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Posts posted by DeviuosOne

  1. there is just so many fanboys here it is unreal you guys realize none of us even grace the forums with our presence, but you lot are on here 24/7 even when you have early access shows how much you like the game you aren't even playin it!
    Quoted for truth and these fan boys made it easy for me to unsub 5 minutes ago. They are on here telling everyone how high and mighty they are and how we are idiots for not taking the time to read everything through. If they liked the game so much why are they not playing instead of been on here and been trolls. More people that pay to play is a better game for everyone. It keeps expansions coming, more people working on the game, and an over all better game, but no lets go on the forums and be a troll and piss people off.
  2. Who really cares about server only lfg. I was laughing at a guy in my guild today becasue he was trying to get a group for a hm and he couldn't get enough people, so he then says he can't wait till the lfg comes out in 1.3. I said you do realize the brains at BW decided that a lfg tool will only be for you server so if you can't get a group on your server now you will not get one with the tool. I really can't understand the thinking behind not having a cross server lfg tool, but I used it in wow for years and liked it. 95% of the time I always got a good group and it was well worth it. The only people who don't want the lfg tool seem to be the badies who people tend to pick on.
  3. lol is all I can say. Go and play against some good teams that know what they are doing and come in a post you hide in the shadows. The shadows will be in the waiting room just after you died. All good teams will kill the sorcerer healer first because wet paper gives more resistance.
  4. Well if you can't beat them join them. I would rather play my Sorcerer but in pvp I can't anymore. With the small pvp base we have everyone knows your name and as soon as they see it your dead in about .5 seconds. There are No fun to play with next to zero survivability. I went to my warrior and i can survive forever.
  5. I'm 40 valor and no gladiator or centurion titles for my warrior. Put in a ticket and just get the usual bs. Doesn't look like it will be fixed before the next patch. Very poor customer service.
  6. I would like some feedback to know if this is what they intended for Ilum. This past hour on ilum there are 20 of us and its growing, circling the center looking for armaments without much success. I have got 10 out of 150 in an hour. Not 1 republic has even entered Ilum. Then after fighting with your fellow empire players for armaments you then get stuck in a warzone against them. This is NOT fun at all and I along with everyone else out here is getting sick of this. Please do something about this soon before you loose me and others Bioware. I do love this game but am getting really bored with it and having to do crap like this to get battlemaster gear is killing it for me.
  7. That would be nice.


    Considering I haven't gotten a single BM item in over 2 weeks.

    how could you not with over 2 weeks of badges? I would be all for getting battlemaster bags through the grind too because since i got to 60 valor I don't see or feel a need to run warzones for other then doing the dailies or weekly.
  8. Bioware check people in your pvp department!!! I think you have insiders working from Wow working in your pvp department and there trying to wreck this game. PVp on illum on my word Lord Praven was non existence before with the low Republic, but we got the dailies done by about 10 imperials waiting on 1 republic to exchange blowing stuff up. It wasn't fun but it wasn't a huge inconvenience but we got it done and it didn't take long. I would usually q for the war zones in between to pass time. Now the q for war zone took me over and hour to run into the same premade time after time, and picking up 30 armaments took about an hour and a half. Now I look at how the pvp was before and what can you do to make it worse for our world, and you guys came up with something even worse then i could imagine and implemented it. This leads me to believe you definitely have Wow insiders working in your Pvp department and should look at them very closely.
  9. I usually look at the top healer for my vote because they keep me alive to do my 300k damage. I don't really care about the votes anyhow because even as damage I have had 400k damage more then twice anyone else along with twice as many kills and someone with 1/10 the damage and heals I do can get more votes. since there friends vote for them. I have also been in lots of games where only a couple people even vote before the leave. If votes are so important to you go in groups and vote for each other.
  10. I really don't enjoy healing in this game at all right now. I set my tank as focus but any conversations or entering a different area removes your focus. trying to scramble before attacks to get your focus target is a pain as well as I find that a lot of times it doesn't work. There are times i have to focus something else and then my tank again. I cast dark infusion and i have to watch the cast bar and make sure it is at the very end of the cast bar because i will cancel the cast if i try casting anything else, and even sometimes it seems to cancel the cast even after the cast bar is done. Ah I'm rambling on but is short I'm not happy with healing right now and decided to play a BH dps class and hopefully they fix healing in upcoming patch and i will go back to my inquisitor which I would rather play.
  11. In my entire history of posting on game vendor forums, I have never, not once, posted using colors or anything but the standard font size. Having said that...


    Aurinax, you deserve a community aware for putting this thread together and maintaining it!


    Seriously people, mark this thread in your favorites, and once this is all over, come back and nominate him/her for an award.

    Yes you should get an award for this thread. It still amazes me BW even having all the numbers couldn't do something similar and keep the people informed. Good job.
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