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Posts posted by Maverz

  1. I hear you.


    We're having problems on Ebon Hawk ourselves. Reported them too, but it seems that 'so far' (Time for a late goal here BioWare), we roleplayers are second class customers. It does feel like our complaints aren't being taken seriously. I mean, it's bad business. Who do you think forks out the money to get the outfits and dyes they want/need for their characters? A little bit of a help would be appreciated.


    I hope this problem is resolved for you soon.

  2. What I find weird is that out of my Jedi character, I have a Hybrid Sin and a Focus guardian. Focus guardian was my first toon since pre-release.


    It hasn't really changed. The focus defence is useless as they have less survivability out of ALL melee classes. The sweep used to be nine seconds cooldown but now it doesn't work that way, you have to 'strike' to lower it's active cooldown, which chomps up focus when you would be better off using a singularity builder.


    But one on one a Focus Guardian 'SHOULD BE' screwed against most classes. If they know what they're doing.


    Now as for my sin hybrid, I LOVE how people aren't even complaining that one on one we can take anyone in the game. We have... good resistance, good damage, we can start the fight on our terms, we can exit it and heal up a bit, AND we have CC's to boot.


    And people cry about the focus/rage...


    I can understand the Mara/Sentinal focus/rage being a problem, but that's due to their high survivability. I find it strange that a mara/sentinal should be able to endure more than a guardian. I also have a level 50 mara, annihilation spec. Now, if I swapped to rage.... yeah I can see why that'd be mean.


    But lay off the focus/rage 'Guardians/Juggernaughts'. It's all they've got.


    Just stop clustering up and you'll notice them being a whole lot less effective.

  3. Rage/Focus have always been powerful in group situations.


    You need intelligence, don't group up. If you disperse when there's a large focus/rage presence, they lose that advantage and focus/rage juggs are as someone said, glass cannons, you will topple them.


    It's people that think they should be able to run in against a group of AOE specced guardian DPS'ers and think they should be able to stand toe to toe. That's not how it works.


    Yes it sucks when you get a team of smashers. It also sucks when you get a group of troopers who mortar strike the same idiots clustering up, who cluster up against jedi/Sith smashers.


    To explain it better. Grouping up together... is like standing on the edge of the bridge in voidstar, with a toon coming at you whom you know has a knockback.


    This guide just needed to say, 'Divide and you shall conquer. Cluster, and you shall be rewarded with high levels of pain.'

  4. Revan was known as a brilliant strategist. He humbled the Mandalorians, who's sole purpose is war.


    He then was crushing the Republic, even against an enemy that had the battle meditation of Bastila Shan.


    Traya was not 'that' powerful. Her apprentices grew more powerful than her, and when you see how Revan disposes of one of the most powerful Sith Lords on the Dark Council in the book 'Revan', you see why this fight clearly goes to Revan. Darth Revan or not.


    Unfortunately Traya wasn't as tough as a Sith as people like to think. She was wise, (Sort of, she was immensely incorrect about Revans motives as we now know he was pretty mind 'mind dominated' to obey.) but in duels she wasn't that good, and it would come down to that.


    I see people mentioning Malachor V being her strength...well...who caused Malachor V to be as it is? Revan. Why do people think it would favour her more than Revan himself? I have no idea.


    So I think Revan wins the forces battle, and the solo contest. Traya wasn't much of a warrior.

  5. It's a bit more than an inconvenience.


    Just because the death isn't permenant... doesn't mean ..


    A, It didn't bloody hurt.


    B, It wasn't an ideal situation.


    Too many Empire fans are dismissing it that it wasn't a big deal, but never, ever, EVER had the Emperor been defeated. He definitely wasn't expecting it, and it's kinda screwed up his plans for the foreseeable future.


    The Sith won't win this war, as far as I see, the Sith will be destroyed by the Jedi, Republic and the Imperials. A logical assumption is that there will be a revolt, peoples faith in the Sith wains and they revolt. That would explain the mixed accents joining the Republic, how the Republic gained so much territory and the destruction of the Imperialistic Sith.


    Remember that the Imperials believe a lot of things about the Jedi and Republic that isn't exactly true. The more they know, the more citizens will start to question the Sith and their Empire.



