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Posts posted by LVCommando

  1. I will pay you for it.


    Seriously, let us throw money at you.




    If this had included PvE space content then yes I would throw money at them all day. I would even be happy if they had just found a way to replace the current PvE Space missions with a port of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter modified for this game. But this is simply catering to the PvE crowd who loves to come whinge on the forums about why they don't get what they want when they want it.


    HAVING SAID THAT HOWEVER.....I understand from a programing point of view this was probably alot simpler to add to the game than totally rewriting the PvE content of the game, and that this will now be a foundation that can be built on with other content. Hopefully eventually all of the PvE space content can be ported over to this, or perhaps the existing system can be inferred to be a "training" mode for "true" PvE Space content based on this new system.


    I also have to say that considering I had NO interest in PvP content before this, mainly because as I am still working my way thru the story missions for all classes, I always felt like I would be playing catchup to field a character with equipment that could actually compete in PvP.


    Since I am a sub and I will be in at the beginning of this however, and also because I am a member of a fairly large and good guild, I feel like I will probably be more inclined to get involved in this content at least on a casual basis and not feel like I'm working from a disadvantage.


    From all of the information I have read about this it sounds like a good basis to build future space combat from. I simply pray it dosent become completely PvP centric as that is going to leave alot of people who sorely detested the "space on rails" as their only space content in the game out in the cold.

  2. I have 156 or better gear on myself and my tank companion. I was with another lvl 55 tank class player in similar or better gear, we have now discovered that in "balancing" content below the 55 lvl range you have made it completely impossible to get thru content even as old as the Heroic "Chasing the Shadow" in Black Hole. We are 5 levels above the mobs in this area. This area used to be easily done by ONE person in good gear. Now even 2 people with their companions in good gear cannot get thru this area.


    And yes i'm sure i'll get plenty of people arguing that a Heroic 4 is not solo content. Well trying to find people to do this content is practicaly impossible now as everyone has moved on to other planets past this, meanwhile this area is still useful for new characters being leveled into the 50+ range to get better gear to move into higher level areas of the game. And again I would point out, this area used to be soloable by someone with sneak and decent gear. However the end boss fight is so OP now it's not even funny.

  3. I have a few comments about things i've seen and things i've seen in this thread......



    1. I agree that the spawn rate for Wampas is too low, perhaps FAR too low. But I believe the solution lies in the rate at which the Fauns can be fed again. While I don't mind the idea that the mount should be difficult to get in a grinding manner, I believe it's an unintended consequence by BioWare that "Instance Switching" is the solution to get enough Data faster. Even with instance switching it takes aprox 2 hrs on average to come up with 15-20 data for the purchase. Not bad in an amount of time manner, but as instance switching produces extra load on the servers I cannot believe this was an intended programing design. I suggest either adding more nests, or alternately DRASTICALLY cutting the re-enable time for a nest of Fauns to be fed again.


    2. I have to say I do like the new mounts aside from my issue with the screenshot not matching the in game mounts. Some team put a good amount of effort into the skinning and skeletal programing of the mounts and rider on the mount to make it look fairly realistic when riding and seperate animation for jumping. Good job there. :)

  4. Happy Monday everyone. In honor of tomorrow's launch of Game Update 2.0 and early access starting for Rise, we ask:


    Early Access for Rise of the Hutt Cartel begins tomorrow - which of you will we see on Makeb?


    I managed to get my Assassin to 50 during this last double XP weekend so I am going to try to get started on Makeb as soon as possible! Although it will be an internal struggle between starting Makeb and starting into my love of Legacy Achievements.




    My Smuggler will be there....Missing Headshot and Cheap Shot....BOOOOOO... Removing attacks = not a good idea.

  5. http://www.swtor.com/marchtomakeb


    So am I to assume you were lying to us here? you want us to THINK we are leveing quickly, but if we actually level quickly you have a problem with it? Is that the case? what exactly do you consider an acceptable form of quickly leveling in preparation for the expansion?


    Sorry. Black or White logical fallacy. The gameplay math and logic behind leveling from 1-50 in one day and doing it faster in a few weekends or a month is pretty clear to most people. Your argument does not hold chemical wet stuff.

  6. Nice going, carebears. I'd rather group up on Ilum and leveling this way. It's more fun. You know what? I grouped up with 23 other players leveling to 50 too, and it was way more fun than questing through planets. Planet questing and grindy and boring as ****. Space questing is just as on-rails as planet questing, albeit faster. Warzone questing is way too slow, and that goes to show that BioWare wants you to go through the boring planet quests or boring space missions.


