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Posts posted by buddybuddy

  1. Hello,


    I just wanted to say to Bioware and those who spend time working on this game, I really appreciate the time ,effort and money put into this title. I'm so enjoying it immensely.


    I really don't see what others are complaining about. I have a gtx 560 ti and max the graphics and think there great. I get 40-60 fps whether I'm on a speeder or on fleet. I'm only level 20 but have never had to type more than once LFG in general for heroics or flashpoint. Somebody is always there to group up. The community on my server seems very considerate, although I did ignore some kids in the lower levels.


    I have experienced some bugs(commendations in inventory)but that only happened once. tooltip errors and other minor annoyances.


    I feel the game has alot of polish and feels smooth,the music is awesome and combined with the storytelling brings in alot of immersion for me.


    Anyways just wanted to say thank guys,enjoying your game very much.

  2. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I'm playing a bounty hunter and the default for cover is F. So when I'm engaged to say 3 enemies and there is a piece of cover to use right in front of me I push F and nothing happens. I've tried using F , Shift +F, even remapping the cover and cover fire buttons. Am I doing something wrong or maybe BH can't use cover..


    Plz help Im a noob.

  3. Dude when the 7th? Wave went out I ran for my gaming pants... Even cleaned my room. Start 12am tomorrow at work will be back at 9pm. So hopefully I will be in by then 12/12 redeem.


    yeah the 8th for me, and as the plane of the final wave was heading to the ground to crash n burn, I was hoping for a parachute to save me from a lonely night of single player gaming... but alas twas not to be.



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