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Posts posted by Drooge

  1. Well I dunno about 1 thing.


    Imagine if space combat was a free fly space sim that could venture into PvP areas (its not impossible, the idiots at Sony did a bang up job with SWG - JTL)


    Competitvie open pvp. how? real freakin rewards for pvp levels, not just being able to wear better gear. The whole gear thing was a massive mistake anyhow. Valor levels should have translated to additional pvp abilities active and passive, not the same gear that everyone else has! Make people want that next valor level bad!


    Ilum is terribad, people just don't want to be there and theres no reason now to be there. GIVE US SOMETHING WORTH FIGHTING OVER IN OPEN PVP BW!!!!

  2. If only all the people who posted on that stupid, never ending petition for 'same gender romance story lines' from pre-launch still played....all the durn servers would still be full!


    Hoping for an SWTOR revival with 1.3, just like everyone else that still cares.



  3. So, on reppublic at least - I don't see a companion available with +crit to artifice - is that correct?


    The legacy sensor from the 1,000,000 credit repair droid is +10 artifice efficiency (reduce craft time) an + 2 crit to TH.


    Anyone know why we don't get +crit option like everyone else?


    I hope that I'm wrong and someone flames me with the way to get +crit to artifice

  4. Personally, I don't mind the warzones. I hope that they fix the ones that they have and then give us a few more.


    Capture the Flag

    Hold the Nugget (timed 'ball' control event)

    More Assault maps like Voidstar


    That would be fine. What really irks me is how pointless Ilum is.


    So there are these caves along the edges - what were those supposed to be for?

    No one ever fights anywhere but central. Holding other places is pointless. You take them, you get your 1hr buff and you go central, no reason to defend. Just Ilum? really? It's not a big deal because on my server only about 50-70 regulars on both sides mess with open pvp so far. It seems pretty unpopular with most of the game population. If not for my urge to kill enemy players, I probably wouldn't do it either.


    As much of a fan of SWTOR as I am, the only thing that I can say about open pvp is that - 'It can be fun...sometimes'


    If this keeps up, dedicated pvp players are going to walk. Even the hard core Star Wars loving ones. You have GW2 and TSW coming out, both heavily geared to pvp. SWTOR open pvp CAN be fixed. BW - You have the DAoC guys/gals RIGHT THERE. They fixed DAoC open PvP mid stream, they can fix this game if you let them.

  5. Get valor 60, then just do your dailies and weeklies until you have competitive gear for your server. Spend the rest of the time enjoying more balanced PvP with an alt.


    I'm not knocking L50 PvP - it's important to play at a disadvantage against advanced competition, it makes you a better player. It's just easy to get discouraged and flame out.


    That's easy to say until some geared up BH hits you for 5k damage 3x in 6 seconds. BW said early on that gear would not be the be-all end-all factor in this game. It is and it stinks.


    Expertise is a useless stat. Ditch it IMO. Also, some stat caps would be wise so that people have to actually think about a build rather than just load up on win.

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