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Posts posted by Whereistheforce

  1. I was recently looking at the Galaxy Map in my Star Wars Encyclopedia when I saw all these Familiar Planet's like Rodia, Mon Calamari, Mandalore and others when I got the Idea that when Bioware release's a New Class they should give us their home planet aswell to explore and get new content.


    For example: We get Rodian's as playable race in whatever future update let's call it 1.6 for now, well in 1.6 we get these but as well we will get Rodia and all the New Planetary Content our Heart's can desire.


    Doing these updates like this will make Star Wars Fan's rejoice to see there favorite Race's and Planet's in the game, as well as the People who want new Content ( Which I'm sure is everyone) as well. This will open door for added planets of already Playable Race's and Future ones, Like Rattatak or where ever the Catar Homeworld is.


    I personally will love to see Future content released in this Fashion, as well as some future Space Content too Bioware (;

  2. I thought it was anakin's that only got wiped? and He might have said it to manipulate Obi-Wan but it doesn't mean Oui-Gon wouldnt have joined Dooku, Dooku might have been sith but it doesnt mean Qui-Gon wouldnt have joined, other jedi sure wanted to (Clone Wars, The episode where they take Umbara)
  3. There was a quote I remember from Dooku (I want to say in ATOC), saying that if Qui-Gon was still alive he would have joined the Separatist and seen their cause. I wanted to know if any of you believe he would have or wouldn't have he?


    I would have love seeing this Happen in the lore that Qui-Gon was apart of The Clone Wars, and seeing him in the Series makes my day XD But I don't know if he would have joined them, from the movies ( I don't know about books as I haven't read them all just yet) he seemed to be a strong believer in the Force and that Balance was possible, So Maybe he would have or maybe he wouldn't, It would have been a Amazing plot device if they used it in the Films.

  4. So I wanted to talk about Negativity in this Game, People there's too much of it.


    Sorry to state the Obvious but it seems like everywhere I go I run into it, a Warzone doesn't go someones way so they flip and blame the team, or the server. Why not take in consideration the other team was just better? Or you Just didn't have that good of luck. But that's not possible.

    Even now when the servers are down for Maintenance there's people complaining about that.

    I just want people to take a breath and realize nothing is perfect and you wont ever get perfect.


    This game has it's faults like a lot of games do. But this is also one of the Funnest games I have played, and I have met a lot of decently good people who enjoy the game for what is and not what it isn't and in the end those are the people who will continue to play and I will continue to talk to.


    This isn't me complaining about it, this is me saying take a breather and relax and Enjoy SWTOR. XD

    If you have comments please share. XD

  5. They did say they would release some Neutral content in the future, and I can only hope cause I do have a few characters like my Smuggler who I like to keep Neutral cause why would my Smuggler choose sides in a War he has no part in cause he just wants the credits.
  6. I typed this in General Chat the other day cause I Tabbed while I was fighting a small group and force leaped but I didnt realize I targeted a target way out of the way and I was stuck to fight a huge mob which I lost very easily. So I'm so glad someone made a post about this and hopefully this will get fixed. (:
  7. I have a issue where I have gotten into a Warzone and gone against a team of 4 snipers, 3 Inquisitors, and one bounty hunter. and other where I have gone against a whole team of troopers and one knight. I think whenever there is too much of one of these things say snipers and inquisitors they have alot of stuns there for the whole team is getting stunned and killed and demolished in almost every way possible, if Warzones were more organized in the matching up so that I'm not running into situations like this anymore I think it would improve my experience as well as everyone elses.
  8. I noticed that the Heroic Spawns in the game are the same as the Normal spawns or at least seems like it and I do enjoy getting alot of xp from the kills but at the same time there has been on a multiple occasions where I have done a Heroic and I had killed one group on enemies to get to a a quest object and turn around after one battle and the people I just killed before this battle are already back and sometimes I have backed into them and died and it became a issue for me, I just feel like since it takes these enemies more time to kill that there spawns should at least be a tad bit longer. But maybe I'm the only one that feels this way or I'm not even the worst to experience this. I would really like to hear peoples comments on this.
  9. I just think its funny when people are arguing that this does too much damage or something about combat isnt good enough. The game has some balance issues I'll give you that but unless you know all that goes into making the game balanced or your a member of Bioware, I dont want to hear you talking cause it doesnt help anyone with your whiny comments.
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