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Posts posted by LadyRaven

  1. I am glad they decided to spend some money and add more story content. Fantastic decision. Now any chance for a new class or two? Pet class, maybe? Idk. But, I truly believe it would freshen it up even more. But at least they are going in the right direction. Just please don't go overboard on freshening up. *cough cataclysm*


    Same here!


    More story! Not expanded class stories that I was always hoping for but this might turn out even better. I have wanted to *swap* companions since forever. Also many times just wanted to do my class stories up to that point. With horrible alt-itis that I have, I certainly have seen enough of the regular planet missions for a lifetime. We'll see in a few months I guess.

  2. Yes the speeder is bugged, only seems to work on level 55s.


    My level 50s/48s/46s can't use.


    That's odd. My 41+'s can use it fine. They have speeder piloting 3. If it requires that it should have text to reflect that. All my *free* speeders said is must be lvl 10 to use this. Maybe they will fix soon.

  3. When did WoW become group-oriented? Granted I've been unsubscribed for a bit over a year, but in all the years I played, it was very, very solo-friendly.


    Very good point. I agree. I could solo most everything in that game. And it wasn't the only MMO like that, just the biggest and *long lasting*.

  4. I disagree. The Class stories and companions are the only thing this game has to set it apart from the pack.


    People who want to group will regardless. People who don't won't. Try and force everyone to group or pvp or raid and the sub base lessens a great deal. That's the last thing Tor needs is less people playing and paying. imho

  5. I am finally throwing in the towel. In a guild of 8 friends I was the only one stubborn enough to stick around.

    Several of them considered coming back to see what's changed when the game went ftp. But even free they don't decided not too. Why? Same reason as why I'm going.


    Too much repetition. I love making alts and trying different things but the thought of going through all the same planets and same quests again is too much! (not Class quests that's what they wanted to finish trying)


    I am only here for the story/class quests and since the VO/Cinematics is too expensive it's highly unlikely they will ever be expanded. I don't care about raiding or PvP. (although I would pvp some if I could opt out of huttball. Gak)


    The game shipped barebones much to the dismay of many people. (No guild banks? No server transfers? Etc.) I am a patient person but even I have limits.


    And then there are the bugs. Bugs happen in all software but...

    When it seems every other patch (every patch lately) breaks major things I wonder why am I still here? I am not having fun anymore.


    I love BW stories and its really the only reason I came here as a long time fan. I also loved SW so thought BW+SW has to be awesome Yes? Could have, should have but whatever. Too much budget on VO in my unprofessional opinion and not enough meat and potatoes for long lasting game play and replayability.


    All imho


    Good luck all. I wish you all and the game the best.

  6. I think I'll just play Diablo 2 to the end of time, thanks.


    I agree. I didn't buy D3 for that reason. (Plus a friend recorded a play-through and I was not impressed)


    If this game goes south. (I hope not!) I would hope they re-release it somehow so people can still play sp. Too much good stuff just to throw it all away. imho

  7. There are some WZs that are so hated that I suspect some people just don't queue sometimes at all rather than be forced into them. It's possible that choice could draw more people to the queue. I don't blame Bioware for not taking the chance.


    I agree. If Huttball was on a seperate deal I would gladly que even WITH my healers. But alas no. I will not do huttball, spaceball. whack a mole or anything like them. blarg

  8. So I really don't care about any of the new gear, new mods are all that matter to me. Because im a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe. So who's with me? Who else is a proud Brown Robe wearing Jedi? Forget about all those crazy flamboyent types that want to strut their sparkly new cloths. Brown Robes Represent!


    My sage wears a brown robe and skirt does that count?

  9. good for u, but does it bring more players?


    no if they want to get new players to pay, they have to revamp the combat system


    or put in difficulty slider, but if they keep tings as is, customer ratio wont change either


    I very much agree with this. Not everyone is good at hulk-smash, pew-pew. Elites and Bosses getting downgraded via a slider so people can do the story and planet side missions would be a huge boon. City of Heroes added this and it was great! Those that said it was all too easy turmed it all the way up and got a challenge at last as well.

  10. Honestly looking forward to the XP boost! I so much hope it will allow me to level up to 50 by doing class quests only! No more boring, distractive and repetitive planet arcs and miscellaneous quests! ^^ Can't wait for Cash Shop and new PC. It's gonna be like playing a new game. The improved facial animations are great.


    I agree x100000000000!


    It would be nice to get more story class legacy xp boosts too for those who want to play through the story of each class.

  11. they said more class story by the end of the year int he Q & A...unless they just happen to "forget" :rolleyes:


    They also promised expanded class stories and more in last *May's* update. I have...no hope anymore since the Dev comment says it takes too long and is too expensive (VO, zillion cutscences rendered) etc. He didn't say never, he more or less sounded like the back burner...forever. Much the same thing as far as I'm concerned.

  12. Yeah, there is essentially Pokemon and Farmville in the game now...but you can ignore it if it's not your thing. Blizzard wants to give the non-raiding people something to do....and it's working. SWTOR could use a few more little mini game type things for those kinds of people as well.


    I agree. I want to earn XP for picking flowers or get new titles for pet collecting. Non-mandatory mini-games would be great too. Swoop bike/pod racing! Pazaak! All this game offers is combat, combat and more combat. Need variety pls!

  13. Suggesting one read a book or take a walk requires a narrow view of your fellow man. Since I am dyslexic and disabled neither is an option for me. Further I live with severe pain and my pain meds are late being delivered. Playing this game is usually a wonderful distraction for me, but not today, so if I've offended anyone (except the IT guy) I apologize!


    Don't let rude people get to you. There are still *some* human beings out there with ya.

  14. It can. As long as we are given end-game content. Which was the reason the game lost so many to begin with.


    I think that's only a small part of it.


    Out of the 8 others I played with since early access week...I am the only one left.


    Many said they are not really even interested in the FTP option. Why? Well many did want to try other class stories then the horror sets in. Same planets/quests all over again.


    I do know how they feel. I have alt-itis and really I don't want to ever see balmorra or ord mantel ever again.


    This game needed more zones to level up in or becomes stale real fast. So yeah more content but across all levels not just *end game*.


    Not just imho this time...

  15. To be fair, what if they do admit that they completely screwed up the game with the patch? What then?


    I am being sincere here.. Not a smartyboots (smartyboots?):p


    Roll back and delete patch. It's not worth the new OP...no way.


    Someone said hire a new management team. I don't think ToR has the funds to pay those they have, but a few extra hands is what they seem to need.

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