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Posts posted by HarlockTaliesin

  1. Something seems to be going on with the login system, getting errors advising to try again later/check the forums. There's also a post about it on The Shadowlands server board. It started a few hours ago.
  2. For the foreseeable future I'm on an EST-friendly work shift, which doesn't mesh with my guild's raiding/rwz schedules. Since there's no ability to transfer servers to somewhere more convenient while this is going on, I'm looking for a somewhat regular crew with compatible hours.


    I have a Jugg (geared for both dps and tank in pve, tank in pvp), sorc (geared for dps and heals), op (heal geared), merc (dps geared), and leveling a mara. All gear is BH+ and WH+.


    Times I'm usually on is about 7pm-11pm EST (4pm-8pm server time) throughout the week, no cap on Fri/Sat nights.


    If any openings, drop me a msg here and I'll look up your guild in-game.

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