    Going through planets also makes this game feel like a freakin' single-player game. I don't play single-player games, nor did I intend to expect this feeling doing normal questing in this game. I rarely ever run into anyone if I'm lucky enough, and the chances are even rarer walking past a group of players. With Ilum, the environment around me felt alive and active. Random players were grouping up, talking, and most importantly, HAVING FUN. You can't have fun leveling normally.


    I don't care about Story. Voice overs were the reason the stories for both the class and side-quests were so bland and irrelevant, and EAWare doesn't even care about Story anymore. All they care about is the **** Cartel Market. My signature below even shows it. (Btw, I think PvP is a lot more fun so I do not PvE!)


    Am I mad? Yes, it looks like it. I'm just more disappointed with EAWare caring about such a ridiculous issue. The Gree event is also ending this weekend, so why not just leave it and let those who hate the fastest way to level (space and/or planet questing) do it this way? Some even said it felt like being in SWG.


    EAWare, fyi—there are much bigger issues to fix than this crock of bantha poodoo.


    Well, firstly, way to totally miss use the word "Carebears", you need to read your urban dictionary more. And I am curious what gives you the right to dictate how the game should be played by everyone? You talk about having so much fun leveling with a group of people on Ilium yet you somehow made it to lvl 50 with I assume at least one character and you NEVER grouped with people before that? Really?


    Also you talk about never seeing people in the game while planet questing. When do you play between 3 and 4 am? I play late at night usually, and even during the week the planets between the starters and Ilium that i've seen almost always have somewhere between 50-100 people on them even that late at night. And I pass by people on a regular basis, and see people asking to form groups for Heroics on a regular basis. <shrug> maybe I play on some godlike overpopulated server or something.


    I've been playing MMO's since UO came out. I've been a GM for a few games and I was a CS Rep sort of like what Eric does for AC. I've got news for you folks. ANYTHING that uses a game mechanic in an unintended way by the designers CAN BE DECLARED AN EXPLOIT. For gods sake people how the hell do you THINK an exploit exists if it's NOT an unintended game mechanic? You think some outside 3rd party magically hacked all the servers to put in some of their own game code? <sigh>


    I don't have a problem with the way anyone wants to play the game, but it seems from long past experience it is a vocal minority of endgame centric players who love to come into forums and complain about anything in the game that dosent help them get to level cap as soon as possible so they can start their SERIOUS gaming. They also love to claim how many people don't care about storyline or content and just want to play endgame constantly over and over again to have the best items. Which to me sounds pretty damn boring. <Shrug>


    Thank god game developers know better and know that there is just as large a majority of people who like storyline and content and appreciate things that are done in the game to make the trip TO the level cap more fun, even if your doing it for the nth time. There are at least 8 different stories to follow here getting to 50, and if you add in gender differences that do make alot of the stories go differently you can call that 16. Well way to go there endgamers, you just spit in the face of about half the developers of the game and told them what they did was garbage and useless. Feel good about yourselves now?


    As for the couple of posts i've seen in here TOTALY disrespecting Eric, get a life people. CS just instituted changes to bend themselves over backwards as much as possible while still having one hand tied behind their back as far as what they are allowed to reveal in forums and you people just spit in Eric's face also. Something that in my day as CS or GM would have earned you an instant and permanent ban from the forums from me.

  7. Sorry I'm not a big fan of Corso but if there is ANYONE i'd want to kill of my Smuggler companions the first choice would be the pouty little sycophant Guss Tuno.... OMGZ Could you imagine how much rage there would be if HE was your first companion and you had to go thru the WHOLE CLASS QUESTLINE Listening to him??? Dear god it boggles the mind.
  8. Disney will just keep nomnomnoming on other franchise until it rules the world but it wont last for long because they will release a deadly virus that turns some people into zombies and then those zombies will start feasting and making more. and then rapture will happen taking all those zombies away and a death star will magically appear and destroy the world. the End





    ^ True Story bro


    I give it 2 years before Disney buys EA.....let the lulz ensue from THAT decision. :D

  9. Hey everyone!


    As promised last week, here is an update on the new locations for the Community Cantina Tour this year. You can check out our blog here or just take a look at the list below. :jawa_smile:


    • May 2013 – Dallas, TX
    • June 2013 – Los Angeles, CA
    • July 2013 – San Diego, CA
    • August 2013 – Chicago, IL
    • August 2013 – Cologne, Germany
    • August 2013 – Seattle, WA
    • October 2013 – New York, NY
    • November 2013 – Austin, TX


    Please keep in mind that these dates and locations are not final and subject to change.


    We hope to see you at one of our Cantina Tours!


