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Posts posted by Ravanofdarkness

  1. I've already Pre-ordered it/Bought it just because i thought you know what, i will have faith for once in BioWare/EA again to see if it's worth my Money or something that should of been handed down for Subscribers for free. I've been a paying Member for SWTOR since they released the Game and never stopt, was part of the Beta and purchased the Collectors Edition. I've already stopt purchasing alot of EA Games because of the way they were just abusing those Games with Content etc... including Online Passes, so most of the newer EA Games i just rent from a friend now and once in a blue moon now i will buy one depending if it's worth my Money or not.


    So i hope BioWare/EA won't let me down again or else i'm gonna cut my ties with this Game and from the Company.

  2. Alot of People trying to praise BioWare/EA that the Content is only 10$ (8€) for Subscribers and twice that for Non-Subscribers but if you ask me guys this stuff should be free for Subscribers specially People like myself that Subscribed and stayed Subscribed since day 1, adding a New Planet etc... is nice and all and i can maybe understand them wanting for charge for that but charging for the Level Cap increase which really doesen't take any work what so ever is abit rediculous, anyone that has some Modding Experience or C++ Experience like myself can tell you thats like 15-30mins work tops. Also, the new Race better not be only obtainable through this Expansion. Sorry BioWare/EA but you guys better work on alot more Free Non-Cartel Market Items before deciding to release Expansion Packs not to mention there's still alot of bugs with the current Items and Game.


    Also, before People start calling me Cheap. I'm not being Cheap, i've purchased the Collectors Edition of SWTOR and Pre-ordered the Game including having stayed a Subscriber since Day 1 and i've even purchased this Cheap Expansion Pack. I'm just being realistic here and just think that BioWare is really just screwing us Subscribers by really only adding alot of new Ingame Items through the Cartel Market and now with this Expansion Pack.

  3. Yeah, my Unify Companion Colors is still broken aswell. Honestly i'm surprised BioWare/EA didn't bother fixing this when this bug was Reported the first two days, it's not like it's a Major bug and should only take around 1-3 days tops to be fixed, i would know because i'm taking Game Development classes myself for Character Modeling and Texture Design for nearly 2 years, still got 1 year and a few months before i graduate in becoming Game Developer if i pass the final exam. There's no excuse for BioWare not to fix this on Tuesday, it's literally a one man job and they have how many People working at BioWare/EA for this Game?
  4. I'm happy that BioWare/EA found a new way to make Money but honestly keeping most of the Items only obtainable on the Cartel Market unless someone else buys them and puts them up on GTN for a dumb amount of Money is just stupid, i personally feel like im getting punished for staying subscribed to the Game with the little new Content they do add that we don't have to pay Extra for if we want it. Make it so those Cartel Items are more Obtainable for those that are Subscribed and keep it the way it is for those F2P's, even giving Subscribed a 33% off on all Cartel Item's would be a Major Improvements for us.
  5. Would love to see a Vendor being added sometime soon that let's us buy a Custom Dye Color for our Armor/Clothing so we can walk around in the Armor/Cloths we like with the Colors we love and a great spot to add that Vendor would be in the Cantina Area at the Republic/Imperial Fleet since there are 4 Vendor Booths and 2 out of 4 are taken by some NPC Droids that sell Stims, Medpacks and the VIP Lounge Pass.
  6. I Agree with your post, while i really enjoy the Game it really lacks on End Game Content and i wouldn't mind seeing another Act IV in the future for all Classes which really got me hooked into SWTOR. Also, i would love the Space Combat to improve alot because the current Space Combat is fun here and there it's really nothing more but like an iPhone Game and i rather see the Open World Flight Space Combat from Star Wars: Galaxies to be implanted to the Game. I know alot of you People claim that's not possible but it is possible and there are Single Developers out there that used the Hero Engine that also is being used in SWTOR to demonstrate that the GameEngine can pull that off very well and i would also like to beable to customize the Interior of my Spaceship or change the color of my Spaceship or even purchase a new one. Not to mention that i would enjoy seeing a Vendor being added in the future maybe were we could go to to dye our Clothing to the color we want and maybe see some more effort put into releasing new Gear instead of Re-releasing the same old Gear Models with different colors and renaming them into something else. Other then that the Game is great.
  7. Honestly, Game Update 1.5 barely added much except a new Companion a small new Area to explorer and the F2P. I'm pretty sure whatever is in Game Update 1.6 should of been part of Game Update 1.5 like the new Space Missions, new Warzone Map etc... honestly every MMO i played such as FFXI, WoW, STO, Phantasy Star Online etc... when they added new Content you saw alot of new stuff being added but ToR adds less then what a random FPS Game adds. Hell, i think CoD and Battlefield add more Content then ToR did since release. I've been Subscribed since Day 1 when the Game released and stayed Subscribed since but i expect alot more Content to be added every 6 weeks because this is a joke.
  8. Personally, i would like to hear everyone's opinion about the current Space Combat and Spaceship related thoughts on what they would like to see being improved and added on. I would love to have an Option to Customize the Interior of my Spaceship some more and change my Spaceships Color or even have an Option to Purchase a different new Spaceship. Also would love to have an Option to fly around in Space Freely like in Star Wars: Galaxies and maybe some Space PvP.
  9. I hope they do some more Performance Enhancing like they are doing with the Lighting in Game Update 1.5, where the Lighting has been improved and to act more realistic to its surrounds by keeping the same Performance or even slighty better then the current Lighting. Now if they did that with alot more of the Game Mechanic's the Game should be running alot better.
  10. Personally, i wouldn't mind if BioWare made a Sex Slave Outfit for the Male Characters because to me it would be a good laugh and i don't really have anything against Gay People either but to me i think most of them that are Gay went through something Emotionally/Mentally to make them feel/think the way they are because it's not really in our Nature to sleep with the same sex because if that was the Case then i highly doubt we would all be here now.


