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Posts posted by _Corth_

  1. Bioware,


    There needs to be an option to use a character's quick travel to fleet from the character selection screen. This would allow stuck and bugged characters to be unstuck without needing to log in. You could easily create a "put character on fleet" button on the character selection.


    I'm sure this would alleviate dealing with many stuck and bugged ticket submissions. I myself have been waiting on a ticket submission for two days just to play this game because I can't log into my main character who is bugged in a someone's stronghold. This solution would help players like me and reduce your workload.

  2. Bioware,


    Your idea to offer so many basic decorations as part of cartel packs is absurd. I shouldn't have to wait months for office dividers and plasteel crates to go on the GTN only to be sold for hundreds of thousands of credits.


    PLEASE add more basic decorations to vendors. Keep the rare and sexy stuff for cartel packs.


    This issue is keeping me from doing what you want me to do : spend my cartel coins buying strongholds.

  3. My toon smuggled information and documents. feedback appreciated:




    "Corth loved Coruscant nights. The cool air weaved through the upper strata of buildings carrying the dull drone of a million speeders down below. Always made him feel at ease. The serenity of the cityscape was in sharp contrast to the screaming adrenaline that Corth would soon feel. He nervously thumbed the data stick deep inside a hidden pocket in his jacket. The reality came crashing into his senses all at once. Standing on the ledge of a residential deck, Corth took one last look across the skyline and stepped out into the void with nothing below him for thousands of feet.


    The rush of polluted air slammed Corth's nostrils as usual. He could feel he was reaching terminal velocity. Keep tracking, stay focused. Corth flew his body in a slow corkscrew down the length of the building. No sign of security droids. Slicing through the air, Corth knew that the sub-level security scanners only looked for the electromagnetic signatures of speeders and droids – not a lone falling organic.


    Nearly a minute passed. He was almost at his target: a 50 meter-wide opening of a sub-level air filtration plant. Steady, stay on target. Corth screamed through the opening and immediately pulled the release on his mono-membrane synthweave descender. Corth steered to the station floor and made a tip-toe landing kicking up dust. Silence. Corth had successfully infiltrated the lower restricted levels. He hoped the data he was carrying was worth the risk."



    ~Narrative Biography~


    Born on Coruscant, Corth enjoyed a life of privilege and expectations. His father was a diplomat and mother a famous musician. This afforded him some of the best training and education the galaxy had to offer. Expected to join his father in the diplomatic office, Corth, however, desired a more exciting life.


    The answer to his dream of adventuring came in the form of a longtime family-friend named Rakso Reldnihcs who worked in the diplomatic office with Corth's father. Reldnihcs gave Corth his first smuggling job unbeknownst to Corth's parents. For years the old family friend had been using his position in the diplomatic office to run information, visas, and credentials into the lower sections of the city.


    Society in Coruscant is vertically stratified into a class system with the wealthiest residents at the top levels. Coruscant security prevents horizontal travel into restricted zones but also mainly focuses on restricting access between various levels of the city. There is a constant waiting list of people living in the lower levels who are trying to gain admittance into the higher strata to be with family members, escape crime, seek medical treatment or just make a better life for their families.


    A true altruist, Reldnihcs has been identifying worthy individuals who he thinks deserve a better life in the upper levels and has been using “Vertrunners” to smuggle credentials down to them so they may move freely across the security checkpoints. Vertrunners are smugglers who base-jump from the upper city levels down to the sub-levels thereby bypassing all interior security checkpoints. Exterior security only checks for organics climbing on the buildings or the electromagnetic signatures of droids and speeders.


    Corth's father was aware that his friend Reldnihcs was engaged in this activity but never found out Corth was involved. After a year of smuggling Corth was presented with devastating news: His parents who had been returning from a diplomatic mission had gone missing and were presumed dead. Their spacecraft had sent a distress signal from a region of the system that was known to disrupt navigation and send spacecraft violently into a nearby star. No other information was given to Corth.


    Confused and angry, Corth liquified some of his families assets and purchased a freighter. Aimlessly he set off to get away from Coruscant to clear his head. He knew his extensive education and training had come at the cost of actual practical application and experience and he wanted to test himself and see what the galaxy had to offer.

