unless you were a geared 50 before 2.0 hit this isnt a problem for you once they fix the bolster bug. however i noticed something that could be a problem in the 30-54 bracket. 2 of my toons have nothing but recruit gear and right now if you went into any wz/open world pvp it is suicide. DEVS do you plan on intergrating another lowbie tier of armor to replace recruit gear? right now the expertise/stats were left untouched and now as far as im aware of you cant get recruit gear anymore.. expertise on recruit gear is in the 900 range.. other geared people would have an average of 1600-1800 expertise w/o bolster bug. whats the plan? it is pointless to go into a wz with this gear unless u plan on using the bug.


    Take off your gear, it's that simple. If the bolster mechanic was working correctly you would be getting those stats with recruit gear, but it's not working correctly with level 50+ gear.

  4. I was doubledown on Iron Citadel. Now play a lot as Incind - original PT character.


    Octavia = Octo?


    No, Octavia = Octavia, best PvP sage healer ever. Octo was a poopy Powertech.


    Iron Citadel was great, we had an awesome pvp community that started out with imp dominance, and slowly switched to pub dominance :cool:


    this is Merza btw.


    Um no... It was always Pub dominance, <I Like Big Hutts> dominated IC PvP. Haloth, Avec, Stake, Octavia, best pre-made ever.

  5. http://i.imgur.com/maDaJ.jpg


    I came back twice, I gave you two chances not to suck completely bioware.


    That's two more than I gave Rift and Aion.


    SWTOR is officialy crap and dead to me.


    Back on playing World of Warcraft for another year... Why only Blizzard can release playble MMOs? Here's to their project Titan..




    You clearly never played WoW at the start. I also fail to see how an 8 hour set back = crap game. Go outside, or play a different game for a few hours.

  6. He just wrote 1 sentence stating that.. oh forget it, sorry mate, just so sick of gamers on gaming forums telling other gamers that they shouldnt like playing videogames.. Blows my mind :)


    Play a different game? Also he isn't telling you not to like playing games. Simply stating, it's not that big a deal. You can't play today, because they're trying to fix the game. Good on BW for that.

  7. Call out healers, and have the warzone leader mark them. Then you just focus them, and interrupt their heals. Healers also get a 30% debuff while healing in combat. Also with 4 healers on the enemy team, you should win through objectives easily, since they shouldn't have the DPS to take down your team as long as you have 1 or 2 healers. I had a match where my team had 5 healers, 3 dps, took us forever to kill one person, and we couldnt get the objectives because of it.
  8. On Niman, most of the Republics are in champion gear, I'm quite sure I know the names of all republic players on Niman that have 2 or more BM pieces. There is a growing number of Reps in 40's pvp/50 pvp gear as well, since quite a few imperials rerolled to balance it out. Empire is currently better geared. Whether that be due to easymode glitching, more dedication or anything else, I leave up to the reader. Fact remains, Republic aren't geared as decently. But I still manage to win about 90% of my matches as Sentinel, which half the forum seems to deem an inferior, overly complex melee class with an accute lack of CC. And no, I don't do premades anymore since my entire guild quit SWTOR and has moved to playing LoL/Global Agenda/BF3/CoD or even Assassin's Creed until Guild Wars 2, Archeage or Core Blaze come out. Hopefully PvP there may prove a bit better. Then again, they don't require monthly subs.





    Immortals pretty much was able to field a very large group on their own, bascially around 18-20 from what I saw. Their Ventrilo is their property and it is their choice to put it open or not. I have attempted to get PUGs on a voice chat server multiple times, but most just drop by when they see me for warzones. Everyone prefers to stay on the VIOP where his friends are and I can only respect that. They as a guild did at least something. They didn't need PUGs.





