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Posts posted by swipertfox

  1. What seems to be the problem the kncokback with the slow on it the heavy armor and heals or the missle after missle?


    wish my shadow could wear heavy armor, heal and hit like a truck.

  2. I hope that you republic pvpers who got in earlier in the early access have enjoyed your time where you actually had some chance of winning, because at 8 central this morning those chances are officially over. I will kill you all. Deal with it. That is all.


    jump on in big guy lets see how you stack up.

  3. BW needs to adopt a strong chance against cheaters from day 1, to show players they they will not stand for cheating in any form.


    Currently we have players exploiting a bug in game by joining empty warzones, then the warzones are ending due to lack of players, but the players are gaining the xp!


    Ban them all!


    it's not the players fault the warzones are ending early they just want pvp.

  4. Are people on this forum really too ignorant to understand what a 1 day or 2 day lead on a pvp server means for those with a head start? It's not like months into the game when you have dozens of high level friends who can help you out and protect you as you level - you and your friends are in the same boat - 1 shot fodder for the nerd with the assassin toon waiting in the shadows outside the starter city.


    It would be one thing to open new virtual servers and apply an entire wave of players to the same server at the same time and no more waves on that server unless people manually add themselves. But it's something entirely different to be auto-deployed to a server filled with 2 day old characters 25-30 levels above you just waiting to 1 shot your butt. Good luck leveling.


    To say nothing of people securing all the good names cause they have days to think about the 8 names they'll reserve on level 1 characters.


    How could an MMO game maker not understand the implications of this staggered approach?


    so roll pve and enjoy.

  5. I hope you know, this will go down in history books Bioware.


    Its not a good way to start a game, rage more than half your player base. Giving special treatment to others.


    everyone els left with stuiped unwanted names while other players boss it out been the frist to do everything in game.


    kiddies talking kiddie smack.

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