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Posts posted by Mortontel

  1. It is no wonder that European players are deserting the game in droves with all the daytime downtime we have to endure.


    Question: If the servers are physically situated in Europe why can they not be serviced overnight as the American servers are ?

  2. It is such a shame that after all the development time and effort and all the beta testing that this MMO's launch has been so badly mishandled - and yes BW is quoted as saying that it launched on the 13th. Why oh why did they not just send out emails to all concerned with a start date and time for their early access code?? It would have saved all the grief and angst that has been apparent on these and other forums - perhaps the guys responsible for this abortion of a launch should fall on their swords. Personally it has just left me with a bitter taste in my mouth and most of my goodwill towards Bioware has gone down the pan.
  3. I well remember the World of Warcraft launch, back in the days when Blizzard were not as big and powerful as they are now and no there were no long queues to get onto a server, maybe the starter areas were packed but at least it was a level playing field - to me this stinks and has total disregard for the players (whom they no doubt want to retain for a long time period to maximize their profits). News for you BW - if you aggravate so many players as you appear to be doing today then no matter how good a game you have produced then it will be short lived. I always remember being told "The customer is always right" - does not seem to apply to BW though !
  4. 7 days is a bonus compared to what they originally promised, everyone should be thankful, because originally the people with Collector's Edition would have waited until Thursday, December 15th, 2011.




    Why did they not send out emails to people telling them all before all this balls-up started when and on what day they could log in - save all this complaining. Probably because the person in charge of the early start is lacking something - let me think what, ah yes - A BRAIN !!!!

  5. Just want to thank the idiots who came up with this 'wave' system - most of the guys in the guild I joined in pre-launch are already on playing, my RL friend is on - how the f**k am I ever going to catch them up and play with them? Makes me re-think taking out a subscription with this pile of poop company - remember Bioware you aint the only fish in the sea !
  6. I actually pre-ordered the game before the first aborted launch date at the beginning of the year but Amazon didn't send me a code till August - bad service by both Amazon AND Bioware.

    Still as they say - everything comes to he who waits - just don't make it too long guys as mosts of my guild is in already.

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