    But that's just me, if you like the same Sex good for you.

  11. Legacy. Level another character.


    Seriously this game is an MMO. Group interaction is pretty much in the job description.


    While your correct that MMO's are suppose to be Group Played Games your also missing the point that BioWare said that one of the cool features about this Game is that you can play the Game by yourself without being forced to do alot of Grouping to do the Major Fun Stuff or great Rewards. So if i understood the person correctly he was just hoping that they would add more stuff to do for People like himself that enjoy being able to play the Game without having to wait and gather a group together to do the things they wanna do.

  12. I was just wondering if anyone else that bought the Collectors Edition or even the VIP Access feels abit dissapointed with the Goods in the Store. For an example those like myself that bought the Collectors Edition where looking forward to some cool items to buy at the Collectors Edition Vendor yet all we get are some Republic Officer Outfit pieces that look the same as the Republic Space Flight outfit that you can buy at the Spaceship Commendation Store with the slight diffence of that outfit being abit brighter blue not to mention the Collectors Vendor only sells two diffrent Companion Customization looks that i can't even use since both aren't for any of the Jedi Consular Companions. Leaving only one somewhat useful item in the Store thats a Pet and at the VIP Vendor the only thing Available is the overpriced Mount you can buy.


    Honestly, this has to be a joke on BioWare/EA because i was expecting alot more for 150$ and i'm sure People that spent 1.000.000 Credits where looking forward to alot more at the VIP Vendor except that one expensive Mount to buy. Share your thoughts about this and are you guys hoping for BioWare/EA to add more Exclusive/Unique stuff to both the Collectors and VIP Vendor?


    Screenshot of Both Vendors to show what they have for Sale:


    Collectors Edition Vendor:



    VIP Vendor:


  13. I guess it's nice your giving something to People that stay Subscribed but if this is suppose to be a Tactic to keep Players Subscribing that aren't going to keep Playing this Game anymore then it's just a big Failure. Because honestly a Title and a small little Token that shines a Founder Logo over your head takes nothing more then 10min to Programm tops and i would know since i'm in College studying for IT Software Engineering and Design.


    So how about you put some more Effort into this BioWare because us Adults and future Game Designers aren't easily impressed.

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