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Posts posted by Phadian_gess

  1. Star Wars was originally very popular for its heroic and fantastic space scenes... what happened? This game really lacks in that department.


    The space missions were fun and great the first time, but sad to say, the copying of the space missions for more challenging missions is a bit laim. There is no true variety there. Same mission, just more targets and firepower.


    It would be nice if the space misisons were a little less 1980 Arcade style. It is really bad when you move your mouse over to turn on a weapon or skill, and your ship follows that direction too... looks like the pilot is intoxicated, or worse yet, you move your mouse over to hit an EMP charge and crash into an astroid. Come on, is that the best this game has to offer? The whole left, right, up, down movements while the background moves on a predetermined flight path is a bit cheezy.


    What we would like to see is:


    1) Free Flight, ability to actually learn and pilot in space, take off and dock at spaceports. Granted when you get close, maybe a tractor beam would pull you in the remaining distance, but as it is, the movies play out of sequence, the shipt takes off before you even get out of the doorway, same with landing, it lands as you are exiting your ship, not while you are on the bridge, and its all done for you. We think it would be nice to actually get to fly the ship now and then (not just move it back and forth).


    2) Landing and Take off sequencing is the most fun and challenging part of flying a ship, but in SWTOR, there is no opportunity for that. It would be fun to actually be able to land and take off, it would truly add to the quality of the game and support the Star Wars theme in general if we had to actually fly, dock, land and take off.


    3) The space missions have grown old and boring. Not to mention, they are just copies, of other missions. You always fly on the same path, throught the same astroid collums, between the same floating ice rock, etc. Much like the buildings and interiors of buildings in SWTOR, are just copies of other buildings. Republic and Empire alike. EVERYTHING IS THE SAME, COPIED OVER AND OVER. That is the most degrading thing ever to this game. Buildings should be unique, space missions should be true flying missions, and not so much of repeats after repeats. The vast majority of the buildings in this game are exactly the same, the space missions are all exactly the same, and really, it makes this game look cheap and has been far surpassed by other games of its same class and style.


    Agree with you 100% and maybe for controls incorporate (for those that have it) the ability to use a usb game controller or old school joystick used for flight simulators. perhaps with the game controller the controls could be similar to the Ace Combat series and with the joystick it would resemble Wing Commander.

  2. How lazy are you guys? You know it's a DPS problem. You know what class he plays. Ask him what his rotation is. Ask him what his attributes are. Ask him what mods his equipment has. Do a bit of thinking for yourselves. If you are pros at Ops, then you've clearly done this kind of analysis for yourself so you should be able to do it for others without a tool that tells you "you missed this % of the time, you do the most damage with X attack, etc"


    ^ this all of this. i mean really its all about your rotations and using your interrupts at the right time with the right attacks.

  3. anyone here who has played EQII will know what i mean by this. what do you think of having such an ability? of course under the terms of it doing:


    heal caster for 10-15% (possible talents helping get it from 10 to 15)

    activates on death

    duration 3 minutes

    recast timer say 10-15 minutes?


    this is really just a thought as itd be nice to have this way out instead of being like oh crap im dead now let me wait 10 minutes or start all the way back at the nearest med center.

  4. Have you been experiencing issues with your card? I'm curious, I have an even older (and lesser) card, the 9600GT and haven't run into any problems at all, game plays fine, even during longer sessions (6+ hours).


    well my graphics card for a while since launch was just fine (normal temps etc etc) but about 2 or so weeks ago my card began to heat up alot faster i had some software on here to determine the temps it might just be my card wearing out already or something as i spent alot of time with it cranked up to its highest settings when i used to play fallout new vegas almost 24/7 and then also with skyrim

  5. I've played plenty of MMO's WoW was the most hours spent with about 200 days in game or some huge number like that but FFIV is where I last came from, If people are complaining about the bugs in this game HO HO HO, FFIV is the worst.


    please tell me you forgot to include the X in FFXIV cuz im like err if your talking final fantasy IV was not an mmo >.>

  6. Because power levels without scouters that explode over 22,000 are not cool.




    "ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!"


    but yeah on a serious note.


    the force went from being a mystical energy....

    to basically germs in your body.


    thats like SWG going from a massive quest in itself to become force sensitive to all of a sudden your a jedi in like 5 clicks.




    Punishing those that "exploited" aka Camped at enemy bases at spawn points is a good idea. They found an opening that Bioware failed to consider and used it, exploited, and grifed other player aka harassment


    By camping i mean killing someone at a spawn point were they can't do anything else in game and are stuck there ie .. (spawn, walk 1 foot, die, /repeat process ) they did it for valor points and the players being killed are unable to reach speeder point and go anywere else in game. i do not mean killing in any other way were the player being killed can do something else. i do understand pvp is killing others in game.


    they were asked to stop see video chat log







    P.S. Pls Tell me if this not harassment and why pls?

    yes i re-posted this reply


    you clearly have not played ultima online or you wouldnt be wanting your hand held by bioware when you pvp

  8. No, we don't have to be patient. We don't have to "give them a chance." We don't have to "Compare to WoW *at release*." We can set whatever the hell standard we feel like and vote with our wallets.


    That's some real common sense for you.


    you also don't have to be so insulting and hostile :)

  9. see my main thing is i was an ace combat nut. (I have every ace combat ever released from the ps1 to the xbox 360) and when i had got a hold of battlefront 2 and found the control similarities...i know the computer AI was like WTH IS WITH THIS GUY??? IS WEDGE ANTILLES BEHIND THAT CONTROLLER? xD but yeah if it changes within an expansion (I pray to all the gods out there) I seriously hope there will be space pvp.
  10. its not that they aren't fun but...come on...the devs could have atleast done it like in SWG (which in that case was about like the old game called wing commander) Or atleast like in battlefront II (freeflight space combat) yes i am QQ'ing to a degree because i think itd be a great change to the game
  11. Full Premades?














    why not? What if me and 7 other guildies wanna go into voidstar or alderaan and play on the same team as a guild? im sorry if you have no friends but dont punish me for your lack of social skills

  12. I know on my server alot of people have been making a custom LFG channel and speak there since its server wide. (Went from belsavis to the fleet to help someone with Colicoid war games) but before that i did use the system but so few people used it because they were either spamming general chat or spamming the forums wanting LFD tools.
  13. I have 400 artifice also but will be switching to biochem this weekend, only takes a day or 2 to be back at 400 (i've been on the fence because I knew a nerf was coming but didn't think it would be this light), what does 400 artifice actually offer you at level 50, after you can run hard modes?


    the mats for stuff like this (the biometric crystal alloy you can get from normal ops and hardmode flashpoints.)


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