    But I'm looking forward to seeing what happens. I have a feeling Satele Shan will play a role in it.

  6. Well, judging by the accents in the movies and such, this Empire's citizens merge with the citizens of the Republic. Also the Republic/Jedi adopt a symbol much similar to the Sith Imperial insignia.


    So it's safe to say that all that gets defeated, is the Sith Empire, the Imperials will just become Republic citizens.


    These Sith don't make it to the Bane era. Completely different kind of Sith, no purebloods for starters, so I have a feeling this Empire's Sith lifespan is somewhat linked to the fate of Darth Vitiate (The Emperor).


    As for the rule of two being a failed business model....


    It's the one time they ever had complete victory over the Republic and Jedi. So, it was risky sure.. but clearly the reward was worth it. At least to the Sith.

  7. Have to say, credit where it's due.


    Yes it may have taken quite sometime, but that new Jedi armour is just beautiful! I can only hope the Sith get armour like in their CGI trailers too.


    It's beyond beautiful.


    But also, Makeb? Can't wait!


    Great way to finish the year. Have to say the game has done well in it's first year so also..



    Happy birthday SWtoR! :cool:

  8. So true! All the Good looking Armors will be for sale!


    I felt the ground shake beneath me when I read this. I think you could be right, and sadly it'd be successful. I'd pay for nice looking armour. To actually look like a Jedi, or Sith... or Republic trooper, not a space marine.

  9. To be fair, and I've began to voice my concerns on this, I think a lot of us can agree, 1-50 has a very 'Star Wars' feel to it. Everything has the look, there's the music and the visuals to make you think, 'Yes this is Star Wars.'


    However the end game just almost flips it on it's head with strange armour designs and bizarre lightsabers. I mean, who thought making Jedi gear orange and green... then orange and blue?


    I think they really need a slap on the wrists and be told to get back to the point of the game and stop making random sci-fi mash-up armours. I saw a picture just now about new 'dread guardian' gear or something. Well, to me it just looks like the same armour as before, but now it's red and black, and the trooper looks like someone who'd fight Iron-man in a comic book.


    Please put the star wars back in the game BioWare. It wouldn't be so bad but we're forced to wear this unimaginative armour because you punish people who want to wear something different with absurd mod-transfer costs, and not allowing armour bonuses to transfer. It's killing me! :(

  10. True, but then again, look at the end-game. How Star Wars is it then? Look at the gear we're being forced to wear to be effective. It doesn't feel star wars, and I don't mean movie star wars, I mean even EU. I'm an old republic era fan mostly, but... I dunno. The visual design is really off-putting.


    Which is a shame because 1-50 they did a really good job. Where did that team go? I refuse to accept a statement saying it's the same people.

  11. Greetings, evening, good morning, wherever you are in the world when you read this.


    This post came about from a discussion I had with a colleague at work, because I said I had lost the 'good feeling' I had when I originally played the game, leveling up and such. He said he had left several weeks before because of the exact same reason, however he'd come to realize what had caused it for him, and, turns out, myself.


    You see, we're both HUGE Star Wars fans. We love Star Wars, it's fantastic. Which is why we loved the whole build up the game, the trailers were exciting, heart-breaking when the Jedi temple was blown to smithereens because I had looked forward to visiting it. (Y'know, with less rubble, and hopefully a better welcoming party than imperial troops.) but alas that's the story and it wasn't meant to be, but this wasn't the issue, so I'll try not to stray any further.


    As I mentioned, it was 'post-leveling' that did it for us. I did the Jedi Knight story, and truly LOVED it. It was really entertaining and I would've gladly read it in a novel. But once you get to 50 there's a huge problem.


    It stops being Star Wars.


    I feel that you are losing touch with what the theme of the MMO is, perhaps not staying as true to it as you should. For instance, once you get to level 50, everyone starts looking like some kind of super hero out of a comic book. Troopers don't look a thing like Republic troopers anymore, they look like an experiment the Republic did that went horribly wrong that your toon has to put down as part of a quest. Jedi... I liked the Jedi armour look you did for one main very important reason. You kept the cloak. It's iconic. If someone dresses up as a Jedi to a party, or perhaps a charity event, you won't see them without a cloak. Which leads me to ask really...