    I've been leading groups for years now. Mostly as leader for warg packs on LOTRO when they were underpowered at the end of b12 angmar and in the Moria days. Then started doing reaver groups and lead raids there. Currently, there aren't that many tools ingame here to successfully lead, except if you find people that really want to be lead. Immortals did groups and did balance out the playing field to such an extent, that Republic and Empire only came to Ilum in numbers at the times Immortals would be around. Ilum 1 was always full. Why? Because it was an even fight (usually ~50 vs 50), where everyone suffered from the same server lag. When Immortals left, Ilum returned to ±20 republics roaming southern assault/republic base. A dozen sith camping rep base, with the occasional running back from his spawn after being pulled.





    Completely wrong. There is a factor of time. If you get your rank earlier, you get faster access to the bags, which are gated by the dailies. The drop chance is a constant, like the bag acquisition rate. Factor out what the only dynamic variable is... Time....




    They usually suck just as much on Niman. I tend to fight solo mostly, searching out 1 vs 1s. Although they have a bit of a time advantage, they still usually die easily to my sentinel. That said, I'm currently not getting any reward for my lone kills either, which does lessen my desire to aimlessly wander alone around Ilum, mopping up sith in 1v2's and counting clipping errors... (For example, you can get below a rock outcrop near central assault and jump through the wall with force jump. Nobody can tab/see you... That said, glass walls anyone? The game is full of them.)



    I can only say, don't blame Nemeses if you don't fully seem to understand the situation he is in. Sure, blaming the gear is a bit short-sighted, since that gap will close eventually. However, the combat mechanics are severely gimped, to the point where I actually even prefer LOTRO PvP to SWTORs (although I'd immediately trade my burg's/champ's mobility for my sentinel's). I've seen a lot of bloody good players leave SWTOR, most because after you did your raids and got your PvP done, there is the void. Level an alt? Seen this, done that... Storyline is pretty much the only decent thing left. I'm the last of my guild in this game for 12 days before my sub runs out as well. Guess it's back to terrorizing BF3 with my squad and the F2000/Silencer/Grip combo...


    My whole point is most of these "Issues" can be solved by the community. Since most of these "Issues" are community "Issues". And who cares about full Battlemaster? It's not much of an improvement over Champ gear. I am full champ gear with Battlemaster weapon, and I still beat on people better geared on me.


    Their vent may be their property, but that just means it's their fault for not trying to work with what they have, by excluding people. They could form an ops group, start inviting pugs, say "Hey come on our vent, so we can better communicate, and work as a team". Thats what we do on my server. Have your main zerg fight them head on, get your scoundrels to stealth behind them and drop their aoes on them. Zerg scatters you farm them.


    Organized groups will always dominate unorganized groups. Unless it's like a 10:1 ratio.

  9. I feal the same like the opener and i didnt played WoW.


    After coruscant i wondered when will i meet other players.

    I only meet them in tatooine.

    Than i realized that there are nearly no crossfraktion questareas.


    That's because Tatoonie is the first planet with Open World PvP. You also share Nar Shaddaa with Imperials. You may not have noticed since they weren't red.


    Also I ran into plenty of players while leveling up. Had tons of PvP here and there. Most of it was on Voss.

  10. This thread is garbage. Just absolute garbage. Most republics are stuck in champ gear? Do you know how dumb that is? If your guild is so great why don't you organize ops for Ilum, and share your voip with them so you can communicate better. That's what we do on my server. Organize ops, we all get on someones vent, and roflstomp Imperial zerg.


    It also just boggles my mind. Ilum wasn't perfect at launch, it's not perfect now. But everyone was happy when they got free pvp bags, but now that Bioware is trying to make people fight, you all whine and cry, and don't even want to take the necessary steps to be successful on Ilum.


    Also farming valor doesn't give you gear. Republics have just as much chance to acquire Battlemaster gear.



    PS - Yeah my server has a lot of Sith Battlemasters. The ones who sit on ilum all day and farm, are terrible though, and are easily farmed. Cause all they know how to do is AoE spam.

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