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Posts posted by Svii

  1. Barrel Throw is bugged.


    16M HM is what.. 37k+ isntant and the fire aoe does -0- damage, yes, that is a zero. I stood in fire on purpose and no damage taken.


    Not to mention the idiotic "pick up a barrel hurr durr I can't use any skills and have to right click on my buffs to cancel it, oh I just cancelled 2 buffs I actually want" mechanic.. funny in theory, but not in practice.


    Thanks :rolleyes:

  2. For seek cover, does immunity to movement impairing abilities only apply to snares and roots? Because I swear I've been yanked back by Vanguards/PTs using grappling hook while I was under its effects.


    You can be yanked and pushed, so be careful.


    I've scored so many goals with Seek Cover it's almost disgusting, running through 4-5 defenders trying to root you is hilarious :3

  3. Just played a handful of games, mostly MM spec. Dealing all white damage has it's advantages against those pesky sins, I don't care about their shroud, it does almost nothing against MM. Deflection is a pain if I don't have Target Acquired ready.


    My usual strategy against sins is to pray my Entrench is ready, even popping it if my stealth 6th sense tingles. Covered Escape is only used to avoid damage, as they are impossible to kite anyways, well almost everyone except Marauders are impossible to kite for any reasonable time.. so, I use Evasion ASAP, Target Acquired - Shield Probe and Ballistic Shield after Evasion is gone. Edit: Diversion on myself is always good. Then just fire everything I got while refreshing dampeners and try to roll off some damage. Good ones are very tough and usually run away when they see I just blew my load and then come back to finish the job hehe


    Evasion is really good in cover, I wear the old pvp set bonus so I have 4 seconds of Evasion :rak_03:


    Not met a single Concealment yet (that I can remember).. weird.


    I tried Engineer yesterday, liked it, though it feels so much slower than MM I like the elemental damage it does, especially against the tankier classes. It's just different I guess, but I definitely see potential as I topped the charts with almost 1M damage in normal huttball, a solid lead over the 2nd highest. So it has the damage, gonna play around with it more.


    Virulence.. meh, not tried it but there are so many with Purge now which resets the build up. Dots seem weaker too, maybe try it later.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFZsxEQ6byk


    The guide is now updated with a video of my rotation. Enjoy! :)


    Thanks for the guide!


    While watching the video you delay Ambush and even PB a GCD or two. I've always worked my rotation around PB and SV. I guess my question is if you've tried to keep PB and Ambush "tighter"?


    You're clipping CD, from reading your guide this is strictly for energy management?


    Seems my ship dummy is bugged (respawning every 10 sec), so asking instead of working with that endless frustration :p


    Also, I don't see the 5% ranged dmg debuff on the dummy in the video, noticed that as well on my ship when using the 1m HP and armor debuff.

  5. They DID mess it up.


    At worst the patch notes were badly worded, at best it is a bug/oversight and not intended. Crossing fingers it's a bug..


    Quote from patch notes:

    Accuracy Rating grants more Accuracy per point.


    Currently it grants less per point, my sniper receives about 0.4% less accuracy with same rating as pre 3.0 at level 60.

  6. Neither, go for 2-set Enforcer + 2-set Field Medic for 1 second longer evasion and stronger shield probe. Though, the +5m range on Field Tech/Pro is sometimes funny.


    You want a Power heavy build with 2-3 Accuracy mods, since Surge is pointless after you hit 74ish % anyways. A couple crit mods doesn't hurt either. Most will tell you to go full POWER, but isn't really noticeably better than a few crit mods.

  7. I'm a healing operative and doing 100% pvp so... should I go with MH/OH Brutalizer or with pve 162 etc. stuff ?

    And what about the rest of the stuff (armor, ear, etc...) 156/156 Ear seems better than my Obroan


    Personally I'd go for full PvP as healer. Tech/Force Power is bolstered to full, so it doesn't hurt healing power (much). But, like L-randle says, certain PvE items are better than Obroan, but it's really in the less than 0,5% difference.

  8. IMO use Brutalizer OH and Hawkeye/168/162/150 MH only if you're playing a _heavy_ weapon based spec. Other than that, just use PVP gear. PvE gear is fine as a transition. But if you mainly PvP it doesn't really hurt with all the factors in a mad skirmish.


    I like these specs with 168 barrel/hilts.







    Other than that, the difference isn't noticeable, perhaps even detrimental. RNG will kick your *** anyways ^^

  9. It is suboptimal to have more than 95% basic accuracy. It is a waste of stat points better spent elsewhere.


    My final 2 cents then.


    First, there are plenty of Inquisitors running around since it's a very popular class, often half or more in any given war zone. Carnage Marauders also have 11% defense chance if they spec into it. 2 of 3 tanks have 5% accuracy debuff as well as the odd Annihilation Marauder and 25% ranged defense chance for Snipers in Cover. Suddenly it's 10% chance to miss, or 9/10 hit rate.


    Say you're up to 73-74% Surge, around 500 surge rating, you have something like 200 rating which can be 3%ish accuracy. Those last 2% surge is 200ish damage on a 10K critical hit. Many classes also have crit damage multipliers in their skill trees.


    I sacrifice miniscule damage increase on a critical hit to reduce chances that my shots/hits are evaded. My extensive experience with MM Sniper is that 97% accuracy performs noticeably better than with 94%.


    With that said, RNG is king.. why not reduce that RNG a tiny bit ;)

  10. Taking 95% accuracy will put your special melee/ranged accuracy at 105%, which nullifies the base 5% defense chance everyone has.


    ..and here is where you missed the point..


    I know _exactly_ how Accuracy works (and doesn't work). There are plenty of adversaries with more than 5% defense chance so it's not a bad idea to lose a couple % surge for a higher chance to hit. This is simply because once you're in the 500s Surge the DR is very steep.

  11. Thanks for the answers, especially no. 1.


    PvP survivability will always be a tricky pony.. From my own experience, roots and stuns are what kills me the most. How about adding root break to Covered Escape? Shouldn't break PvE and allow us to get out of focus fire for 2-3 seconds IF we have Entrench up (avoiding stun lock). CE doesn't move us very far, most classes have a counter to CE already, stealth/sprint/LoS. Ranged classes almost don't exist in this game, since everyone can close gaps in a very short time.


    As for Engineer, I don't like how roll banging works, I think it's hilariously fun, but it doesn't fit a ranged DPS. I suggested once to rename it to Explosive Rounds and make Series og shots deal moderate AoE damage around the target. Perhaps it would make SoS way too powerful for one skill though :p A buff to plasma probe and/or frag grenade would also be nice.



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