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Posts posted by warmark

  1. I very well remember this same discussion/complaints about server imbalence in both WoW and Warhamerr over the years. The ironic thing is which side has the imbalence has often changed. I have noticed as time goes on people get tired of playing a side or want to be the underdog and switch sides, i can see this being especially true when imperial players decide they wish to experience some Repubic story lines. It would not suprise me in six months people are complaining that the Republic outnumbers the Empire, things have a tendency to work themselves out.
  2. Theres an old saying "you can never go home again". My original MMO was Everquest I still remember the magic i felt when first exploring that World and my first raid in Kael Drakkel. I enjoyed WoW for a time but it always felt lacking to me and felt like it lacked the magic of EQ. For many WoW was their first MMO and now years later I think people were seeking to find that feeling again and finding like me that you cannot recapture it. That first love always feels the strongest and most special. I am enjoying SWTOR very much but it lacks that old time feeling and so has any mmo I have played since EQ, perhaps this is what people are finding that no matter what the mmo is it will never be the same. You realize the quests, story lines and animations may be different but it is all the same game you have already played for years.
  3. A little off topic but this happens all the time in the Real World No one wants to be the guy in charge, games can be a good time to get into the leadership mindset .many may desire the leadership role for the added salary but few actually do the work. You want a long, successful career be the person who steps up, takes charge and more importantly make sure the decision makers know what you are doing with weekly updates. It is all too common in the real world for people to take credit for anothers work, sadly. For an example a good friend with just a high school education runs a major I.T. department and makes mid 6 figures in a town known for 10 buck an hour wages. All on his willingness to step forward, take charge and making sure the bosses knew who was doing the work. Don't get me wrong he knows his technical stuff but less so than those who work for him. I on the other hand have two bachelors and a masters and make one third his salary, but I have never been the take charge, self promoting type of guy.
  4. I must admite my Assassin is my favorite, since i started watching this game and was lucky enough to be in one of those weekend beta's in sept. of 2010 i had been in love with the Sorc, game launches and i found the Sorc way to easy and boring, shield Khem, heal Khem, assist Khem , kill his target repeat. Not to mention everyone, his brother and their second cousin seems to be playing one. Since i still wanted to throw some lightening around I gave the Assasin a try, despite never being big on the melee class I am having a blast at 40. It also may be a bit silly but i just love the kick animation (ability name forgotten ATM).
  5. Of course SWTOR has been influenced by WOW, even if they developers didnt intend it to does anyone believe the creators of ToR had not played WoW and likely for years. You can't help but be influenced by that. This along with the business end i.e. you have a model of a very successful, money making juggernut of course you copy some of the things you feel will make you money. What suprises me is the number of people who get upset about this or act like WoW is the Alpha and the Omega of these ideas.


    There is almost nothing original in WoW. They took much from earlier games, heck I remember the long threads on EQ boards and on guild boards about how WoW was just a EQ copy, not to mention Warcraft in general was a blatant ripoff of the Warhammer tabletop game. Nothing under the sun is original folks, the question for each individual is do you like what SWTOR did with those pre-existing concepts, are you having fun, is it worth your hard earned dime. I do, at least for now, but you may not. There is nothing wrong with that, if you don't like the game simply move back to something you enjoy, the continual hate posts seem the actions of annoying, look at me, children and I just don't understand it.

  6. Typical MMO, credits are always worthless at end game barring being used to twink your alt. In both EQ and WoW I ended up not even bother selliing items(unless out of space) after I found myself not enjoying playing overly twinked alts. Fictional credits/gold/platnium sitting in a fictional bank are meaningless unless the amount strokes your ego.
  7. Here is something I get curious about when this is brought up - For people that have been in games that have done this before (if there are any?) -


    What would happen with names and legacy names? I know maybe it shouldn't be a big deal, but I am attached to my character names so I often wonder how they would handle it in the cases where different people on different servers have the same name.


    This is something that bothers me as well, especially with EA. I might have stayed with Warhammer but the last straw, so to speak, was the closing of my servers and forced move. Not merger but closing, it didnt matter that I had started and created my toons within minutes of the servers coming up my servers were closed so i had to move and change my character names. This ticked me off, it would have been different if there was a merger and names were kept by creation date or played time or even random, simply losing names miffed me. One really bad experience with EA in this regard almost made me not play this game. Names for many playes are part of who your character is and you get attached.

  8. Every once in a while i find myself just hitting the spacebar to get on to the quests. i then notice myself getting bored or not engaged with the game. I then just step back listen to the convesations and the whats going on in the game. Background noises are everywhere from little bits of conversation to birds chirpping. The interior of buildings, even small only seen once locations are detailed and worth looking at. The level of detail in SWTOR is like nothing i have seen in an MMO and i have played everyone since EQ lured me into them in early 2000. This type of thing isnt for everyone who just want to get to the killing and the loot but it certainly is for me.
  9. These roles take the most responsbility and many don't want that responsibilty and others just don't want to deal with being the target of insults when things go bad. I haven't seen this in SWTOR yet but much of the community here are ex-Wowers and for many that is their first MMO and I think people are gun shy of putting themselves forward, afraid of the ridicule they might face if they make a mistake, especially as for most of the population everything is new and mistakes will happen. I will say i still enjoy WoW but wont play it since the community has filled me with disgust. I enjoy playing a healer here but have hesitated to group with those i dont know just because of those years of negative experiences over in WoW. I would think others might have the same feeling.
  10. First you said the W word which is designed to run on very old computers and you have a lacklastur video card. Still turn off your shadows if you haven't this makes a hugh difference. SWTOR has some serious issues concerning this.
  11. Anyone who will quit because of the staggered launch will have quit anyway and was just looking for an excuse. Frankly i hope those really getting enraged do leave they seem the sort who would quickly destroy the community. No one will care about this in a month. As has been said the details of the launch have been known forever, I do not care about playtime or leveling fastest but I am big on name selection so when the game came up i ordered and registered it right away. In life if there are things if you care about you need to be proactive and take care of it right away not wait. There were afterall vendors like Amazon whom you could order from on day one and not spend a dime. Procrastanation and laziness have repercusions and there is seldom anyway to truly blame but yourself.
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