  4. My apologies everyone, I have been out of town. I am happy to see so much interest in this. Together we will make this game what we want it to be!


    Thank you all for setting a specific time. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this weekend because my brother will be in town. We will still have at least one person from Alpha Company though.


    I suggest each guild come with a VERY specific agenda. We should keep this simple ie. each guild asking only 1 or 2 questions they want answered from the other Jung Ma Republic guilds. I also suggest the representatives nominate a moderator - someone with a calm demeanor who can keep people on track... so no one from Alpha Company.


    Some possible questions we might want answered (I'm sure you all can think of much better questions as well):


    -How often do we want to engage in WPVP

    -Nominate frequent patrol zones

    -Establish alliance networks, communication avenues and rules regarding assistance

    -each guilds' capabilities - numbers, playtimes, battlefield roles etc. (normally I would say this needs to be OPSEC but in the interest of increasing wpvp on this server - might as well make it public.)


    All guilds should be taking personal notes from the meeting to share with their guilds. We also might want to nominate someone to create a summary of the discussion to post for the rest of the community - including imperials to see.


    I hope this goes well. We should really commit to doing this and giving it a good effort. Good luck everyone. I will be able to attend the next meeting if this goes well.

  5. Fantastic. I also talked to Som recently and he says Nexu will be looking for some coordination in the future as well - that will also be dependent on the rest of the Sokan leadership. I'm looking for more guild leaders to sound off in this thread.
  6. With recent server transfers it seems like everyone wants to know what the state of Jung Ma is. As the only RP-PVP server I think we have an obligation to promote what make us unique: community organized world PVP. The desire for these kinds of events is clearly present. This thread is a good recent example: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=654107


    The imperial leadership has already conducted summit meetings with various guilds. The idea started here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=646692


    Has the Republic had any success getting our own summit meetings going? I couldn't find a Republic Summit thread which is why I am posting this.


    I am primarily interested in creating a list of Republic guilds who are interested in actively working with Imperial guilds to set up large and small scale RP-PVP events. We need to be having monthly meetings just as they are doing on the Imperial side in order to organize ourselves.


    Which Republic guilds have an interest in participating in these meetings?

  7. It was good talking to you the other day Kuni....except for the end. you know what I mean. Anyway, the interest is definitely there on this server. One thing we need though is actual scheduled scenario events. They don't have to be hugely elaborate but they need to have a set date and time. Saying, "bring some of your people tomorrow night" doesn't seem to be working too well as it is tough to informally get people together.


    Let's keep the dialogue going.



    -Alpha Company, 203rd REL-

  8. Dirty Fighting Scoundrel


    1. How do you think your Scoundrel spec is perceived by other classes?

    It is perceived as a strange spec leaving people wondering why even bother with it. No one seems to feel too threatened by it in pvp.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?

    Unique. I really enjoy that it is a different playstyle for scoundrels. Without trying to be gunslingers, I am glad there is an option to be a close+medium range scoundrel rather than completely stuck to melee. Please keep this idea. I would like to see less reliance on blasterwhip for our UH proc. I would like to see less emphasis on shoot first and backblast to make up for our lack of burst as these abilities don't seem to fit as well thematically with DF


    thank you

  9. Hey Opf , have you considered posting some DF gameplay vids to youtube? I would really like to compare my playstyle. I question about every single thing I'm doing as a DF moreso than I do with any other AC and spec. Like - "should i stay back and dot extra people or should I charge in for my burst". etc. I like that DF is far more interesting and flexible than we all thought at first but I am still wondering if I'm even playing correctly.


    ALso, question: I mostly pvp with my DFer and I've noticed one thing that pisses me off almost more than energy management. I am constantly in combat. because of our dots - even when i die and respawn I am STILL in combat. This drasticly slows me down. I was wondering, do you think it would be worth it to forgo the talents Open Wound and Nice Try just so we can get out of combat when we aren't focusing on someone or do you think the dps is too much of a loss?

  10. I mean no offense to those of you putting in your 2 cents about what they should do to improve DF but there have been many threads like it already. I don't think the intent of this was to have another debate on how UH dependency or energy starvation can be changed. Can we please keep this to sharing tips and tactics on how to actually play a DF scoundrel as it currently is?
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