    WOW....Nothing in Las Vegas? Talk about a missed party opportunity. <sigh> I guess SOE took over Vegas for their thing and everyone else is too afraid to come here. :p

  10. Sorry to necro an old thread but this is still pertinent and still occurring. I understand when this is SUPPOSED to happen. As in if you and someone else are trying to group for an instanced quest and your both on different parts of the quest one or both of you is going to need to reset to get synched. I still do not understand WHY this is required in some circumstances but I can see the need for it in others.


    However this just happened to me trying to complete the Priority Targets I on Balmorra...apparently the game dosent like to let you join an Op group to kill Grandfather if you've already killed The One on DK or vice versa. Which seems kind of dumb to me. I really hope the programing for this gets looked at soon and reworked a bit.

  11. <Snipped to avoid TL:DR> The world revolves around getting more if you are willing to pay.....This whole thread when you encompass the game mechanics itself without the boxing/macro theory is based on attacking ppl who are willing to pay to get ahead....I aint ever heard a free to play call a sub a cheat... why not based on theory behind multiple accts etc. Starting day 1 with +41 gems, adaptive armor, half global legacy unlocked and few mill credits selling some mounts from cartel to mate for under half what they were on trade is alot more epic in scale and game unbalancing than I ever found in boxing.


    Welcome to the World my friends. Everything is going free with the pay for more option.


    The main problem with your argument is you seem to be taking the point of view that. "If you've got enough money to spend on the game why shouldn't you be allowed to do it??" This is flawed on several levels, the least of which leads to "If i'm willing to pay for it how come I shouldn't be allowed to buy gold/equipment/a lvl 50 toon from someone else instead of having to play thru the game to get it??"


    You justify the argument by talking about someone who starts on day 1 with +41 gems, adaptive armor, etc...etc... The thing is these are all things that are built into the game with at least a general understanding of how they are going to affect the game economy, and still do not result in this player being able to more easily play game content intended for multiple people than would be provided to someone thru 8+ multiboxing. Also your estimate of how much money this person would have I think is grossly exaggerated from selling the items you listed, although you may have just been simplifying there.


    I think you would be hard pressed to find a developer or concept designer who would say "Oh yes we know bunches of people are going to multibox this game so they can get around the more difficult content designed for larger groups so we'll make sure the game allows for it." Do they understand it happens? Yes i'm almost certain most do, but this game does an excellent job of making the idea of mulitboxing to do any of the significant end game content fairly undesirable.


    Don't get me wrong i'm not totaly against multiboxing even in this game. However I had numerous bad experiences with people multiboxing in WoW when I still played both from people owning BG's in PvP and also people trying to do it as part of a pug raid and it was annoying in both aspects. And leaving a pug HM BG in this game penalizes you so if your trying to get away from someone who is multiboxing because you don't want to deal with them playing one character and expecting you to make up for the other 3 they are trailing along you really don't have much choice.


    Multiboxing here to play thru Heroics? Meh....no big deal, if you can do it, go for it. I know there have definitely been times I dident feel like grouping to do something. Doing it to solo a HM FP? eh...seems a bit unfair to me but not to the point i'd go QQing all over the forums about it. But multiboxing in anything that requires more than 4 people should not be allowed. And definately not in PvP. Although from reading other peoples posts it seems trying to do it in PvP would be a joke at best. LOL.


    But saying people should be allowed to do it just because they have the money to spend? No, that argument holds no water whatsoever.

  12. What is your reasoning behind making almost every single Jedi Knight gear hooded? Why can't at least provided alternative hood down models? Why ALL new Jedi sets needed to have hoods up? Why are you not providing players with PvE-obtainable alternatives?


    It's been a year and there is no non-adaptive Jedi Guardian armor that doesn't have a hood up. Why?


    1st World Problem? LOL

  13. Yea if they wanted to COMPLETELY screw anyone wanting to use group finder, this was definitely one of the ways to do it.


    Insane repair costs only end up making the game more elitist and less approachable to the people who may not be good at finding a guild to play with. And not because of something specifically better gamewise about being in a guild, but because the repair costs are so insane people only want to trust certain people to play with to know there is NO chance of a death or a wipe that is going to pretty much negate any financial gain they may have made from running the FP or Op or whatever.


    Making the game more grindy is not the answer to game economy issues. If someone has to grind for 3-4 hours to work up cash to pay for repairs if they have a death or two or a total wipe in endgame content they are going to loose ALOT of people.


    I am glad they realized quickly what a moronic mistake this was but i'm not holding my breath to see what the repair costs are AFTER they fix it. Especialy AFTER this discount goes away.


    Already because of this issue i'm having to wait 5 mins on average in groupfinder to get a HM FP and i'm a HEALER ffs. I'd say about half or more of the players have simply quit running endgame except in guild groups till this is fixed. And i'm hoping they fix this fast enough there is no mass exodus of people from the game in the meantime so after it's fixed I can get back to some more normal play.

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