    What on Earth or in this universe inspired the War Hero and Black Hole gear? Have you ever seen anything in Star Wars like it? I sure haven't. The Jedi gear is orange. 'Orange'. Did health and safety slap the Jedi on the wrist for breaching health and safety laws? 'You must wear high vis robes.' Apparently Jedi have been getting run-over by vehicles and people have taken notice.


    Black lightsabers? Sure, let people have them, by why force them on me as a default?


    All of this wouldn't be so bad if we had a choice, but if you want to look different? By god it's gunna cost you. It currently costs over 100,000 to full swap the mods out of end-game rated gear into customizable gear. (Which I'll add, there really isn't enough of.)


    I mean, you just announced party Jawas. Aren't there more important things you could be doing? Like designing more custom gear for us to wear, and stop punishing us for not wanting to look like a DC/Marvel/Star Wars crossover. (Sorry if that annoys any comic book fans, I don't know much about super heroes and stuff, it's just the first thing that came to my mind, and well, first impressions matter.)


    I mean, who approves this stuff? What happened to the guys who designed the 1-50 gear?


    So I am hoping for a response, maybe some promise that the game will stay true to star wars, because.... there's no alternative. Star Wars galaxies is gone, and I was fine with that, as long as I had a star wars game to play.


    So in summary:


    - PLEASE Stop punishing us for wanting to wear custom gear. I'm surprised it even costs 'anything'. Everyone says how important customization is. Perhaps we're being forced to do dailies content just to pay for the mod swaps? Armour bonus's transferring would've been nice too but I heard there was a technical issue with the older armours.


    - Stop giving out pets. They aren't needed, they're cool to have yes, but only when other things have been dealt with.


    - Maybe think 'Star Wars' more when designing future items and content. If you do, star wars fans will be happy.


    I feel like you're trying to please the MMO fan over the Star Wars fans. MMO fans have plenty of avenues to go to play games with pets and huge armour sets and such, and this is the important thing - They will do. However the Star Wars fans, the Kotor fans will be here, wondering what happened?


    I think you're out of touch with the community. The fact you ran that poll on facebook, rather than to the people who are actually paying customers of your game, proves that some decisions need a bit more thought.


    Thank you for your time. (And the stories.)


    Best Regards,


    Nostalgic Jedi Knight.

    (Who secretly rolled a Sith warrior also.)



    (Also, nothing wrong with pets, but it seems we're getting them more than we're getting other things.)

  12. Firstly this is not a suggestion. So it's not going there, I feel it's more of a request that needs public eyes on it, rather than be lost amongst the random ideas that seem to spam the suggestion box.


    BioWare on the lead up to this games launch, you gave us three phenomenally awesome trailers to watch. So when I first saw those Sith Warriors start roaring up the Jedi Temple, I thought to myself, 'Those guys look wicked cool!'


    Then with the Hope trailer, we saw the troopers in rather impressive looking gear with again, the awesome looking Sith Warriors. The same applies to the Jedi Knights, they looked brilliant themselves.



    So my request?


    Please add those armour sets to the game BioWare. I mean, it's like watching a New Hope, then going to play Star Wars Galaxies back in the day and 'not' being able to wear Stormtrooper armour.


    Now this is an idea to add... as we saw in the trailer, all Sith Warriors wore the armour, same with all Jedi. Is it at all possible we could get the Jedi and Sith armour sets in social armour? That way all Sith, and all Jedi can wear it.


    I know that the 'Jedi Battlelord' armour set had a sentinal version named the 'Stormlord' set, identical in appearance but.. medium armour stats. Is this at all possible? It's such a small change, but I've ran around in PvP gear for sometime now and hoped War Hero would bring more cool Sith/Jedi/Trooper armour, but to be honest BioWare, it was a bit of a let down. I think the Bounty Hunter armour was impressive as it kept the feel, but I think the others have strayed too far. Especially the Jedi Knight which looks like something someone in the Jetsons would wear with the space rings on the shoulder and bright colours.


    It won't break the feel/appearance of the game as they are part of the timeline, they look the part and I've not come across a whole lot of people who had anything negative to say about the armour sets.


    Community? What do you think?


    Thanks as always BioWare! Thanks for reading.



    Long-term Kotor fan.

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