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Posts posted by Bizmarc

  1. Probably not the case. Long queues would tho


    Give me the option to queue or not then, want to play every 3 mins, hutball


    want a better game thats more fun and won't sap your enthusiasm for pvp, queue for the other 2 warzones...

  2. how? forcing people toplay huttball won't improve server imbalance, it'll just kill off warzone pvp.


    no ones goingto quit their faction, char, guild just to play alderan and voidzone.

  3. i don't care about factions, i'm playing with friends all i want is to enjoy warzones and thatsmassivly impeeded byt doing the same warzone over and over, variaty would be nice
  4. Is there some sort of bug that means i play 90% more huttball than any other warzone?


    Sick of playing it, let me choose to either play smething else or vito huttball!

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