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Posts posted by Rybry

  1. Finally an appropriate place to voice this minor, yet annoying issue.


    This small complaint is to all the Miraluka players out there who may feel my pain about not being able to wear certain Head gear. What I would give to actually be able to see my War Hero helmet on my characters head, but because of the Miraluka's eye-wear, any head gear that does not mask the face completely will not be displayable. I for one chose very nonabrasive eye-wear, which would not clip into certain Head Gear pieces if they were displayed. If I would have known about this issue before investing hours into my character I may have chosen a different species because I really enjoy customizing my characters look (which is a highly promoted aspect of this game). I really hope it's possible to create a quick fix, such as allowing Miraluka to wear all the Head Gear available to their class and level by adding a new eye-wear model that cooperates with all Head Gear when equipped.

    It's not like Miraluka have tentacles coming out of their heads like Twi’lek do, they merely need something to cover their eyeless faces. Otherwise their completely humanoid...


    Fantastic Thread Btw

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