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Posts posted by Tjaffe

  1. GJ of doing not much and I mean not much !!!! Still nothing that heals us like the other classes, because of that you hope you get the right damage for not having that heal. But of course not! And fixa that entrench reduces all damage from "all" sources not all area damage. I why must i be in cover to do orbital strike and suppresive fire. Did you rally have to change that. everthing must be done in cover! SO BAD SO BAD. What are you thinking are you even! Look what you did with the shadow omg impossible to get to stuck now. Allways a why out for them but not us snipers, just die and die. One class is god and others are like small puppet soliders! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::
  2. when can i dream about a lag free swtor that i dont have to worry about not play a certain character because of the lag this game provides. and yes i have a good lapop top, so its not it that bring me down.
  3. Am I the only one who thinks the vanguard is underpowered and need a bit of a boost when i comes to do damage. If you look at attacks like snipers ambush, jaggernauts ravenge, assassins maul. this attacks dose so much damage that you will have to have 3 impact bolts to compare it or at least 2 and a half impact bolt. And this a feel is a bit wrong thats someone thats ten levels lower then me can do damage over 2000 that i never hit with my vanguard. any thoughts on this pls share them:mad:
  4. hi am I the only one who thinks that the vanguard should have storm as level skill you learn at level 20-26 instead of a skill tree ability- the class is not the as fun as the other classes like jaggernaut, operative, sniper, assasin etc.
  5. Hi if I join a warzone and after time figure out the the team I am playing with is noobs(:mad: players that dont know what they are doing). So if I leave that warzone and queue again for warzone. I would end up with the same team I left. If you leave a warzone and queue again I dont think you should end up with the team you left!:mad:
  6. Hi

    I am a pvp guy who loves to play pvp. When i play pvp with my jaggernaut it is really hard to kill becasue of the low damage I do. But when I switch to my assassin, I do three times as much damage as my sith warrior. And I also wanna commet about why the hell is force puch learnd at lvl 26. It is to high. Every other character learns there or already have there push back/ puch away spell at level 14. I really think you should lower it! Becasue I dont see the jaggernaut as a good pvp character at all! To be honest I thing it is the worst of all the character as have played so far and thats not good for those who had the dream of being a ****** killer on the warzones. Btw I have played all the characters! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

  7. I also wanna put it that this classes (jedi/sith) should be able to defelct back shots at the enemy. When you are meeting a trooper or a smuggler in battle in gets really hard to hit them if they always move. And the trooper nor the smuggler never misses. But in the bounty hunter progession video ( powertech side) the vanguard in that scen misses all his shots. But i have never seen that in the game so far. I also have a commande and she never missed. Thats god when I am playing commando hehe. But if I am playing on my jaggernaut or maruder, I would like to have a chance to deflect back shots at the enemy who is shoting at me. I am not happy at all of have you have done the the sith warrior class in pvp. And i am a pvp guy!
  8. If you were unable to be hurt, but could hurt others, this would not be much of a game, would it?


    Side note, roll a Jedi Consular. We can deflect bolts.


    HI, btw have you seen the bounty hunter progression video. I am talking about the powertech side. The powertech faces a jedi and a vanguard. The vanduard misses all his shots and the pwertech takes him down. My point is that the trooper on pvp ever miss. thats way i am bring up th topic about deflection for the stih and the jedi.

  9. If you were unable to be hurt, but could hurt others, this would not be much of a game, would it?


    Side note, roll a Jedi Consular. We can deflect bolts.


    But, the thing is that the warrior dosent deflect any shot at all. Thanks for the advice i already have a sage on level 47.


    In kotor 2. Aton says that you have to be smart if are going to kill a jedi/sith. You cant just rush in and meet them hand on. You need to be cleaver and use gadgets! But my point is that. Arent the sith/jedi suppose to have special traning to handle whatever comes to them. To see a jedi/sith not be able to protect them self (deflect back at the pvp players) is not the jedi/sith a have learn and seen from the movies and in the previous kotor games and other starwars games i have played I have played.


    The force is suppose to give them skills to handle them self well in battle or in a conflict. And btw i dident mean i was suppose to hit back every shot, but at least some shot would make it more beliveble that i am a force user. Not some random salve around the corner who found a ligthsaber a liked to kill and be ******.


    Sorry if my english is not so good. But I hope you understand something of the things a says!

  10. Are joking when a sith jaggernaut cant deflect back shot at enimies. I am talking pvp now. Have you guys seen then movies? They do it all the time. They even do it on the other starwars games. Jedi acdemy, revenge of the sith.


    Because the trooper dont seem to have a problem hitting me with every shoot. How I am suppose to defend myself, while i am wating for my force charge to be able. I am a sith warrior with the supriror traning and i can defelct back any shoot at all. good god, was my trainer before korriban drunk or retarded?

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