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Posts posted by Desolatos

  1. It is essential that it happens or it becomes too difficult for people to catch up to current content later on. If you started the game in two years you would to do three years worth of gearing your character to participate with high level guilds running ops for example. It also becomes impossible to make alts down the line because it would take so long to gear them up. It also divides the player base to heavily. I imagine finding a group for Karraga's Palace would be pretty difficult in 2014.
  2. All I know, is, I believe, f2p players evidently get lower xp than subbed players. As a sub, if I rolled a new character now, doing all the bonus side missions, skipping the heroics, I would be level 9 - 10 before I was done with the starter planet and . My son, (who is f2p) however, rolled a new character, did all of the above, and was something like level 8 when he left Tython. So, level-wise, he was behind. Now, at the end of Coruscant, he's still behind. I think he's level 13 going into his final class quest?


    I did Korriban with a f2p friend who was and inquistor and he got to level 11. We did both class quests together but it was almost all the same areas you went and just picked up different things to and could not have accounted for 3 levels.

  3. Can't comprehend how wrong you are, MDN players as a ridiculously huge majority will happily merge with a PVE server.


    In that case there will be no issue making US transfers an option. I think merging with option to transfer to US is best. It is impossible for the Dalborra to get any smaller even if everyone chooses US and if after that the pop is still too low then its time to think about shutting servers down.

  4. Check this thread




    Specifically, this quote


    Q: Any update on plans to convert the non-HM Flashpoints to HM versions? Will there be more Tier 2 Flashpoints?


    Jesse: We will be creating Hard Modes for all of the Flashpoints that do not have Hard Modes yet. That's something that I'm personally very excited about. As for Tier 2, the Group Finder categories will be reconfigured with the level cap increase so as not to split the Flashpoint queue into two populations. I think the challenge posed by Lost Island has offered a lot of entertainment, but it's also a PUG-killer that doesn't fit into a random mix very well. The newer Hard Modes will be balanced for a more consistent experience, both in terms of difficulty and length, and that should help keep queue times in check.


    Thank you :) just what I was looking for.

  5. I just wanted to know if there was any word on when the flashpoints like Athiss and Hammer Station which don't have hard modes will be given them. I am assuming it will happen eventually because its a cost efficient way to get some new(ish) content into the endgame. I also assume/hope they will be made tier 2 cause lost island must be getting lonely up there. Anyway just wondering if anyone knew whether or not Bioware has commented on this recently.
  6. buy the bars with cartel coins, get preferred status which unlocks more features. its all the money anyone who wants to level a f2p character with less restriction.


    I'm actually subscribed at the moment and I've got 1700 coins so I'll buy the bars if I want to unsubscribe, however I still think that three should be the absolute minimum even for a completely free player or at the very least preferred should get them automatically. Maybe three for free and four for preferred could be reasonable. Once that's changed I'll be very happy with F2P. I intend on going on and off subscription as I already do, but now I can use F2P to play alts and my main more casually when I've got less time to justify the sub.

  7. Just thought I'd chuck a thread in here that was positive towards F2P. I think that for the most part its pretty cool and I know a couple people who are trying out and enjoying the game because of it. However...




    But yeah, other than that I think most of the restrictions are pretty fair and there a good level of incentive to throw down some cash if you want more.

  8. My guardian tank easily uses more than two bars at 50 in most any fight of decent length. Two bars is not really enough even for a free player, three would be much more acceptable. I understand that you can't expect too much for free but its pretty annoying to have to gimp yourself by leaving out useful abilities or using the ability menu frequently in combat.
  9. Yes, if handled right I don't think that they are a bad thing. I don't think they destory communities as your real community is more your guild in my opinion. I don't think that PUGs are what make a servers community. As for nasty people in the groups, as long as there is a decent kicking system that becomes a pretty small issue and I don't think many people nowadays are that bad. Loot can also be handled on an individual basis rather than need before greed as is in LFR in Mists of Pandaria. As long a they give you reasons to play outside of instances such as world events I feel a cross server LFG tool will do little harm and plenty of good.
  10. I don't think that that all Flashpoints should have as much dialogue as BT however they need to have more than what they've got currently. Most WOW dungeons that have come out in the last coulpe years have more story than the average Flashpoint.


    Personally I think if the Flashpoints had half as much dialogue as BT and Esseles that would be good. But they should the occasional throw in dialogue heavy or dialogue light Flashpoint to change up the pace.


    Having the first be so involving and then having loads of virtually dialogue free ones is definitely not the way it should be.

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