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Posts posted by HibashiraSakai

  1. I'm thinking about farming a suit of Battlerager (Cademimu FP) for her. But before I sink time into it, does anyone has a picture with her in it? Does she look good in it?


    Any other suggestions? Sexy is good but primarily I want her to look feminine.

  2. Consular is definitely Chapter 1. I like the mystery story.

    JK is definitely Chapter 3. The ending was awesome.

    Sith Warrior is good through and through. I like all 3 chapters.

    Agent is Chapter 1. Chapter 2 was fair but 3 just got all weird.

    Bounty Hunter is Chapter 1. Too much lapdogging in 2. 3 picked it up again but then it ended so quickly and it was too Imperial.

    Trooper was okay, a little too much politics for my taste.

    Smuggler is my least favorite, I don't like any of the chapters.


    Haven't played Inquisitor yet.

  3. Yeah, us subscribed players should be allowed to transfer anywhere for free for the first time.


    I predict this is going to be a paid service but not with money. Instead, it will be via Cartel Coin. That way subscribers could look at it as free since they get *free* CC. And F2P players will definitely have to paid money to buy the CC.


    That's why they can't roll this out until F2P.

  4. Vette for sure is my #1. She could make me laugh in real life.


    Then Blizz. How can a Jawa tank not be cool!?


    Then it's a toss up between Mako for her geekiness, Kira for her not giving a hoot about the Jedi code, and Guss for the sh_t he says.

  5. I live in Hawaii so timezone is the single most important determinant. I'm looking for a guild with prime time HST, late night PST, and/or ungodly am EST player base.


    I play both sides. 4 lvl 50 Republic toons (1 raid 3 casual), 1 lvl 50 Imperial working on a 2nd (both causal), plus a 3rd orphaned on a different server until BW enable server transfer. Will eventually level up the 4th. I'm mostly PvE and RP, not really Into PvP.


    I'd love to discuss details if your guild plays in the right time.

  6. The fact that we can't see other player's companion's offensive stance tells us that the server has the correct "state" and is passing down to other people's client-side fine. That means the issue is our own client having the wrong "state" for our own character and it is not synced from the server.


    I bet they could force the client-server to re-check every so often but that would create a huge amount of unnecessary traffic. The real fix is probably the client side but they haven't figured out how to change/add codes without making things worse. That's my guess anyway.

  7. I'm trying to collect a suit of TT-17A Hydra armor (have 3 of 7 so far) for my BH and I'm missing the Saber Marshal's Boots for my Assassin.


    The one I'm actively working on is the Saber Marshal's Boots. I've been farming in Tatooine for 3 weeks now. Some site suggest farming for comm and trade for the Protoype boxes/cases from the Equipment Commendation vendor. I've gotten a lot of blues and oranges by I don't actually under that mechanics either so I'm not even sure I'm trading for the right box/case.

  8. Can someone explain the mechanics of world drop?


    I'm trying to get my hands on a set of customizable armor (orange). TORHead, Tor-Fashion, etc. all listed some of the pieces as world drop. Besides camping GTN, which I have been doig daily for a month, how would I go about farming each pieces?

  9. The biggest problems with crafting are:


    1. Mid level and up don't wear non-orange gears in the main slots. That means all mid-level and higher non-orange recipes are just fillers. If we just look at existing orange craftables, there isn't a great deal of variety.
    2. There isn't enough ways to customize looks. Coloring, patches, pockets, materials, styles all affect how we relate to our character. Allowing our own creation gives us that unique look. Not allowing it made us look just like the next person.

  10. How exactly do they work?


    Say, I turn in 10 Dromund Kaas commendations for a, say, Rudimentary Prototype Storage Case. It says the level is 16. Does that mean it is pulling blue or lower items from the level 16 ... bracket? I opened a few and I get level 15, 14, and 13 items. I take it that means the "level 16" is just a cap? How low does it go?


    If I want to try for a level 16 world drop item, am I getting the right case? Or should I be trying for a level 18 case instead?

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