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Posts posted by draxy

  1. "Yoda" class will never happen. Lucas is far to protective of the character, it's history and it's lore.


    Agreed with this it is well known lucas wouldnt allow it, one guy tried it name it in one of the books but lucas denied it and if it was to happen i can be pretty certain the majority of players will be the yoda species or rakata it would be even worse then the (something im guilty of) pureblood dominatin of sith characters :p

  2. Ooo I got one, since theres like 4 tauntaun pets around. Perhaps a comic where a sith or jedi, have an a bunch of their tauntaun pets running around them? Or they have an army, and are going to destroy the enemy!


    Or a Smuggler could be smuggling a ship full of tauntauns!



    It could be done like the gizka in KOTOR when you land on tatooine

  3. i have an idea where you could make a dak jaesa version of overly attached girlfriend as she tells you in a letter (if you romance her) that she stalks you to see if you had any lovers and then gets disappointed that you didnt because she didnt get to kill them .:p
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