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Posts posted by Henu

  1. Im going to summarize this thread.


    WAAAAAAAAAA , i jhave to play all aspects of the game to advance WAAAAAAAAAAAA


    Get over it , its a game locking content behind various avenues of the game is the way it works , if you dont want to pvp , dont finish this mission.


    as i do my 20 pvp games, im going to laugh at people like you when you ask why im hiding in the corner..

  2. Hey Eric Musco, do you foresee you guys taking anything else away from me that I've spent multiple hours of energy, effort, passion and credits on? This has clearly sent a message that achievements are subject to change and ultimately not worth doing. This really cheapens the experience and discredits much of the work we have done.


    THIS 100%


    Dick move BW...

  3. To add,


    you can learn from other games, likeSWG, ( yes i know this isnt SWG) but they had rare drops and schematics from mobs, reasons to farm.. get 4 or 5 schematics for different parts to make 1 item (rare item) .. Your collections need better rewards... sick to death of Titles.. how about emotes, mounts, armor, weapons etc...


    You seem to put all your effort into the cartel market that really only shows your only interested in making money..

  4. I've just un subbed because TBH ive never been more bored in a game before... ive palyed since Beta and pre order and for a solo player with not a great deal of time on my hands im bored.. i have PVPed i have raided, ive leveled all classes, dailies are boring.. i look to crafting but there is nothing there..


    Crafting is 99% pointless, nothing rare to make because all effort is in the Cartel market. you need rare schematics and NOT just from raids.. something a solo player has the chance of getting..


    Im over paying for the same crap over and over.. ill go F2P and keep an eye on the site but unless something interesting comes in, you've lost me like many others..

  5. How about it BW? how about you guys fork over some compensation for people that went over a month of unable to play the game due to YOUR screw up? im talking about the lag/ability delay/ and horrible frame rate from the 3.0 update. Im not talking about some useless deco item in game, how about a free month sub or and nice amount of Cartel coins..


    Im not even sure we got a 'sorry'....

  6. SRSLY.. i jump on my Mando and have to pay for ALL my trooper training again?

    Reven buggy as can be.

    We take down world boss and get no credit for weekly.

    laggy planets, ability delay.

    flash points cant be finished (boss resets)

    Im sure there are more bugs but this is what i ran into in just the past 2 hours.


    This should of been taken care of in Beta? BW this is crap.. im sure people will bag me out or what ever but how im i meant to enjoy my gaming time when all im finding is bugs that should NOT of gotten past Beta testing

  7. What ive been seeing lately is people afking or doing min work up until the boss fights, got a few from the so called Top PVE guild on the server going afk, then running to the boss when all the trash is cleared.. i dont mind helping out someone thats low geared and really trying but you go slack and AFK on me, your getting a vote kick.


    Also had a Tank rage quit because we ran through the last trash mobs in Cad after the bonus boss.. we 3 man the final boss NP but its just funny to see someone flip their S**t over something so petty..

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